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Posts posted by firekorn

  1. It's why it is very important to be self critical of your playing and not just go for scores. The game recognition is only looking for pitch and timing, it isn't perfect and have some leniency to not make it too frustrating but it's in a no way a good judge for musicality so you have to judge yourself on that part which is why i always suggest to mix the music down a lot (i have it at 60%) so that you can hear yourself more easily and really stand out.

    • Like 7
  2. @@raynebc No DDC and none of the chord get the highDensity attribute.


    I would like to avoid to have to get multiple handshape in that section as much as possible, getting them close to look like a unique one will require me to mess with my EOF settings temporarily while i would have expected the crazy status to allow me to force it.


    I'm not sure of the game requirement, i might have to check some things up around to dig an official DLC that does this but i'm sure there is so there should be a way :)

  3. So my understanding of it so far was that the crazy status allowed me to force a new display of a chord even if it's inside a marked handshape but i find myself in a situation where whatever i tried the chord always end up in a repeat panel even though nothing should force it to be in high density :




    this ends up as this which isn't what i would have expected at all and not what EOF 3D preview would suggest either.



  4. @@hooolian There's no need to use multiple EOF project for quite some time.


    RS remastered only support 5 playable arrangement and EOF offer those 5 RS arrangement in the following track :







    All of those track can be used as Guitar or Bass track no matter their original name in EOF.

    • Like 2
  5. the issue you had afterward is that the toolkit have altered the xml to fit the change you made, re-using that same xml file still included the modification you made which created the issue. Saving back from EOF to get a clean xml to import into the toolkit is very important when you want to make sure you use a clean xml file without issue.


    And no i didn't meant that the clean tone should be in all other slots, just that it should be at least in 1 other slots as the base one is the tone that is loaded with the song and that the game can't switch back to it.

  6. Did you touch the tone slots in the toolkit at all?


    If so you shouldn't have, the issue is that the game can't switch back to the base tone which is why the default tone should be in both the base slot and another slots (A/B/C/D) while this is not the case in your CDLC.


    It's the whole reason there's a box that prevent from changing those directly which warn about tone issue if unchecked.

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