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Everything posted by dragynfist

  1. They cannot claim loss of revenue for songs you can no longer purchase through them, that's absurd. Imagine going to court saying potential customers would have maybe purchased a song pack, but didn't because they gambled on them not renewing the licensing for it 10 years later. Do you think about what you say, before you say it? If they cared for that revenue, they'd renew the licenses, but they've moved on to rocksmith+. Besides, assumptions don't have to be made. Someone from the website could ask UBISOFT their position on this instead. As for insults, I treat people how they treat me, you're welcome. You definitely didn't respond to my question in a respectful manner. And again, if you'd read I would gladly purchase the songs I am missing if they were available through steam but obviously you can't any longer. What does that have to do with "absolving me from purchasing more songs"? I am aware there are tons of songs here to play other than the ones I speak of and I am grateful for all the creators that shared them here. They have the time to learn this, I do not as I have a family and a full time job that takes most of my time.
  2. I have paid for plenty song packs and would gladly pay for the ones no longer available if I could, I haven't played the game 10 years as you assume and a lot of people haven't. As for you, you add nothing to the conversation and its obvious you've been waiting to pounce with your insults, but its expected from a white knight toxic basement dweller. "Chart it yourself, create a game yourself, get the licensing yourself" all are ridiculous responses and there can be no lawsuits because they do not own the licensing to the songs anymore than they own the rest of the songs with CLDC charts here. Go find something better to do with your time and you might not be so angry.
  3. I don't think that's really a good answer when people would literally have to wait over 5 years while UBISOFT's license for the song to expire to play it. There are some great songs they no longer sell that I'd like to play but can't because of this. It is annoying.
  4. Why doesn't customforge allow creators to do CDLC for songs that are no longer available for purchase? I don't see how that is hurting UBISOFT?
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