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Everything posted by haarek

  1. The past couple of days I've encountered a couple of weird issues I have no clue how to fix, or no idea how it happened.. The fist issue being one of my customs, (Andy James - In the fading light) seems to "overtake" other customs I make..? After adding another custom I've made into the DLC folder with the Andy James song there, the new song has the album art and preview audio of the Andy James song.. So I just removed Andy James and it hasn't happened again... Anyone got a solution or idea for that? The second issue is when i add customs to my DLC folder, i always toolkit them to be sure it works properly. However, when I enter the game, the custom isn't there? I have found one temporary fix to it, which is removing EVERY SINGLE other custom song i have in my folder, and only adding the one song i'm trying to get in... Any ideas or solutions for this as well? Thanks for any replies!
  2. HYa there..! as the title says, i'm trying to create this song. Created a couple in the past (none released) but now i'm encountering a serious issue idk how to resolve... When i save my project in EoF to go on into Wwise, i have no .wav file? What am i doing wrong? i can't seem to find the wav file anywhere, and without it i cannot complete the song... getting really frustrated over here... I have re-done the song twice following a step by step tutorial, doing exactly the same, tho I end up not getting this .wav file.... Does anyone know how i can fix this..? It's probably something awfully simple i cannot seem to do...
  3. Just finished my first version of JerryC - Rock on (click for youtube video) and JerryC - Dear Mozart I'd love some feedback on it :) If it gets requested, I might consider finishing it opp (adding the rest of the notes and replacing some) or just release as is. (Not much that needs to be done, so I might just keep it as is) Enjoy! :)
  4. I started from the beginning makint it again, which solved the issue :) so must have been somewhere in around saving it in EOF/Wwise i messed up, thanks for the suggestion :)
  5. I started from the beginning makint it again, which solved the issue :) so must have been somewhere in around saving it in EOF/Wwise i messed up, thanks for the suggestion :)
  6. Looking through the songs and notes in EOF everything seems fine, but when I put the song into the game the notes get very delayed after a while... (all notes hit where they should in EOF..) any ideas how to fix this? (didn't know where to post it, and idk if it's an EOF related issue..) Thanks!
  7. It worked with just updating the toolkit... :P thanks lol
  8. 2014-08-25 21:29:02.1086 | RocksmithToolkitGUI.Program (INFO) : RocksmithToolkitGUI.Program.Main Version: 2014-08-25 21:29:02.1221 | RocksmithToolkitGUI.Program (INFO) : RocksmithToolkitGUI.Program.Main OS: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0 2014-08-25 21:29:02.1221 | RocksmithToolkitGUI.Program (INFO) : RocksmithToolkitGUI.Program.Main Command: "C:\Users\-Thomas\Desktop\Programmer\Rocksmith Toolkit\RocksmithToolkitGUI.exe"
  9. Do you mean this? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <DLCPackageData xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/RocksmithToolkitLib.DLCPackage" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <AlbumArtPath/> <AppId>248750</AppId> <Arrangements> <Arrangement> <ArrangementSort>0</ArrangementSort> <ArrangementType>Guitar</ArrangementType> <BonusArr>false</BonusArr> <Id>723206aa-050c-4af0-bbba-e4ce7d6ab7c8</Id> <MasterId>124198139</MasterId> <Name>Lead</Name> <PluckedType>NotPicked</PluckedType> <RouteMask>Lead</RouteMask> <ScrollSpeed>20</ScrollSpeed> <Sng2014 i:nil="true" xmlns:d4p1="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/RocksmithToolkitLib.Sng2014HSL"/> <SongFile xmlns:d4p1="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/RocksmithToolkitLib.DLCPackage.AggregateGraph"> <d4p1:UUID>260f1621-461c-4191-8079-98b3b4d31e46</d4p1:UUID> <d4p1:File/> </SongFile> <SongXml xmlns:d4p1="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/RocksmithToolkitLib.DLCPackage.AggregateGraph"> <d4p1:UUID>e1eeefbd-6308-4df7-9b52-42c39399c0f6</d4p1:UUID> <d4p1:File>eof1.8RC10(r1337)\JerryC - Rock On\PART REAL_GUITAR_RS2.xml</d4p1:File> </SongXml> <ToneA>Default</ToneA> <ToneB/> <ToneBase>Default</ToneBase> <ToneC/> <ToneD/> <ToneMultiplayer i:nil="true"/> <Tuning>E Standard</Tuning> <TuningPitch>440</TuningPitch> </Arrangement> </Arrangements> <ArtFiles i:nil="true"/> <GameVersion>RS2014</GameVersion> <Inlay i:nil="true"/> <LyricsTex i:nil="true"/> <Mac>false</Mac> <Name>RockOn</Name> <OggPath>..\Documents\WwiseProjects\Rock on\.cache\Windows\SFX\Rock On_2C7DDE72.wem</OggPath> <OggPreviewPath>..\Documents\WwiseProjects\Rock on\.cache\Windows\SFX\Rock On_2C7DDE72_preview.wem</OggPreviewPath> <PS3>false</PS3> <PackageVersion>1</PackageVersion> <Pc>true</Pc> <PreviewVolume>-7</PreviewVolume> <SignatureType>CON</SignatureType> <SongInfo> <Album>1</Album> <Artist>JerryC</Artist> <ArtistSort>JerryC</ArtistSort> <AverageTempo>180</AverageTempo> <SongDisplayName>Rock On</SongDisplayName> <SongDisplayNameSort>Rock On</SongDisplayNameSort> <SongYear>0</SongYear> </SongInfo> <Tones xmlns:d2p1="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/RocksmithToolkitLib.DLCPackage.Tone"/> <TonesRS2014 xmlns:d2p1="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/RocksmithToolkitLib.DLCPackage.Manifest.Tone"> <d2p1:Tone2014> <d2p1:GearList> <d2p1:Amp i:nil="true"/> <d2p1:Cabinet i:nil="true"/> <d2p1:PostPedal1 i:nil="true"/> <d2p1:PostPedal2 i:nil="true"/> <d2p1:PostPedal3 i:nil="true"/> <d2p1:PostPedal4 i:nil="true"/> <d2p1:PrePedal1 i:nil="true"/> <d2p1:PrePedal2 i:nil="true"/> <d2p1:PrePedal3 i:nil="true"/> <d2p1:PrePedal4 i:nil="true"/> <d2p1:Rack1 i:nil="true"/> <d2p1:Rack2 i:nil="true"/> <d2p1:Rack3 i:nil="true"/> <d2p1:Rack4 i:nil="true"/> </d2p1:GearList> <d2p1:IsCustom>true</d2p1:IsCustom> <d2p1:Key>Default</d2p1:Key> <d2p1:Name>Default</d2p1:Name> <d2p1:NameSeparator> - </d2p1:NameSeparator> <d2p1:SortOrder>0</d2p1:SortOrder> <d2p1:ToneDescriptors xmlns:d4p1="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays"/> <d2p1:Volume>-12</d2p1:Volume> </d2p1:Tone2014> </TonesRS2014> <Volume>-7</Volume> <XBox360>false</XBox360> <XBox360Licenses/> </DLCPackageData>
  10. So I'm basically at my last step of finishing my first CDLC, but when I go on to "Generate" the song in RSTK I get an error message saying "Package was generated with errors! See below: Error generate PC package: Offset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end of the source collection." What does it mean..? how do I eventually fix this and complete my CDLC? Thanks!
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