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Posts posted by firekorn

  1. I will probably try a lot of them since i love some of this bands but it will surely take some time.


    Don't know about my guitar skill but since i can play most in flames songs with more than 90%, i think i can do it.

  2. Thanks to some feedback, i updated only for the weak with a correct 4 strings bass part and an actual 5 strings bass part.


    I'm aware of the issue about the bass tone and i will update it along the way.

  3. I think that making the leechers user part harder won't solve anything here.


    At the moment you can easily find the author of a custom based on the name of the songs in the DB for CDLC available here. If someone doesn't credit the author it's because it didn't want to.That's not perfect but i hate when i'm obliged to have some DRM stuff and putting in place this kind of things won't be appreciated in my own opinion.


    In the actual state, i don't see the point in bothering people for this and reclaiming some authorship while we're already in a grey area doesn't seem to be the best option at the moment...

  4. If you take a look at this post and the following answer for exemple. I know it was harsh but god i would gladly play this song if it was actually playable and the new version is broken since at least the 10th april. Some charter might have taking it the wrong way and i'm sorry about this, i will gladly help any charter that ask for it but at first i prefer to say what i think and see how it goes from there.

    But on the other hand i can be very nice when the custom is good.


    The type of feedback that i have most of the time is when the CDLC doesn't start, so in the end i think that my customs doesn't have a lot of problem :-P


    If you really want to give feedback take a look at the testers list in the Workshop section it could be a good place to start.

    • Like 4
  5. One thing that i've seen recently got me ticking. Seeing a guy saying that my custom had problem on another topic, and never bother to post it on the CDLC topic or PM me, what's the point here?


    I know i can be rude when i give feedback, but it's really for the benefit of the charter and other people playing it.


    And as i say in my workshop, for most of the customs i think are finished, i will work on them IF i have constructive feedback and it happen, rarely but it does and i'm pretty sure that's true for a lot of custom. At one point i don't want to play one song again and again to spot one little tiny problem that no one will notice and waiting on user feedback help to get some other point of view that might be quite different when they aren't all the way into the creation process.


    I don't think quality is a problem here, there's some things here and there but i dont even think that my own custom are perfect and i don't really care if there's some flaws in customs as long as they aren't too big of a problem.

    • Like 3
  6. @@dave : For the tone folder look here : http://customsforge.com/topic/2027-tone-creation-process-for-rocksmith-2014/


    @@TheBestAlex : i'm curious about the tuning to use a A110 which means you're two octave lower than a E standard guitar tuning.


    Might be good to make a workshop or something to list all those 5 strings bass track and if it's only a 5 strings bass track indicate it as a bass only custom even it's not using the bass part could be a good way to make sure that people are reading the release note.

  7. We have figured out how to create a 5 strings bass part playable in Rocksmith 2014 but i had some problem in EOF to get everythings right.


    My problem was that by using the Part Real_Bass or Part Real_Bass_22, when using 5 strings, the tuning standard is the actual 5 strings bass standard BEADG which seems logic, but it leads to some issue with what i was trying to do. So i was wandering if it was possible to set the standard tuning from which i set my own tuning, choose beetwen E standard from guitar of 5 strings bass standard and i wasn't able to figure out what standard was used for a 6 strings bass part.


    And my second problem was that by using a guitar part as a bass part to used the E standard default, i was clearly using too many guitar arrangement for one EOF project, so i was wandering if it is possible to create more track for guitar because in RS we can actually max out to 4 guitar arrangement and having all of them in the same EOF project would be much more easier!


    Overall it's more suggestion for EOF upgrade than real bug but having at least an answer about the standard tuning use for the 5 and 6 strings bass would be great!


    Thank you.

  8. Following the discusssion here about bass recognition problem below C1 note and possible creation of 5 strings bass part here is the tutorial to get the recognition to work and to actually make possible a 5 strings bass part in Rocksmith 2014!


    I. Bass recognition workaround


    First off, it's only necessary to do this when the bass part have note below the C1. Which means any B Standard or lower and C# drop B and lower tuning need to go through this operation.


    Step 1 : EOF Tuning change

    • Select the bass part (Song -> Track -> Part Real_Bass or Part Real_Bass_22)
    • Change the tuning (Track -> Pro Guitar -> Set Tuning) following the rule below

    For each strings, the number will be equal to the number of half steps below E standard plus 12.

    Exemple : for B standard each fret is 5 half steps below standard (-5 in EOF) so you will indicate in eof -5+12=7 for all the strings

    Note that when you import a GP file EOF take the tuning from it, so you will just have to add 12 to the number indicated in EOF.

    • Say NO when EOF ask you to transpose

    Note that the strings name should keep the same in EOF, or it means that you didn't add 12


    Step 2 : Toolkit tuning

    • Add the bass arrangement
    • Don't change the tuning (it import the one from EOF)
    • Change the Tuning Pitch to 220 (the toolkit indicate an offset of -1200.00 and the note will A3 instead of A4
    • Do everything else as always

    Step 3 : Enjoy!


    II. 5 strings bass


    Step 1 : EOF 5 strings bass part


    Disclaimer :

    Since EOF is kind of weird with the tuning part when using a 5 strings bass (it doesn't use a E standard tuning as a base which leads to some problem in the rest of the process as i've done it) i will actually use a guitar part in EOF to create the 5 strings bass part.

    If both of your guitar part are already used, don't worry just "save as" your eof project in another folder so that you have two times the exact same project, one that will have the guitar part as a bass part and the other with the guitar part (i invite you to do this after you've insert everything that is crossed part in EOF like sections or syncing the beat map).

    This tutorial won't take in consideration the use of an actual bass part since i haven't figured it out how to make this work as needed.

    • Create your 5 strings bass part in EOF in a guitar part as you will usually do with any part

    For the tuning, if you've imported it from a GP file you don't have anything to do.

    If you've created the part in EOF, change the tuning in EOF just by getting the name of the strings right (doesn't care for the higher strings if you kept 6 strings in EOF)


    The standard for 5 and 6 strings bass would give the following tuning in EOF :



    Step 2 : Toolkit bass part

    • Add a new arrangement
    • Select your xml file containing the 5 strings bass part
    • Type : Guitar
    • Name : Lead or Rythm, it will just change where it will be in rocksmith
    • Tuning : Should be the same as in EOF
    • Check the bonus arrangement if you don't want the bass part to be too easy to start with a guitar because a guitar won't be able to play it!
    • Change the tuning pitch to 220 instead of 440.
    • Do as usual for the tone.

    Step 3 : Enjoy!


    Warning :

    • A guitar player won't be able to play it normally (maybe if you have a pedal that allow you to play as low as a bass)
    • Alert the player that this is available, Rocksmith absolutely doesn't alert you by himself!
    • Rocksmith used the lower tuning between the normal arrangement and the bonus one for sorting by tuning so if the bass use a lower tuning (based on the number set in EOF) than the guitar arrangement, RS will indicate the bass tuning!


    I forgot to mention the men that made all of this possible by his findings : Ross

    A big thanks to him!

    • Like 15
  9. I clearly stated that there is different way,mine here is just one and i don't say any other is wrong!


    We really need a post that link or have all the tuorial about this, because i think it's one of the most important things when creating a custom.


    And even by doing this, i still need to go throught the part in RS to spot errors. I Hope and think that my custom have their beat map sync and i just wanted to let know how did i do that, it might not be the best way or anything but it's a start and adding any other way might a reallly good point to let people kown about every option they have.

  10. Yeah i forget to say that the note needed to be past...


    I don't think there's only one way to sync but having many tutorial helps to sort out what has absolutely to be done and what shouldn't be.


    And everyone has his little habit which doesn't really change the final result!

  11. Yeah, i was thinking about this, only doing a half step down tunning would work and make more sense than the actual tunning used in the tab.


    I will change everything tonight and repost a new version to see if it make more sense.

    About the last 20 seconds, i will try to sort it out but it's not link to the test but only to the song and the tab that i have...


    I will try to do a proper tutorial here with some information about which tunning to choose etc. during the weekend.

  12. The bass tunning should be A#0 C1 F1 A#1 D#2 and for the 6th strings during tunning you should play the 5th fret of the 5th strings in theory with a 5 strings bass. With a 4 strings, during the tunning phase you should play the 5th then the 10th fret on the highest string once you've tuned down to a C drop Bb. I'm not sure it's crystal clear...


    I will take a look at what is actually set in the toolkit and EOF when i will be at home and have acces to the file but the strings name should be displayed correctly in RS.

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