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Everything posted by cfg

  1. "I will see what I can do about opening up CFSM to selectively allow ODLC to be enabled, disabled, backed up, and deleted as these activities do not seem to violate Site Rule #4." Thanks. "ODLC repairing, editing, modification, or tagging is not supported or condoned by CF, or the CFSM developers." I agree with this. My point is that if I buy a Song Pack, it has songs I like and songs I dont like. I want to be able to Disable some ODLC from CFSM.
  2. I understand the Piracy issue. Dont understand why CFSM doesnt allow to Disable ODLC from Song Manager. If it was because of Rule 4, it shouldnt be allowed in Setlist Manager either. Setlist Manager offers other functionality. Might as well delete or rename the files manually. I use CFSM to make managing my Song Library easier.
  3. cfg


    2 More songs with same DCL Key but not showing as Duplicates. https://mega.nz/#F!NPZSEKgY!_vyra3Mp_IADtO9CrdTfIA
  4. What is the logic of not disabling ODLC but allowing to disable CDLC?
  5. cfg


    https://mega.nz/#!lXpTjDpJ!52MUhW4H7dKnW5WYC7wyJueKC1yCkTFetnjkak1YJDs Let me know when devs have it to remove it.
  6. cfg


    Its not the ODLC but the bug is there. This is just the case I noticed. This is why I tried to upload the file but couldnt. I dont have a file sharing account. Anywhere I can upload it so devs can check the bug?
  7. cfg


    They have the same DLC Key as stated before. The Misfits song is not in customsforge.com which is why I tried to upload it but it is over the 500KB limit so I cant.
  8. cfg


    Why the attitude? I am being a Beta Tester trying to help you fix some bugs.
  9. cfg


    DLC Key: WhereEagelsDare by Iron Maiden and by Misfits. Have the same DLC Key but dont show as duplicates. Maiden from customsforge.com. Tried to attach Misfits one but it is too large. Why is there a Best Answer when it is not? Why can someone other than the OP choose the Best Answer?
  10. cfg


    How are Duplicates identified? I have 2 Songs by different bands with the same DLC Key but they dont show as Duplicates. I thought Duplicates are a problem when they have the same DLC key. I have other songs which are the same song with different DLC key and they dont cause problems.
  11. If I PGDN, PGUP and then try to search for something I get this error. Quite often. " See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box. ************** Exception Text ************** System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at CustomsForgeSongManager.UControls.SongManager.dgvSongsMaster_Sorted(Object sender, EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView.OnSorted(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView.SortInternal(IComparer comparer, DataGridViewColumn dataGridViewColumn, ListSortDirection direction) at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView.Sort(DataGridViewColumn dataGridViewColumn, ListSortDirection direction) at DataGridViewTools.DgvExtensions.RestoreSorting(DataGridView grid, Boolean toggleSort) at CustomsForgeSongManager.UControls.SongManager.cueSearch_KeyUp(Object sender, KeyEventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ProcessKeyEventArgs(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ProcessKeyMessage(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmKeyChar(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.TextBoxBase.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.TextBox.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) "
  12. Why is it not possible to Disable or Select All/None ODLC? I want to disable some ODLC so RS doesnt have to load as many files.
  13. Not worried about the warning as all the songs seemed to be there. When I installed the new version, it made a Full Scan. I went to Settings to Add RS1 CP, had to do a Full Scan again. Any way to prevent the First Full Scan until I have set my settings as I want them?
  14. Awesome! Back to normal speed. Got this error though: WARNING> CDLC is missing some basic song information meta data ... [2018/05/22 23:40:48]: - Could not find valid bnk file : X:\\xxxx\rs1compatibilitydlc_p.psarc : [2018/05/22 23:40:48]: - rs1compatibilitydlc_p.psarc [2018/05/22 23:40:48]: - This CDLC may still be usable but it should be updated if a newer version is available ...
  15. Is there a way to disable this? It took 20 minutes to scan. I rather have a fast scan.
  16. Installed Initial scan is a LOT slower than previous versions scans. I upgraded from What changed?
  17. I already tried this as explained before. I can get all the songs that have a Lead arrangement but cant only show that Tuning. I have CGT, it only modifies RS as far as I can see.
  18. This wont do what I need or I dont know how. Arrangements Contains Lead. Ok. Tunings not sure how to only show the Tuning for Lead.
  19. Installed 1432. It forgot my selected columns again. Saw the new Tunings1D Column. The problem with this is it is not possible to tell what tuning is for what Arrangement. Is it possible to have Columns for each arrangement tuning? This way the user can hide the columns he is not interested in and sort by the arrangement they are interested in.
  20. Skid Row Youth Gone Wild. Bass Drop D Lead E Standard CFSM shows Tuning as Drop D. I am interested in Lead. I removed colBass from settings but it still shows Tuning as Drop D. If there were a bassTuning, leadTuning, lead2Tuning, rhythmTuning, etc Columns, we could remove the Tunings we are not interested in from Settings.
  21. That would create 4 lines per song. Any way to choose the Arrangement I am interested in?
  22. It seems this is the case. Thanks. Would it be possible to choose the Path in CFSM so I can see the tuning that is relevant to me? Cheers.
  23. Hi, I select all columns from settings. Close CFSM, open it again and my column selection has changed back to default columns. I need to select all columns every time I restart CFSM. It should remember my columns after restarting. It happened with and, probably before as well. Yes I have made a clean install.
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