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Everything posted by genobadass

  1. So close. Muse Bass - http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/541892400943086638/396747207ADE188BA0A10266A5195E9A25D9C9C5/
  2. Primus sucks B) @@MilkmanDan Here's how I view classes Beginner-I just picked up a guitar and what are those cool looking dots? 1-2 Intermediate- I can play many basic classic riffs and i know some basic chords. 3-5 Advanced-I can kind of get the hang of most songs, and I can play songs within my genre perfectly 5-8 MC- I am the next "Insert Hero Here" on my instrument, obey my command 9-10 I intentionally make the ratings nonlinear because I think skill is nonlinear as well(ahead of the curve). I know the championship is favorable towards the Lead class, but the rhythm and bass are two separate animals, one is chord heavy and a whole different kind of challenge, the other is a bouncier jumpier lead. I wouldnt mind seeing a higher percentage of true MC Bass songs that just 20-50(barely twice a month) All in all, I'm done chiming in about this, just wanted to throw a review of why Exo-Politics wasnt Advanced, and why Bass is easy this week. Your description of Advanced describes me perfectly. I can get shit I like down pretty damn good after a solid 8 hrs of practice. Also I am currently wearing a Primus Sucks T-Shirt. It is my favorite t-shirt I have ever stolen from a friend. I can post a picture ...
  3. Primus sucks B) @@MilkmanDan Here's how I view classes Beginner-I just picked up a guitar and what are those cool looking dots? 1-2 Intermediate- I can play many basic classic riffs and i know some basic chords. 3-5 Advanced-I can kind of get the hang of most songs, and I can play songs within my genre perfectly 5-8 MC- I am the next "Insert Hero Here" on my instrument, obey my command 9-10 I intentionally make the ratings nonlinear because I think skill is nonlinear as well(ahead of the curve). I know the championship is favorable towards the Lead class, but the rhythm and bass are two separate animals, one is chord heavy and a whole different kind of challenge, the other is a bouncier jumpier lead. I wouldnt mind seeing a higher percentage of true MC Bass songs that just 20-50(barely twice a month) All in all, I'm done chiming in about this, just wanted to throw a review of why Exo-Politics wasnt Advanced, and why Bass is easy this week. Your description of Advanced describes me perfectly. I can get shit I like down pretty damn good after a solid 8 hrs of practice.
  4. MC bass obviously needs more Wooten, Chancellor, and Pastorious. The thing about the bass is that is a feel instrument. It is all about the feel. Guitar has more notes so it can be digitized better I think. I discovered on stir it up I was having recognition issues because I was ringing out some notes for feel. I struggled hard with this and then realized I could just tap them with no ring to better effect. I was still hitting the notes in time, but getting recognition issues. Will this make me a better bassist? I seriously doubt it, but I'm playing a game. What is the end goal? Personally, I want to jam out with my musician friends and not feel like the special needs kid. I had a band ages ago, and I played the root note for my amazing friends to play over. I was still happy. I'd like to contribute more at this point though. I am getting older daily.
  5. As one of the ones venturing into MM territory, I do not need it to be part of the main competition. I like the put the MM scores in red idea that you are currently using especially as there are only the three of us really trying it right now. If more interest builds, maybe then worry about it. Right now we got a nice little competition with some evenly matched players, this makes it fun. I don't need the killers up top marching down upon us.
  6. Getting closer Muse - Bass - http://cloud-2.steamusercontent.com/ugc/541892400939161738/5B79C9378138FD582C3572508504BC39E89DAC84/
  7. If I keep getting these phantom misses, there will be no battle. ARRRGH
  8. We shall see how well this goes. Stir It Up is ridiculously easy. Only has two riffs with no fills. I can see something harder annoying us down the road. However, the whole idea of this, for me at least, is to become a Bass player. Gonna have to do this at some point.
  9. Not only did you beat me, you beat me on camera! :o
  10. Totally understand Miss! I rely heavily on RS runway too but honestly, I've just played Bob on master too and took me about 40 restarts before I nailed it and my brain feels fried! But in a good way. I'm going to start practicing my memory skills with the beginner tracks, it'll be good to compete using the master mode in our own little competitions :) I've only got a few songs down to memory and they're all pretty simple ones, with repetitive riffs, when I go back to play them though I really need a few practices still in Learn a song though ;). I think definitely stick to practicing in Master mode though Miss, it's a new game in itself ... albeit a terrifying one... my hands were trembling towards the end and in my head I was saying "I'm gonna fuckup! I'm gonna fuckup!" but I didn't, and I cried, and laughed, and cried ... well I didn't but, I did go a bit weird with power :D @@Rodman I wanna stay with the cool kids in Advanced :D @@MilkmanDan 10 weeks is just a suggestion but the idea being that it'd really push people to hold on to their place :) I'm planning on working on this as well. Need to work on memory skills. I think making it a side competition for us is a splendid idea. The main competition has brought my skills to another level already. Joining this works perfectly with my competitive side to develop skills that otherwise are a bit tedious.
  11. It took me almost three hours to get the 100 on this. I feel your pain. I swear there were some phantom misses in there. I kept getting through it with one miss, when I thought I nailed it.
  12. I have had a great run in advanced, and wish to stay advanced. I spend a lot of hours on each song to get the results I have received (I'm probably two solid hours into Muse already). I have never held back a score to not level up though. I am in no way competitive in the MM songs.If I do level up I think it might take out some of the fun honestly, as the competitive nature of this would be gone for me. I am glad we are making an effort to keep this as fair as we can. I really appreciate all the hard work everyone puts into organizing this.
  13. Playing the Muse song drunk.... Not recommended. Down to 94%. I think I should go to bed Edit: Still enjoying it a lot, just lost all skill.
  14. I do not think 100% on the Muse song should level anyone up. It is not super difficult. I did find it quite fun to play.
  15. Muse - Bass 99% - http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/541892400935624067/26C22BBF9161D609445C958C92134FBB55E3B9C6/ 100% is gonna happen on this one
  16. After hours at it, I finally got my first Master Mode 100% Marley - Bass 100% -http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/541892400935558932/3F47CE5F51D04DDEFB59BC7F8CBC62892751D7CD/
  17. Cryin' update - Bass - http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/541892400934553537/13FC2AFCC7C01291DD6971C26CDB1BA48F42EC46/
  18. 42 minutes!!!! you're completely crazy... or that's real love to DT ^_^I think both hahaha :DPfft... It'd be impressive if it was in master mode. ;) I have to take a look at that song (opera?) now :) Well, 42 minutes is not easy...besides the tab isn't perfect at all, but it's something :D This is a hell of a challenge please, have mercy and don't put that on the Song Selection List :blink: This is a phenomenal song and should be in the mix. I hated the length of Dragonforce, but would never dream of bitching about the length of this.
  19. Postcard - Bass - http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/541892400927802243/63850457D6ADF0F731ED8BFE0934A37356698E4D/
  20. Updated Cryin' Bass - http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/541892400927718580/8D076E3358320E549BC224D90739EF3190C7692F/
  21. That is right around my first shot at the MC song. Lostsa practice and I have plateaued at 96%. I'd welcome you back down with us plebs in Advanced...
  22. And now I'm off to hack through some Metallica. Too fast for my fingers. I wish I could pick better sometimes.
  23. Postcard - 96.6% Bass - http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/536262266611396717/C6ADABD1BA02AE920EE3878B18828FC947AF8B83/
  24. Coheed - 100% Bass - http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/536262266607533946/5229816E90CFC67AAB99CB6166E4070F7DD87BB3/
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