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Posts posted by Alternity

  1. I should be by playing with the octaves :P. He used to have a 6 string bass (When I saw them live anyways :P), Not too sure if this album was written on his "new" 9 string bass or his old bass. Very interesting musicians, love their stuff!

  2. I was wondering, is it possible to make a bonus guitar arrangement with a custom tuning to make support for a 6 string bass? There's a song that I want to do which was written for that, while I could probably arrange the tab for 4 strings (which I will probably do, for those who doesn't own a 6 string bass) I would like to support 6 string bass for those who do own it.


    There's a few question on that subject.


    1- Are pop/slap supported on a guitar track? (There's also a song that I had in mind, that had actual pop/slap on guitar, apparently it can be done)


    2- How would I do this custom tuning, what frequency should I look for?


    3- How would I go testing this with a regular 6 string guitar? (On another note, if you own a 6 string bass and want to help me test this, I'll be more than happy!)

  3. This has probably been answered before but I can't seem to find an answer.


    I'm trying to highlight more than 4 frets on the hand positions for a tapping section and can't seem to find how.


    Basically here's how the section looks like:


    13 - 17 - 22 - 17 - 13




    Should be highlighted from 13 to 22

  4. I released my initial version of this song, there was already a version of it on the database but it was very incomplete so I gave a shot at making it, however I'm really bad finding stuff by ear, my version was based on a custom pro guitar upgrade that was made for RB3, but as some of you know, Rock Band doesn't support techniques and stuff.


    If anyone is interested at helping me making it as accurate as possible, I have made a GP5 file with the data that I have on it, and I also have the guitar stem (isolated track) if that can help you make it more accurate.


    The version uploaded is perfectly playable, but I feel it's missing some bends and techniques, which I cannot identify with my bad musical ears. It's also missing the ending, which was a "Big Rock Ending" on Rock Band (a place where you can play freely) and therefore wasn't tabbed. I also need a tone, and possibly a bass part (I also have isolated track for that as well).


    If you want to help me polish this thing, grab it on the database (just search for "Alternity" you'll find it easily), you can also ask for the stems and/or the GP5 file if you can work with that. For people that are more "ear" musicians I can work with screenshots and drawings on it (for slides, as an example), it's not a problem, no need to have knowledge on how to author/chart customs :).


    If this can help you identifying the bar (measure) where you find errors, I have uploaded the GP5 file on Songsterr, which has the same structure as the custom song, and also the GP file I use for it, in case you don't have access to Guitar Pro, this makes things easier for me and you. Here is the link: http://www.songsterr.com/a/wsa/south-park-timmy-and-the-lords-of-u-world-drum-tab-s18709t1


    Thanks for any help I may get in the future!

    • Like 1
  5. I haven't been on here for quite a while.. let's update this thread!


    FFIV - Battle 1 (Maltese Falcon)

    FFV - Clash on the Big Bridge (bernixix)

    FFVI - Awakening (Xstatic)

    FFVI - Locke (Xstatic)

    FFVI - Terra (Xstatic)

    FFVI - Celes (Xstatic)

    FFVI - Cyan/Cayenne (Xstatic)

    FFVI - Shadow (Xstatic)

    FFVI - Kids Run Through The City (Xstatic)

    FFVI - Aria De Mezzo Caraterre (Xstatic)

    FFVII - Farm Boy (Cactuar)

    FFVII - Cid's Theme (Cactuar)

    FFVII - Judgement Day (Cactuar)

    FFVII - Bombing Mission (Rockfirstlast)

    FFVII - Underneath the Rotting Pizza (Rockfirstlast)

    FFVII - Cait Sith's Theme (Rockfirstlast)

    FFVIII - Fisherman's Horizon (Xstatic)

    FFVIII - Balamb Garden (Rockfirstlast)

    FFVIII - Timber Owls (Deeem2031)

    FFIX - You're Not Alone (Xstatic)

    FFIX - Black Mage Village (Xstatic)

    FFIX - Frontier Village Dali (Xstatic)

    FFX - Scenery of Spira (Cactuar)

    FFX - A Fleeting Dream (Xstatic)


    Uematsu related


    CT - Corridors of Time (Xstatic)

    CT - Schala's Theme (Xstatic)

    CT - Peaceful Days (Xstatic)

    CT - Frog's Theme (Xstatic)


    SSBB - Opening (Marathon)

  6. Well that's annoying, but I can understand that's how accent keys are meant to work. The other way to lengthen/shorten notes is by using the mouse's scroll wheel. If you don't have a scroll wheel on your mouse, it kind of limits your options and you'd be stuck with changing the OS' keyboard layout for EOF (it may be able to track this on a per application basis?) or getting a spare mouse with a scroll wheel.

    I didn't know I could do that with the wheel. Keyboard doesn't really matter now, thanks!

  7. Hi. I'm running in something I havent seen hapening before and was wondering what was causing it. My guess is that it's a safety for RB... probably. The song I imported imported flawlessly, except for 2 or 3 notes over the fret 22, they are on fret 23, and everytime I'm trying to make them 23, they get string muted instead... Rocksmith does support 24 frets so I'm wondering how to fix this XD


    If you could make a small, simple MIDI demonstrating this for my testing, it would help.


    This the first bars of the song, here you go: http://www.mediafire.com/download/axchkgc0co37623/synapticsample.mid


    I hope this get somewhat fixed some day, even if it's just when importing MIDIs, alot of the stuff I like have irregular time signatures :|


    Nonetheless, good job on EoF all around, you've been at it for quite a while now!

  9. Maybe not at this time. If you wanted, you could try opening the MIDI back up in Reaper and playing with the time signatures to put it back in #/4 or something. Are the note positions importing incorrectly?


    They don't, they skip some bars, they are importing about twice the lenght (ex: a 16th exports as a 8th), possibly other strange things, I haven't really looked at all the chart once I saw the mess it did. I can upload the MIDI file if you want to look at it.


    I'll try playing with the time signature but it's gonna be a real challenge... XD

  10. Hi. I have a song that I have charted with Reaper for Phase Shift/Rock Band which has pro guitar/bass, I'm trying to find a way to import it without messing up the tempo map, the problem is that song has no regular time signature, it changes almost every bars and are often in x/16, which seems to be the source of the problem. I can see EoF fixing x/8 bars by making them twice as fast, I'm wondering why it doesn't do the same with x/16 time signatures, it kind of mess up the whole thing right away.. Is there any workaround?

  11. That would be apreciated.. the point of the thread is to find songs to learn from FF, without having to find them in a song ''pack'' (medleys). Medleys are still fun though, I could add a separated section for the ''non-official'' stuff.

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