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Everything posted by NoonyDeloony

  1. Ok cool. My strings on the cirrus are much lighter, my jazz bass would probably sound better for this tune but it needs some tlc with a professional bass doctor :)
  2. Cheers @ that was a great play through :) what tone are you using? It sounds much nicer than mine :)
  3. Argghh @@MilkmanDan! I feel your pain... Happy birthday @. My prob seems to be accuracy related, my rhythm sounds fine when I play it back, almost pleasant, but for some reason, even on the unfiddly bits I get a lot less perfects in SA. I wish you could see in learn a song if you're hitting the note "bang on" or not because in SA it's impossible to correct your rhythm without it f'ing up somewhere down the line... It's ok to get "goods" but I would rather see less "goods" and more perfects.
  4. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=327180182 So close, no cigar :) @ Challenge accepted!
  5. Interpol improvement: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/40855620103534973/99295E5A1C0C850FED933524B8A714BA14A70CBD/ Kinda wished I'd recorded this one because the flow was much better this time. Made good progress in about 45 minutes so pretty pleased :)
  6. Welcome @@Kaijin, nice to have you back on board (or it could be reeeeally rubbish since I've never met you and know nothing about you... wait, no... I know you better than the back of my hand now, so, we're cool!) :) Forgot to post an update to my intermediate score last night ( Despite the previous one being 100% It didn't feel justified to allow that one given the "missed 17th fret-gate" debacle that Rocksmith seemed to overlook ) http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/40855620090630841/05C0DA724594F56ED3946661C1949EBF00D66A07/ And me, killing the proverbial radio star with another video :) I tried to re-record this track today as I'm donning a much nicer jumper but my hands are too feckin' cold to play and baby is due his lunch :) @@MilkmanDan such a good song choice :) It's lovely to play. Kudos.
  7. First attempt on SA for Interpol. Very much like this tune. High intermediate/low advanced I'd say. Nice a shifty using the fret board and all 4 strings. A bit of a goer, so to speak. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/40855620076425308/5B49355198BCA2E48668C3C96C8A39875CEE3042/ And a playthrough video of my first Score Attack attempt. Pretty awful, but, I reckon 100% is doable and hopefully the final playthrough will not be as shame-worthy as my jumper ;) Oh and Arctic monkey score : http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/40855620061867076/8FAD3762A5D36066894C2E37F3EB761006C8A64D/
  8. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/40855620048027333/E57CF86333F91A039326E7EC4B9EA0A63B0DA778/ Played this track 4 or 5 times a while ago. Nice warm up song. though, No way I got 100% though. I completely missed hitting the 17th fret on the a string and it even flagged up as a miss, so no idea what's happening there... ghosts in the machine! Some more shizzle tomorrow. Tiemz for some AoS and The Flash.
  9. @@Mortalo has approved my demotion to advanced :) I am now a happy, whiny, little bitch :) ... There shall be much ale quaffed in celebration tonight! Huzzah! Cheers again Mortalo :wub:
  10. Struggled with all the songs this week except for Johnny Halliday. No improvements, no videos, nada, nothing, squat, zilch, FA. Going out tomorrow night and will be in no fit state on Saturday to better my scores for this weeks comp. I might post a drunken video of Octavarium... might even be an improvement. Seriously though, practicing the MC songs is not increasing my ability in the slightest. It's no fun whatsoever being in this category.
  11. Dream Theater aka Nightmare Pantomime: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/40854890452408111/D2174DF82CB0253CA844B14E40F72B8DED71C458/ This song is actually damaging my hands. Might play it again tomorrow once I can bend my fingers back into less of a clubbed foot shape.
  12. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=323343648 MC attempt. Love the song, canne play it for the life of me... lots of mark downs due to being shit. Great to listen to provided I'm not playing it.
  13. @@Mortalo, in context of the RC, I meant to drop down 1 level when using the "mulligan" reference, an example of having to make the sacrifice in order to still be in the game... Presumably @@MilkmanDan meant the same, but I am sure he'll correct me if I am wrong.
  14. I haven't got round to playing it yet @@Nacholede, my practice starts when the kids are in bed ... 3 more hours til respite :) I will let you know then how it goes :D
  15. Could it be possible that, if someone posts scores below 9x.xx% for several weeks running could they be given an option to call a Mulligan? ( love that turn of phrase @@MilkmanDan, reminds me of magic the gathering :) .) I very much doubt anyone would deliberately sabotage their own play just to get the option to level down but at least it will give folk a chance to get out of the purgatory of MC when a succession of insanely difficult songs are selected... I notice the same names occurring from beginner to int, would it be too complex to allow some leeway for those on the cusp to play adv and mc and still score?
  16. My experience has been that I was bumped up to mc during the week that the MC song was Wasting Love, which in terms of ease, was considerably easier than the other levels. This was also prior to bass lines being recognised as significantly varied in difficulty compared to other classes. @SirBambleofGam is the type of player I'd class as a MC without a shadow of doubt... Myself, absolutely not. Just because I can occasionally roll off a streak doesn't make me an MC Player. I put literally hours per day into practising the int and advanced tracks and even then they are ropey, though considerably better than when I first play them, I believe that it's a little unfair I'm in a category where I have no chance of placing... Is that not as unfair as me winning on occasion?
  17. I don't think I would always win, advanced class is very new, we've only had a few advanced songs. I have plenty of time to practice too.
  18. Not sure if it's fair to ask but, can I be levelled down? MC I do try but I don't think my ability reflects MC. Not even sure what level I would be now advanced has come in to play tbh. Thought it would be worth asking as I don't see myself scoring anymore points in mc if I have only accrued 3 in 10 weeks as an active player.
  19. In better fettle than last week so hoping to get some scores up that are leaderboard worthy. RS decided to crash before I got my screenshot of Iron maiden score and I've not had time to practice DT so here's the one screenie I got for "Beginner" http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=322990459 I did play through Twist and Shout but that's going to take some practice for me, not played properly over the last few days and I'm reeeeally rusty. Iron Maiden was easier in comparison to the Beatles on bass imo. I have a fine view of The Beatles home, Liverpool, from my house :D Always nice to have some fab four, although Paul McCartney can fook right off with his brilliant, briilliant, bass playing, banana fingered, hands ;)
  20. Pretty rrrubbish week for me overall. Been ill all over my birthday, songs were all tunes I enjoyed but could not get the rhythm right by any stretch of the imagination and my intonation on my jazz bass is so off I can't hear it and my cirrus' 9vs are on charge so won't be able to play for another 12 hours. Poo week overall so going to spend some money on much needed new clothes... Though I will probably come home with a guitar. Props to everyone in bass category, this week was pretty tough imo :)
  21. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=321497042 Mild improvement on DP track but I'm unhappy with my playing this week. Will get back on track next week, despite liking DP and RHCP, I'm just not up to scratch. Boo :(
  22. Excellent :) nice job @@Num14. Impressive bopping skills too... I envy those with coordination to nod their head at the same time as play :) I've tried it but the world's just not ready for that display of grooviness :) *fist bump*
  23. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=320748540 Little bit of an improvement but I'm blaming it on the lurgy. Hopefully be in fine fettle before the end of the week and practicing it won't feel so cumbersome.
  24. B: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/40854254137375865/4DF930D1078A63512D7323BC0611683C2E1DAD72/ I: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/40854254137378543/25E7F8EACC233A816D0400F29D69E7F1FFA1AE53/ A: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/40854254137381368/0FB4A6DF88838FBD9D06BA8992500708222E9292/ MC: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/40854254111871500/C79F41038C5CD4480BF2AE0649BDA65F107E4ECB/ Bass screen shot's probably not legit since the fecking lag monster hit it and just took the shot of the massive plec and my score, no accuracy can be seen but I am not bothered, don't think I'll be playing it again anytime soon. Not my cup of tea (sorry song submitter, no offence to you :) .) Gonna concentrate on MC this week as I love the chillies, had a few go's on it last night in RR so expecting my next playthrough to be reasonably better than the lame arse 69% I got :) I'm not well at the moment too, so my time practicing might be a bit lower than the usual... will aim for a snot filled video though if I can manage to reduce the glare off my pastey white face.
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