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Posts posted by JokerTheAnarchist



    Does this mean my current scores are now invalid? How does the championship handle when the author changes a CDLC?


    We always want to have screens from newest version of custom. It's not a problem if it's a minor thing, but then we can't really tell which release you're playing, so it's up to you. And some participants are used to download songs on saturday and don't keep up with the changes.

    So, if it's too diffetent from previous release, old scores (if we know that they're old) are not counted toward winning (I think that it is fair that way).



    Yeah, seems logical... I received the files from Shiroo, I'll be reworking the song, by tomorrow it should be up and perfect :)

    • Like 2
  2. Master Class Lead 99.11%


    NOW 99.48% IN NEW POST


    Sorry, but did anyone even test this? The solo is like it's taken from another song. It's not incorrect, when you play it it sounds right, it's in key and in scale, but it's not the solo that's in the song.




    Master Class Rhythm 99.21%




    Master Class Bass 100%


    New version of custom, scores are now invalid.





    No God of Guitar this week :'( Can we have my custom, Funeral Hymn by Exodus for GoG next week? 

    • Like 3
  3. Desperately need help.. 


    I just charted Funeral Hymn by Exodus, and the song starts fine in Rocksmith, but if I press Esc for the Pause Menu, or Space for Riff Repeater, then select Resume, the song won't resume...


    If from the Pause Menu I select Restart, the song restarts fine...


    I started working on the song this morning with an older version of EoF, just updated it to the latest one.. The song didn't resume before updating, and after the update it still doesn't resume..


    I have the latest version of the Toolkit.


    So the resume function doen't work.. What do I do?


    Fixed it. Wwise was the problem. I re-packaged the DLC and instead of importing the .wem file, I imported the .wav straight to the Toolkit, which converted it automatically, now it all works...

  4. and you are not going to make too many friends here shooting at us orgas for not instantly updating scores - that is done manually, is hell lot of work, and ALWAYS done WITHIN HOURS (!), just to be clear.





    Oh no I didn't want to nag anyone, take all the time you want updating the scores, just make sure it's correct by the end of the week, haha  :P


    My score and ThugRaven's is still switched up, though.. 


    Can we please all forget this now?

    • Like 2
  5. @@JokerTheAnarchist I did`t try offence to you. It was only advice, how make everyone happy. Of course you can to play emubass, its allowed.


    Allowed bcs :  We can use the rule only if we can monitor compliance. Everything else is on the conscience of the participants


    I can't really understand what you wrote in orange...


    Also, sorry for asking so many questions, but what does it mean when the user is in tiny letters on the leaderboard?

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