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  1. Wow, thanks for these new tips. I think i will definetly join the chasmpionship, and look out for the tips! Have a good day everyone!
  2. @@firekorn wow, that was quick, thanks for the fast reply! Thanks for the tips. I do not know why it did not came to my mind to look at usernames, but that makes a whole lot of sense. Thanks for the tip. A shame about the packs, but it is fully understandable. Thanks for the answer again, and may your day be extra spectacular!
  3. Hello, Customsforge community. I have two questions. The first is, what CDLC you would recommend. I find that a bunch of the CDLC I download is (at least according to me) not that high quality. I know the CDLC is user made, so I am not judging, I am just asking if anyone would recommend some specific CDLC. Now the second question is, would it be possible to create CDLC packs? By that, i mean a whole bunch of CDLC maps in a rar/zip file. I want to expand my horizon, so it would be nice to just download a whole bunch of maps at once. Thanks for your time, and have a nice day!
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