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Everything posted by Mortalo

  1. If guitar does not have Strat-like look it's not for me :P (sweet Karloff's Mummy :rolleyes: )
  2. @@Rodman I can see them now, thanks. @@That Guy The more of us, the happier we are :)
  3. Leaderboard updated. Great works guys. Nice that you like this songs :)
  4. @@lordlk Nice score on beg rhythm. I believe that you can push to 99%, so we can call it a day and throw you into deep waters of Int rhythm :)
  5. Yes, saturday, around 4.30 p.m. GMT is when I start to prepare new week's post. Intermediate Lead - 85%, 54 streak I can't say that I like this song. MasterClass Bass - 94%, 147 streak Good Scorpions ain't bad :) @@Hostilian Sugestion accepted, though changed a little bit :P
  6. @rickcson Your pic is not valid (no accuracy and streak). But looking that you like that song, I bet that you'll give us some shiny screens :)
  7. @@BoojiBoy That would be too much of a trouble. There is not too many of us to split songs between arangements. Sorry, that's just too much work. If there would be more participants, then something like that can be considered. Right now, that would be a chore for me and @. We were talking about that some weeks ago, and back then RC Organizers had the same answer. More people - we can start talking.
  8. One electric - Jackson TH-2 (Japan, 1996). One bass - Cort A4 Custom.
  9. I have no idea what Fishbone is and that song, so I'll give it a try. Well I was angry for half an hour but I'm okay now. Maybe Jump in the Fire was too bold choice. NOT! :D
  10. I'm frickin' disagree :D and I'm frickin' dissapointed. After full week of practice I couldn't play any section of The Trooper at 100% speed but I didn't back off. Unforgiven's rhythm was impossible for me to play., ehh...
  11. @@storm20200 Yes, you didn't played long enough so you can play in whatever class you want. Regarding Jump in the FIre, I think that only some parts of the solo are really difficult. That's fast song but I wouldn't say it's MasterClass. Beginner song was done by @@Shiroo, so rhythm will work in no time (I hope so :) ).
  12. @@storm20200 Haha, right, I got The Trooper at my first Int week and did well, you'll see that it's not so bad. I initially wanted to excuse all Int newcomers but forgot about that, so sorry :)
  13. Let's start week 43! READ THIS FIRST =>> Rocksmith 2014 Championship Rules Last weeks winners: Lead Beginner: @@storm20200 Intermediate: @@Dennis430 Masterclass: @@Nacholede Rhythm Beginner: N/A Intermediate: @@Azrael Masterclass: @@Dennis430 Bass Beginner: @@thecatinthehat Intermediate: @@aclown Masterclass: @@Dennis430 Congrats to all the winners. Hats down to all this amazing 100% from last week: Metric - Black Sheep Bass: @@BoojiBoy, @@BRUTAL, @@firekorn, @, @@thecatinthehat Metric - Black Sheep Lead: @@Mortalo SoaD - Hypnotize Bass: @@aclown, @@BoojiBoy, @@BRUTAL, @@MilkmanDan, @ They will be added to Honorable Mentions List along with @@Azrael and his outstaning Master Mode performance at Hypnotize Lead. We set new record for number of Honorable Mentions last week, great job :D I have to mention @@BoojiBoy, @@Hovenbet and @, thanks to their great videos. The songs for this week are: Beginner: Royal Republic - Everybody Wants To Be An Astronaut (Chosen by @ ) Intermediate: Fishbone - Aids & Armageddon (Chosen by @ ) Masterclass: Scorpions - Blackout (Chosen by @@trev1515 ) Extra: a song for 2 weeks challenge : Metallica - Jump in the Fire.(Chosen by @@ScottLP) Start challenge from 17.08, finish 30.08. There will be 2 winners: 1 from Intermediate class and 1 from MC class participant. Post your screen and score will added to leaderboard 44 week list, MC. Honorable list Diehard men, playing in their class 5 weeks in row without pass (they have little more preference when choosing a song from song selection list for next week):BRUTAL in MC bass pathDennis430 in MC rhythm, bass pathfirekorn in MC lead, rhythm, bass pathMaZtoR in INT lead pathMortalo in INT lead, rhythm pathMotive in MC bass pathNacholede in MC lead path@Rodman in Beg lead pathshauruga in INT lead path@Tonedef in Beg bass pathP.s. Please, see changes in Championship Class Lists! Have a nice time :)
  14. Hypnotize can defend itself, as it's definetely Intermediate song. And you're right about solos. They're integral part of the song, and if they're too hard for Int, song should go into MasterClass. Though, sometimes it's hard to tell when song goes to one class or another.
  15. @@Huck1 Haha, I know the pain :) First months I was not touching cdlcs, because of difficulty, back then I couldn't see world without DD, now it's more of annoyance. I suggest to stick to some easiest official songs, do lessons and check some guitarcade. After some time, when you'll see that you can tackle songs at max diff, come and check out Rocksmith Championship, where at Beginner class you can find some easy (but challenging) tunes.
  16. Leaderboard updated. I remind you of Song Selection List, as it's close to selecting songs for new week. It's ok if you don't want to, but I'll tell ya that I'm happier when I see new songs added to the list :) If you don't see your name, feel free to add it, along with your selections. I will delete empty rows, to make it clear for everyone, who selected and what (and it'll be prettier).
  17. @@storm20200 That's tricky part. My mind blew away when I saw it 1st time :P I'm playing it like a barre chord, muting not needed strings, though most times it's 2nd and 3rd strings that give sound instead of 1st and 2nd.
  18. @@BoojiBoy Yours Black Sheep video is not working :( Nice work you'd have done, I'll put you in MasterClass.
  19. @@storm20200 And where is the fun alternate picking Disposable Heroes? Haha, I'm personally down strumming on Black Sheep and if I can go with no problems down strumming, I'm doing it that way. Surprisingly, I find it easier to alternate picking on my bass. @@Tonedef You've put wrong link for MC bass score, though I was able to find your score in your profile.
  20. @@storm20200 Alternate picking? Down all the way :D Leaderboard updated.
  21. Leaderboard updated. It's nice to see so good scores :)
  22. BOOM! King of Black Sheep :D Begginer Lead - 100%, 645 streak, 1,829,098 score: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/577904070838145844/2705C6206827E78908BFB7205709B38A5266008B/ Yatta! My first 100% on that song, I wish I recorded this, but well screen and memories are enough for now :) My previous best was 98.6%, so when I realized that I can go for perfect score I got really nervous, but at the same time 100% concentrated. I never got flawless run on outer solo, but I never was in postion like that. Utterly satisfied. Intermediate Lead - 92.16%, 89 streak: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/577904070838127107/84F84C1FB070E5F2E6A4B1B638F895CB60648BF1/ That's it for Intemediate this week.
  23. Songs are selected randomly and I have to admit that my initial Int selections went bad. Hypnotize was safe choice, since it's official song, so it's made well. I've got really poor score on my 1st playtrough (to bad for screen to be made), so I agreed that it's Int. Now, I see that it's probably one of the easiest Int songs. So many 100%, very nice :)
  24. I fixed mistake that did not included @@BRUTAL in Die Hard list. There was a mistake in Championship Class Lists that did not included @@BRUTAL's scores from weeks 38 and 37. Mistakes can happen from time to time, that's why we're posting "P.s. Please, see changes in Championship Class Lists!" at the end of first post. Well, I hope that it won't happen again.
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