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    Buitenhuis Custom / Morris Hurricane Jane

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  1. Finally got around to doing a clean install and it worked a treat. Cheers @@catara!
  2. Thanks. I'll try it on my mates machine who has done a clean install and see if that works. If so then might have to look at doing a clean install before I can start converting again
  3. Hmmm no luck. Uninstalled Java and reinstalled 8.51 again. Tested with and without AV running and still not able to create the PS3 files. Xbox and Mac I have no problems with still. @@catara did you by any chance to a clean install of Windows 10 or just an upgrade? Starting to feel like I may need to do a clean install if its working for others of Win10 which I was hoping to put off doing for a while
  4. I'll try uninstalling java and re-installing n hopefully that kicks it into gear!
  5. @@Alex360 I tried turning my AV off but still no luck. I can confirm that I have the latest version of java (Patform 1.8.0_51) installed
  6. Upgraded to Windows 10 today and thought I'd convert a couple of PC files that I had sitting around and looks like there's an issue when using the toolkit to convert to PS3 on Windows 10. I did the usual changing the target to PS3 and choosing the file to convert and everything looked fine as I got the "DLC was converted from 'Pc' to PS3'." prompt. I then looked in the folder where the original file was and no PS3 file existed. Tried a refresh which still produced no PS3 file so thought I'd do a search on my machine in case somehow it created into another location but still no luck. I then changed the target to Xbox360 and tested again, this time the file created successfully. Did another test with the target as Mac and again this worked. Tried once more with the target as PS3 and once again no PS3 file was created. Tried using the Xbox and Mac files to PS3 which also didn't work. I noticed I didnt have the most up to date version of the toolkit so ran the update and tried again with each different target and still PS3 files wouldn't get created. Hopefully someone can look into this and if any testing is required am happy to help out. Cheers
  7. @@Alex360 I can provide you with a copy of the original PC file along with a converted to PS3 file using 2.6.0 that works and 2.6.1 that freezes up the game. Is there an email address you can PM me to send to? I've tested converting PC files that were created with 2.6.0 and 2.6.1 and both end up with the same results when converting to PS3 in 2.6.1. More than happy to help out with further testing.
  8. I recently updated my version of the toolkit from 2.6.0 to 2.6.1 (54a9c27d) as there was a number of new songs being released that were created in the newer version which would fail when trying to convert to PS3 in 2.6.0. Since then any PC files I've converted in 2.6.1 to PS3 have caused the game to freeze when I try to select the song from the song list. I've also tried selecting the song in Score Attack and the same thing would happen. I'm then forced to quit the game and restart it, however if I select that same song or any other converted in 2.6.1 the same thing happens again. Hoping someone can look into this or recommend a fix so that I can start playing the new/updated releases again.
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