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Hello dear ladies and gents of CustomsForge, welcome to the Official Guide for CustomsForge Song Manager, aka CFSM.

You can use the table below to jump to the section you are interested in.
If you have any further questions, feel free to join our Discord server ( 
discord.gg/cf ) and ask us there!


  1. Settings
  2. Song Manager
    Repairs (something you should use atleast once on your whole collection!)
  3. Arrangements Analyzer
  4. Duplicates
  5. Renamer
  6. Setlist Manager
  7. Profile Song Lists
  8. Song Packs
  9. About
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The first time ever that you open CFSM, you will be greeted by the Settings menu.

Unless CFSM doesn't manage to find the RS folder on it's own, you may have to point it to it, but that's pretty self-explanatory;
default path is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Rocksmith2014

On the left, you can see a bunch of different options and checkboxes, those are used to modfiy general settings that apply to the whole CFSM.



1) Include RS2014 Base Songs – include songs that come with the game
2) Include RS1 Compatibility Packs – include base & DLC official songs from the old Rocksmith
3) Include Custom Song Packs – include non-standard song packs (meaning multiple songs in one pack)
4) Include Arragnement Anaylzer Data – CFSM can parse detailed data like chord count or number of thumbs used in a song. This process takes significantly longer than the usual parsing. Results can be viewed and exported in Arragnement Analyzer TAb.
5) Enable Auto Update – if this option is enabled, app will automatically update if there's a new update available
6) Enable Notifications – CFSM will show notifications in system tray
7) Enable Auto Quarantine – If a song is corrupt to the point that it's un-repairable, CFSM will automatically qurantine it in it's folder
8) Validate D3DX9_42.dll – CFSM will check if this DLL file is present in your RS folder (required to play custom songs)
9) Mac Compatbility Mode – if you use a Mac, this option is required to parse your song files       

10) Reset CFSM On Closing – CFSM will remove all of its files (settings, backups, quarantine, …) and reset to default. This is not a permanent setting like the rest. (Meaning that it will only reset it this time) When you open CFSM again, you will have to find the RS folder again and enter your other settings as well.



On the right, you can find a table with all columns available in the main Song Manager.
You can either enable them right here or later by right-clicking on column names above the main song list. (it will be explained later how to do that exactly)

When you are done, press „Save settings“ button to make sure that the settings are saved.


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This is the centerpiece of CFSM, where you will be spending most time while using the application.

GENERAL OPTIONS (right-click on a song/selection of songs):

NOTE nr1: in order to delete a song, you have to tick the checkbox, just clicking on it won't do it (it may sound unintuitive, but trust us, it's better than accidentaly messing up more than you wanted)
NOTE nr2: you can select multiple songs and right click on any one of them in order to Delete/Backup/(Dis/)Enable all of them at once

Open Song Page – open the song in Ignition (currently unavailable)
Play/Pause Selected Song – unpack the audio from the selected song and play it
Edit Song Information – edit general info, tunings, tones, ... (explained in more detail later)

Tagger Preview – preview how the album art would look if it was tagged with the selected tag (explained under custom mods)

Show Song Info -  open a tab with some general info about the song and it's album artwork
Enable/Disable Song – if you don't want to see a song in the game, bu't dont feel like deleting it, you can disable it using this feature

Delete Songs – unlike disabling, this will actually remove the song, both from the game and your dlc folder
Backup Songs – you can backup your song, they are normally located in Documents/CFSM/Backups (later they can be restored using the Restore button under Files menu)   


RESCAN: if you added a new song, or removed a some without restarting CFSM, you can either do a quick scan (find only changed/added/deleted songs) or a full one (rescan all songs) 


REPAIRS: take a look at the post below - this feature deserves a post of its own




  1. Edit App IDs - if you decided to use a different official DLC song, you can use this feature to change App IDs to that’s song ID in bulk - just select all your songs, click on Edit App IDs, choose that official song and press Apply
  2. Add Custom Title Tag - add a text tag to titles of selected songs - can be used as an additional way of filtering your songs in game (eg., use the search function to find all songs in B Standard, select all of them and add a tag 'B Std' that you can use to find those songs in game ) 

    Options (position of the tag):
    a) Add as prefix
    cool.png Add as suffix 
  3. Pitch Shifter - play your songs as if you were using a pedal like Digitech Drop without spending any money, just don’t forget to wear headphones!

    This feature will add an in-game pitch shifter pedal to all the tones in a song and change the tuning accordingly to one of the basic tunings ( E Std. if the song is in one of the standard tunings or Drop D if it was in a drop tuning)


    Force E Standard Tuning -even if a song is in a drop tuning, change the pitch and tuning to E Standard
    Preserve Stats – you can keep your old stats from the original version

    Warningif you choose to Preserve Stats, don't keep both versions active (in the dlc folder), because having two versions of the same song (with same stats, therefore the same ID as well) is sure to cause in-game hangs
    Overwrite File – the existing version will be replaced by a pitch-shifted one

      Note: this option is available to CDLC only, CFSM will not edit official dlc files at all.

  4. Tagger

     If you feel like adding a custom tag to your CDLC album artwork, you can use this feature.

     Tag Style - pick one of the offered tag styles 
     Tag Album Artwork 
    - add a tag
     Un-Tag - remove it

  5. ‘The’ mover - move ‘The’ from the beginning of a song title or artist name to the end to mitigate the possible problem with alphabetic sorting
  6. Show My CDLC – as of now, it's implementation is gone. In other words, it currently does exactly nothing when you click on it



  1. Check CDLC/ODLC - determines if any of your CDLC have been replaced by ODLC
  2. Clean ‘dlc’ folder - removes any old backup files (.bak, .cor, .dup, .max, .org) from dlc folder and its subfolders
  3. Archive - CFSM can backup your songs in the Backups subfolder of it’s root folder (Documents/CFSM) - select the songs that you want to backup and
  4. Restore - if you have any .bak, .cor, .max, .org files already, you can restore them using this feature.  Just find click on the desired backup extension (i.e., if your backups are saved as .bak, click on .bak) and all songs from the Backup folder with that extension will be restored to your dlc folder
  5.  Organize Artist Name Subfolders - this feature will quickly organize all your CDLC into ArtistName subfolders  and rename CDLC with ‘ArtistName_SongName_VerNumber_p.psarc”

            Warning: if you use custom setlists in Setlist Manager, don't use Organize/Restore because they will mess up your setlists!

  Restore CDLC to ‘dlc’ folder - moves all songs back to the ‘dlc’ folder - bascially, it reverts what the previous option has done to your collection

  Option: Include ODLC Files - organize CDLC as well as DLC

EXPORT: You can export your song collection with currently shown columns (as in, columns which are shown in the main grid will be exported) in five different formats (BB Code, HTML, JSON, XML and CSV)


FILTERING AND SEARCHING (this applies to all song grids in CFSM):
Start typing a keyword or two in the search box and CFSM will automatically update your song lists with those songs that match the keyword(s) that you entered.



2) Above each column in the song grid, you can see a funnel icon that can be clicked on – it's used to filter your song collection by that column.

When the collection is filtered by a column, its funnel gets a little red X next to it.
As you can see, in this case, I sorted my collection by Artist, specifically Gojira.


Note: to change the filter it is recomended to 'reset filters' first then add a new one from the drop downs. Attempting to change a set filter from the drop downs often results in crashing of CFSM.

3)You can define your own filtering rules for a certain category, by picking (Custom) and providing your own (sorta) query.
You will be greeted by this little window:


Check Does Not if you want to exclude songs when this particular query is valid. „Does Not Include „metallica“ will remove anything with metallica from the results.
Next pick between Contains, StartsWith, EndsWith and Like options.The Like operator functions in a similar manner to SQL queries, so you can write a query manually if you prefer.


This query will exclude all songs whose Artists DON'T contain the word 'System'

You can add multiple queries together by pressing the Add button and glueing those two options together by choosing between 'And' or 'Or' operators. (And = all of them have to be valid, Or = only one needs to be valid for song to be included)

P.S. Due to a recent change in how tunings are parsed in CFSM, you may encouter something like this fairly silly looking offering of possible filters, which may not be all that usable, but hey, you can always put the desired tunning in the search box. (normally (in the initial CFSM versions) they were be based of a single arrangement, but now Tuning column shows the tuning of each Arrangement separately)


Edited by Cozy1

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So you have heard of reparing your collection with CFSM in order to prevent the game from counting your percentages wrong or you want to get rid of those silly repetitive chord shapes, but would like to know more before you mess up your whole collection? Well, you've come to the right place!

NOTE: ODLC and Song Pack files may not be repaired.



Those blue clickable things in the 'Repairs' menu are your main options.

When you are sure you are okay with the settings,  click on the green Run Selected Repair Options button, sit back and enjoy!



  1. Skip Previously Remastered CDLC = skips previously fixed CDLC - because repairing songs is a fairly complex process, it can greatly speed up the process if you don't re-repair those things that already have been repaired

  2. Add Dynamic Difficulty (DD) = aside from being a very useful feature if you are getting started with RS and guitar in general, adding Dynamic Difficulty will stop the game from counting how many times you've played wrong


    Options 1 (under Customizable DD Settings):

    -Phrase Length
    -Remove Sustain
    -Click to set CFG path/RampUp path - if you have custom DD settings
    Option 2: Overwrite Existing DD - if song already has DD, you have to check this option if you want to reapply it with different settings

  3. Mastery 100% Bug


    Preserve Stats - if not checked, existings stats will be reset. Otherwise, if you check the option, you run into risk of game crashing if multiple versions of the same song exist in your folder, so make sure to pay a visit to Duplicates tab before you run repairs if you intend to preserve stats

    Use (.org) Files - in case something goes wrong, you can try the repair on the original file.   The first time a file is repaired, CFSM creates an (*.org.*) copy of the original file.  The backup is stored in the 'My Documents\CFSM\Remastered\original\' subfolder.

    Prevent multitone exceptions - converts corrupt multitone to a single tone to preven errors

  4. Max Five Arrangements


    Use this option to make sure no song has more than it's allowed, and that is 5 arragements per song

    Remove NDD/Bass/Guitar/Remove Bonus/Remove Metronome - pick one or more arrangements that you don't care about, so that they can be removed if a song has more than five

    Ignore Arrangement Stop Limit - if you want to remove selected arrangements regardless of the fact that song has too many arrs

  5. Adjust Scroll Speed (SS)


    If you'd prefer to standardize the scroll speed of your collection, this is the feature for you.
    Minimum SS is 0.5 (fewer notes on screen, faster speed)
    Default (ODLC) SS is 1.3
    Maximum SS is 4.5 (more notes on screen, slower speed)

    Customizable SS Setting - adjust the speed using this option

  6. Fix Low Bass Tuning


    Apply the good old fix to bass arrangements of songs with low tunings which give game's note dection a hard unless  a lower reference tone is used (A220 instead of A440).

  7. Process Downloads Folder


    This is a very conventient option for both streamers and regular rocksmithers alike, because it can automatically move your CDLC from the Downloads folder and repair them with one click - pretty cool, eh?

    Option: Auto Monitor Downloads Folder - even better for those of you that stream, this option will automatically take a look at your Downloads folder periodically 



I'll leave actual 'how-to'-s to cozy:

Option #1 - Quick Repair

Select CDLC to repair from ‘Song Manager’.  From the ‘Repairs’ menustrip dropdown select 'Add Dynamic Difficulty (DD)', check 'Overwrite Existing DD', select 'Mastery 100% Bug', select 'Max Five Arrangements', check 'Remove Bonus', and finally select the green 'Run Selected Repair Options’ item to start the repair.

Option #2 - Detailed Repair Instructions For Most CFSM Users
The ‘Repairs’ menustrip item contains various dropdown options (tools) for making repairs to the CDLC song collection.  Some of these repairs are necessitated because of the release of Rocksmith 2014 Remastered  which exposed a 100% Mastery Bug in existing CDLC files.  The ‘Repairs’ tools can be used for making bulk or individual repairs to CDLC files that are located in the Rocksmith 2014 'dlc' folder and subfolders.  Once repaired these CDLC may be played bug free in Rocksmith 2014 Remastered just like usual.


1. Start the latest beta release of CFSM.

2. Go to ‘Song Manager’ and choose the CDLC songs that you want to repair from the ‘Results Grid’ table.  The selection can be of individual songs by checking the box in the ‘Select’ column or done in bulk using the ‘Select All/None’ link located at the lower left side of the ‘Results Grid’.
3. From the 'Repairs' menustrip dropdown items:
· Select the ‘Add Dynamic Difficulty (DD)’ radio button.  This will add Dynamic Difficulty (DD) to CDLC so that the in-game Song Stats are maintained properly.
· Optional (recommended): Check ‘Overwrite Existing DD’ to create new DD content for every arrangement.
· Select the ‘Mastery 100% Bug’ radio button.
· Optional: If you want to preserve in game Song Stats then check the 'Preserve Stats' checkbox.  This option will only preserve Song Stats for CDLC that have not been played in RS14R.   This option should not be used on CDLC that have already exhibited the 100% Mastery Bug.
· Optional (recommended): Check ‘Prevent Multitone Exceptions’.  This option converts any CDLC arrangement that has a multitone exception into a single tone arrangement.
· Select the ‘Max Five Arrangements’ radio button.  Also check ‘Remove Bonus’.  This is the recommended option that will eliminate most issues with CDLC that have more than five arrangements. 
· Select the green 'Run Selected Repair Options' to start the CDLC repairs.
4. Go get a snack while the CDLC collection is repaired.
5. Start the game, play and test the repaired CDLC collection.

Footnote:  You can review any errors that occured during repair by going to the 'Song Manager' menustrip 'Help' dropdown item and selecting 'View Error Log'.
Option #3 - Detailed Repair Instructions For CDLC Charters

1. Create a new empty 'dlc' folder anywhere that you would like.

2. Put the CDLC that you have charted that have the Max5 Bug into the empty 'dlc' folder.  
3. Start CFSM and select 'Settings' tab.
4. Change the 'Rocksmith Installation Directory' to a 'dlc' work directory that you created in Step 1 that contains only the CDLC that you have charted.
5. Next from ‘Song Manager’ select 'Repairs' menustrip dropdown items:
· Make sure 'Mastery 100% Bug', and 'Add Dynamic Difficulty (DD)' radio buttons are selected.
· Select the ‘Max Five Arrangements’ radio button.  This will activate the repair option checkboxes.
· Now select appropriate options that you think will repair the CDLC that you have charted.  One suggestion is to start by selecting 'Remove Bonus' and see how many CDLC are fixed with just that one option selected.  (As an example, checking 'Remove Bonus' repairs most CDLC for charter LaceyB.)  (Checking 'Remove Metronome' may repair CDLC for charter Azrael.) 
· Select the green 'Run Selected Repair Options' to start the CDLC repairs.
6. Put the repaired CDLC back into the official 'dlc' folder.
7. Start the game and test the Max5 repaired CDLC.
8. Play around with Step #5 until you achieve the output you are looking for.
9. Be sure to re-release your repaired and tested CDLC to the world on CF Ignition.

Repairs FAQ:

Q: I repaired my song collection, now some of my favorite songs are gone! Where did they go?!

A: CFSM recongized the song as potentially dangerous to your game and your stats, but the CDLC was in such a bad shape that it can't be automatically fixed. (What's wrong with each of unrepairable songs is listed in remastered_error.log file which is located in Documents/CFSM, anyway, ... you will most likely have to use EoF and Toolkit)
You should be able to find those songs in Documents/CFSM/Quarantine and manually repair them. 

Cozy talks more about this in his thread: click

Q: Why do we need to add Dynamic Difficulty (DD), I'm good enough at guitar to play without it?!

A: Without DD on a song, you may encounter atleast two issues, first that the play count will be wrong and the second one being the visual issue with repeated chord shapes (instead of just one shape followed by multiple plain chord strum symbols)

Edited by Cozy1

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If you feel like doing some statistical analysis on your song collection, you can use the Arrangements Analyzer tab to get all the metadata like Max DD Level, Number of each Chord seperately or base Tuning Pitch for each arragement in your songs. Due to the fact that this metadata is different for each arrangement, there’s one row for every path that a song has (Lead, Bass, Rhythm, …)

COLUMNS: Not all columns are available from the get go, so you can enable them in the same fashion as in the Song Manager tab by right-clicking on the column names and picking the columns that you want to enable or by going to the Settings tab and enabling multiple columns at once there. (FYI, the set of columns changes depeding on which tab you were viewing right before you opened Settings)         

EXPORT:You can export your data collection in different format using the same Export button as before. Export it in CSV to edit it in worksheet apps, in BB Code or HTML to use it in the forum or in either XML or JSON.

VOCAL ARRANGEMENTS: You can include Vocals arragement by clicking on “Include Vocals”, in the lower right corner, this is off by default, since there is alack of countable stuff in the normal Vocals arrangement.


COOL TIP:  Any selections made in Arrangement Analyzer are automatically transferred to other CFSM tabmenu datagrids.  This allows extended access to the features of the other tabmenus.  As an example, if you make song selections by checking the Select column checkbox in Arrangement Analyzer, and then switch to Song Manager, these song selections will be transferred to Song Manager.  You can then Edit, Delete, Repair, Tag or apply any other feature from Song Manager to the selected songs.

Edited by Cozy1

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CFSM can be used to detect two uniquely different types of duplicates.  Press the Show SongInfo/PersistentID link label to toggle the different types:

  1. Songs with duplicate DLC Key, or duplicate Artist, Title, and Album are shown when SongInfo is selected, if there are any.  The seaerch is not case sensitive and ignores non-alphanumeric characters. (See Duplicates Type 1 screenshot below.)
  2. Songs with duplicate Persistent ID's are shown when PersistentID is selected, if there are any.  Songs that have duplicate Persistent ID's are responsible for in-game crashing.  (See Duplicates Type 2 screenshot below.)

It’s always a good idea to keep your song collection clear of duplicates in order to prevent possible conflicts and crashes inflicted by older/matching versions of the same song.

SELECTING DUPLICATES: You can use Select all/None link label to, obviously, select all songs. That it not something we recommend doing, because not only will you get rid of duplicates, you will get rid of all newer and older versions of those songs.
Instead we recommend using the link label Select All Older Versions which will select the oldest song version/all older versions in case you have multiple versions of the same song.  If both duplicates are the same version, the first one in the list will be selected, so...

WARNING: glance over the list of duplicates and make sure that you actually want to delete all the selected duplicates (eg. if you have two purposely different versions of the same song)

DELETING DUPLICATES: When you are sure that everything is okay, right-click on any of the selected songs, press Delete Songs from the drop down menu and duplicates will be gone.  Right-clicking on a song will also show other options, such as, Enable/Disable Songs, Move Songs, and more.

Duplicates Type 1 - Same Artist, Title, and Album and/or DLC Key


Duplicates Type 2 - Same Persistent ID


Edited by Cozy1

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If this feature Organize Artist Name Subfolders that we mentioned before on Song Manager won't do it for you, you can customize filenames of your songs to your liking.

Meaning that renamer will name those files to a template that you provide.

CLEAR TEMPLATE –clean the Renaming template textbox
PREVIEW – you can see what a renamed song would look like in the Log (at the bottom)

RENAME ALL SONGS – will rename all songs in your collection (both CDLC and ODLC), unless Rename only the songs that are selected in Song Manager is selected, when it will only rename those that are selected (go back to Song Manager, and select those songs that you want to rename)

Remove spaces from new names – trim all whitespaces from the renamed filename (eg. Abba Mamma Mia_p.psarc becomes AbbaMammaMia_p.psarc)

Delete empty directories after renaming – if you have had some different naming/folder structure before renaming, CFSM can delete those now unused folders
'The' Mover – also if any of the categories included in your tempalate contains a 'The' article, it can be moved to the end, so that it won't interfere with alphabetic sorting and that kind of stuff.

You can rename your songs in a way that they will get sorted into folders
What the structure will look like depends on how you format the template using the double backslash operator.

USAGE: folder_name\\filename



This will result into your songs being sorted in folders by the artist and each of this artist's song will be put in that folder. (eg. all Bon Jovi songs in one folder, all Soilwork songs in an other folder, etc.)

NOTE 1: you can use same operators multiple times in a template, example: \\_- artist's name will be included both in the folder name and in the song name

NOTE 2 (test before releasing): you can have multiple subfolders, eg. you can sort your collection per artist and then every artist's song collection per tuning by doing using something like this - \\\\_

NOTE3: This however will not move or rename any of your officially purchased dlc files, since that would cause issues if you ever had to „verify game files“ through Steam.

Also, there's some examples explained on the tab itself.

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If using the in-game setlist isn't your thing, you may want to do it from CFSM.

It's not as convenient as the in-game setlist manager, but at least it doesn't limit you in the numbers of setlist you can create and you give each setlist it's name, instead of using the default names that the game uses.

CFSM Setlist Mgr. functionality is based on using the fact that the game requires a song's filename to end with „_p.psarc“ (or „_m.psarc in case of Mac) if you want the song to be recognized, to it's advantage. As well as moving files around (each setlist is pretty much just a subfolder within the dlc folder), so it's a bit slower, but nonetheless pretty flexible.

HOW IT WORKS: as I said, a setlist made by the Setlist Manager is basically just a subfolder in the dlc folder. So if you create a setlist named 'standard tuning songz', you will be able to find a folder called 'standard tuning songz' in your dlc folder. Game doesn't mind if the song is in the root dlc folder or in one of the subfolders, it will treat it the same way. This is what the manager is based on - it lets us easily sort songs in your collection by adding them into different folders.

There's also a convenient „Start Rocksmith“ button on the tab itself, 

enabling you to waste as little time as possible!  :)



PROTECT OFFICAL DLC – if you don't want to include ODLC in setlists, check this box
INCLUDE SUBFOLDERS – if you check this box, songs that are already in a setlist will be included in the main table (Master Songs)

NOTE1: in order to show what songs are included in a setlist, you have to tick a box near to it, just clicking on the row won't work

NOTE2: if the grids look messed up, use the Emergeny Full Rescan button

Right click options (in the leftmost table):

Move = move a song file to a setlist

Copy = copy a song file to a setlist

General usage tips (courtesy of cozy, pulled from CFSM SetlistMgr Help):


· When a song is added to any setlist the background changes to yellow   and it is added to the corresponding SetlistSongs.

· Uncheck 'Show Setlist Songs' to hide the highlighted setlist songs.
Setlist Manager Usage

Creating a new setlist:
· Press 'Create new setlist' button, enter the desired name and press OK a new folder (setlist) will be created in the 'dlc' folder, with the name you entered.

Copy, Move, Delete, Show setlist songs:
· Right Mouse-Click on a song in the Main Songs or Setlist Songs table Select a file operation from context menu popup.

Adding songs to a setlist:
· Select (check) the songs to add to the setlist from 'DLC Songs Folder' table then Press 'Move selected song(s) to setlist' button all the selected songs will be moved to the setlist and all songs will automatically be disabled if the setlist was disabled beforehand.

Removing songs from a setlist:
·           Select the song(s) to remove from the 'Setlist Songs' table then,
·           Press 'Remove selected song(s) from setlist' button the selected songs will be moved back to the main dlc folder.

Delete setlists:
·           WARNING - deletes setlist and all songs in the setlist
·           Select the setlist to delete
·           Press the 'Delete selected setlist(s)'

Enabling or Disabling CDLC songs, setlists, setlist songs, or song packs:
·           Select (check) each item then
·           Press the appropriate 'enable/disable' button

Toggle setlist or toggle songs in setlist:
·           Press the appropriate toggle button to select all songs, setlists, or setlist songs
  • Developer

If you like using in-game settings, but don't like the way game handles setlists, you can edit those through CFSM as well.
It does require a fairly special setup to prevent game from replacing your custom settings, but if you feel adventurous, it can be a very fun and convenient tool to use.

CFSM makes a backup of your user profile in case shit happens (check the 'My Documents/CFSM' subfolder).
General "Profile song lists" tab usage:


Creating a new song list:
· There are six In-Game song lists, plus a Favorites song list.  Song list names may not be added or edited to the In-Game song lists

Adding song list songs:
· Left Mouse-Click on the ‘Select’ checkbox  in the In-Game Song Lists table to select an In-Game Song Lists.  
· Left Mouse-Click on the ‘Select’ checkbox  in the Master Songs table to select a song.   
· Right Mouse-Click on the song and select ‘Add’ file operation from context menu popup.

Removing song list songs:
· Left Mouse-Click on the ‘Select’ checkbox  in the In-Game Song Lists table to select an In-Game Song Lists.
· Left Mouse-Click on the ‘Select’ checkbox  in the Song List Songs table to select a song.
· Right Mouse-Click on the song and select ‘Remove’ file operation from context menu popup.

Adding songs to a song list songs from CFSM Setlist Manager created setlists  (Be sure to checkout this cool feature!):
· Left Mouse-Click on the ‘Select’ checkbox  in the In-Game Song Lists table to select an In-Game Song Lists.  
· Left Mouse-Click on the ‘Select’ checkbox  in the Master Songs table to select a song.   
· Right Mouse-Click on the song and select ‘Add’ file operation from context menu popup.

Removing all songs from a song list (aka, starting fresh):
· Left Mouse-Click on the ‘Select’ checkbox  in the In-Game Song Lists table to select an In-Game Song Lists.
· Toggle the Song List Songs (see below) to select multiple songs.  
· Right Mouse-Click on the song and select ‘Remove’ file operation from context menu popup.

Enabling or Disabling Master Songs, or Song List Songs: 
· Select (check) each song then
· Press the appropriate 'enable/disable' button

Toggle Master Songs or Song List Songs:
· Press the appropriate toggle button to select all Master Songs, or Song List Songs
· Right Mouse-Click on the song and select a file operation from context menu popup.


Edited by Cozy1

  • Developer



You can use options provided in this tab to manage official song packs (RS2014 base songs and RS1 base/DLC songs) and other song packs that you might have.

It can be used to hide songs that you don't want to see in your game and which you couldn't normally disable separately because they are in one pack. You can even disable the whole pack by selecting all the songs.

Before modifiying songs, you should pick the pack that you want to modify from the Song Packs list.

DISABLING SONGS: select the songs that you want to disable by ticking the checkboxes near them and press Disable button
ENABLING SONGS: same process, but now you click on Enable

NOTE: When you are done with modifications to this pack, don't forget to click on Save!

RESTORING BACKUPS: the first time you load a songpack, CFSM creates an (*.org.*) copy of the original file.  Songpack backups are stored in the Rocksmith root '\originals\' subfolder.  You will be able to restore an original songpack using the Restore Original Backups button (on the top right)

Edited by Cozy1

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Of course, there's the About tab. Here you can find credits, useful links and all that stuff.


And so you've come to the end of this guide. I hope you enjoyed what you've just read.

Special thanks goes to the main CFSM developer, cozy1, for the parts of CFSM documentation that borrowed and to our admin Zagatozee for proofreading this whole thing. (or to be precise, for proofreading the first version... so in case you don't understand some of my Cronglish, I'm afraid you will have to wait for Zag to do his thing) 

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Are you tired of AV False Positives???  Now accepting donations on my website (Click Here)  Your donation will be used towards buying a code signing certificate.   CGT is now compatible and safe to use with Rocksmith® 2014 Remastered ... 

Latest Build of Custom Game Toolkit (CGT) w/ Game Save Gigbox       Latest Build of Rocksmith Toolkit       Latest Build of Customs Forge Song Manager (CFSM)

All bug reports and help requests please include your: OS, CPU, AV, .NET Framework versions along with a description of the issue (include screenshots of error if possible).  It should go without having to say ... make sure you are using the latest build before submitting bug reports or asking for help.

*  Remember to use your magic words (please and thank you) if you would like a response.  Don't use phrases like 'thanks anyhow' as it is demeaning.

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