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Everything posted by ladron

  1. Version 0.1.2 is now available: https://github.com/mikeoliphant/ChartPlayer/releases/latest
  2. Note that there was a bug causing a crash on initial song index creation with release v0.1.0. A new version is now up - the link in the post above goes to the latest version.
  3. ChartPlayer v0.1.0 is now available to download here: https://github.com/mikeoliphant/ChartPlayer/releases/latest Changes include: Support for changing speed while keeping pitch the same Song playback speed slider Song list improvements (album art, scroll bars) Highlighting of active vocal in vocal display Support for selecting from multiple arrangements of the same instrument type Rocksmith PSARC files can be converted to OpenSongChart format for use in ChartPlayer using PsarcConverter. You can download it here: https://github.com/mikeoliphant/PsarcConverter/releases/tag/v0.1.1 A re-conversion using the latest PsarcConverter is required to make album art available.
  4. I've just released a new version of PsarcConverter (a tool for converting PSARC charts into OpenSongChart format for use in ChartPlayer). It can be downloaded here: https://github.com/mikeoliphant/PsarcConverter/releases/latest
  5. Yeah - it might not end up in the user interface, but I can put it in a file you can edit. I'll look into that. I probably just need to do a better job of catching errors.
  6. You need to click "Options" and specify the path to your converted song files. I should add an error message or something to make this more clear.
  7. Good suggestion. I'd actually been planning on improving the vocal display to highlight the current vocal, and I'll make that change as well.
  8. I think they are all free (at least to try)? The different versions of Cakewalk are confusing. The version I tried that worked is this one: https://www.cakewalk.com/next Reaper has an unrestricted free trial (apart from a startup nag screen), and the window resizing works fine there.
  9. I just tried both versions of Cakewalk - resizing works fine in "Cakewalk Next", but not in "Cakewalk Sonar". Given that it works in other DAWs, it might just be an issue with Cakewalk Sonar.
  10. Yeah - something is going wrong in Cakewalk. It works in Reaper. I'll try to figure out what is happening in Cakewalk. You *should* be able to use the RS cable in your DAW. A dedicated audio interface would be better, though. I'm using the spectrum from a FFT.
  11. Yeah, it is still definitely lacking features, but I think it is pretty usable right now. I've been using it instead of Rocksmith for a while. Btw, note detection is (to some degree) already implemented. If you if you have your guitar audio input from your DAW enabled for the track ChartPlayer is on, it will try to detect notes/chords. You'll see them light up when detected. You can make it easier to see by pausing the song (hit the space bar) when a note or chord is active and try playing that note/chord. Right now I'm not keeping track of how well you are playing. I may add some sort of tracking feature, but I'm not planning on "gamefying" it too much. I'm definitely planning on practice features like looping a section (pretty easy) and slowing the speed down (harder).
  12. Glad you got it working! Not quite sure what you mean by "enlarge". The highway and the user interface should always scale to the full window size. If that isn't happening, something is going wrong. Can you explain more what is happening, or maybe post a screenshot?
  13. Ok, a fixed version is up on github: https://github.com/mikeoliphant/PsarcConverter/releases/tag/v0.0.2
  14. Thanks for the info! Looks like a couple of bugs. First, it isn't updating the "Abort" message when it finishes. Second, it is still using a hardcoded path to output the songs. The path is currently hardcoded to "C:\Share\JamSongs" - you can take a look there and see if your file got converted. I'll update the app with these issue shortly.
  15. PSARC converter is here: https://github.com/mikeoliphant/PsarcConverter
  16. Right now, feedback is more important than coding help.
  17. The github repository is now public here: https://github.com/mikeoliphant/ChartPlayer The VST plugin can be downloaded from the releases section there.
  18. If anyone is interested in the song format I'm using, there are a couple of github repositories to look at. First, the song format (as defined by some C# classes designed to be serialized/deserialized): https://github.com/mikeoliphant/OpenSongChart Second, here are libraries/tools I'm working on to convert existing Rocksmith charts: https://github.com/mikeoliphant/PsarcUtil
  19. And with today's news, add bullet point: You won't even be able to buy Rocksmith a month from now.
  20. Some of the issues I have with Rocksmith: Even modded, it takes forever to load. It frequently has trouble connecting to Ubisoft servers. The user interface is slow and clunky. You can't play with your own custom guitar tone plugins. It is a proprietary ecosystem. Custom songs help, but they are still tied to the Rocksmith platform. Official DLC is being delisted as licenses expire. Overall, my feeling is that the custom song community would be better off if it wasn't tied to a now abandoned commercial product.
  21. I'm a long-time Rocksmith user who finally got fed up, so I started working on my own app for playing songs. Features/goals: Open file format (with converter for RS songs) Fast startup, speedy UI Runs as a plugin inside a DAW Resampling of songs a fixed offset from standard tuning so you don't need to retune Note/Chord detection Song browser Open source Current limitations: Windows only (although the core is being designed to be cross-platform) ChartPlayer can be downloaded here: https://github.com/mikeoliphant/ChartPlayer/releases/latest ChartPlayer plays songs in the OpenSongChart format: https://github.com/mikeoliphant/OpenSongChart A conversion tool for PSARC files can be downloaded here: https://github.com/mikeoliphant/PsarcConverter/releases/latest
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