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Posts posted by randomas

  1. Those were of course the 5 I was after, I would of course not dream of finding those in the db of custom DLC. I was just wondering if there was a way to convert them into 2014 format since I did acquire them legally. Anyhow if it's a tabù subject as per community rules I will not be reopening that can of worms and thank you for pointing it out for me.  

  2. Have you already started looking at note/chord recognition? I started looking at the problem thinking (wrongly!) that it was just a case of furier transforms using ffts and dft, but discovered that's just the setup after that it becomes a statistics and machine learning problem which is a lot more interesting. Of course a pluggable library would be best here's a few open source options that I found.

    http://isophonics.net/nnls-chroma Chordino

    http://clam-project.org/   CLAM

    https://labrosa.ee.columbia.edu/projects/chords/   LabRosa

    Keep us posted!


  3. For me the issue is not so much running under linux, but supporting extended range instruments (7+ string guitars, and 5+ string bass), and having scored vocals, percussions would be nice too, one can dream right.


    Considering that in FoF, FoFIX, Phase Shift, ultrastar etc etc most of the work has already been done it would "only" need a small team of competent coders to hitch the various bits and bobs together. Unfortunately I'm barely a coder and certainly not competent, but most of all I've already mortgaged most of my sleeping hours ...

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  4. You're my hero!

    I've been dreaming of this for ever, well since RB3 anyways.

    For note detection check out guitarix there's a pitch recognition engine in there as well as an attempt at midi conversion.



    Also check out Phase Shift (FOF or FOFix fork). It uses the RB3 pro-tar and already has a working note highway, I think it uses midi, so with the guitarix converter it may be able to forced.



    I don't have much time and I'm no coder by trade, I can fix test and muddle stuff into working. 


    I started a project to use the RB3 pro drums as a midi kit in linux, and other better people took it over and smartly moved it from SF to github. So if there's anything useful there please take it.



    I'd really love to see this take off!!!

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