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Posts posted by Weezer

  1. Ummm,, some work. But some don't,, some play the wrong song ? No idea why this is happening. Edit,,, The ones that play the wrong song have a link to the wrong song on YouTube, the preview you are hearing is the audio from the YouTube link,, SO,, long story short if it doesn't work, it's a bad link,,, . User error on the posters part OR the link was removed ( video pulled ) for whatever reason .

    In Germany many videos are blocked due to GEMA restrictions. This would explain why it is not working for everyone coming from that region.

  2. Most songs on Rocksmith are too complex for a nice evening with some beers. There are some simple songs, but most often my friends are frustrated very soon. Noone who does not use the program on a daily basis wants to play with me, and I think games like Rock Band are just made for that, Rocksmith is not.

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  3. I keep playing because I enjoy music. Practising guitar is a hobby that is not only fun but also challenging and you gain a "real-life skill". Imagine you would have invested all those hours of your past where you played video games into your guitar play, I bet most of us here would be much better guitarists.

  4. Although there are many things that are pretty annoying, I have to agree with what hellohello said. The main feature o the program which is note detection and playing along to all kinds of songs, is very solid, I don't think a new Rocksmith would improve anything when it comes to the main features of this kind of program. Speaking for myself, I will try to appreciate what the programers already accomplished instead of bragging about minor bugs..


    @firekorn: Gonna try that, thanks for the hint. Would be an easy solution of a very annoying issue.. but since I am not the only person that experiences this bug one has to ask why these kinds of bugs that seem to be extremely easy to fix are not sorted out already.. they care so much about weakly dlc but do not add anything new to the game.. seems like they want to come up with something better for the next edition of Rocksmith instead of improving the currenct edition..

  5. You need quite much cpu power to run the mechanisms of note recognition while playing the song.


    So tablets would not be able to manage that. Apart from that it would be nice to have a little program for testing while creating tones for customs for example.


    So you could here the changes of a tone immediately without having to run Rocksmith all the time.

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