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About brushmaker

  • Birthday 07/09/1962

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    Les Paul Epiphone / USA Pro Strat 2017

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  1. Happy Birthday brushmaker!

  2. Happy Birthday brushmaker!

  3. Many thanks for the reply I forgot to mention that I do own Rocksmith 14 remastered so do I need to buy just the import tool and the earlier Rocksmith versions or just the RS import tool. Many thanks again. Mervyn
  4. Guys hoping I'm in the right area to get an answer/help. I'm wanting to download some cdlc songs ie rolling stones satisfaction and Sweet Home Alabama when I proceed to download these the download link takes me here https://theriffrepeater.com/rocksmith-2014-setlist/rocksmith-setlist/ then in the listing there's a link for that song but this takes me to a youtube link, can you guys tell me why this is or am I missing some information or is there something else I have to do first really not sure, if I have to purchase then that's fine too. The information tab says "Get more information on purchasing this official DLC" Any information would help. Thanks guys in advance Mervyn
  5. All working fine guys many thanks for the great support - just a simple issue of re-naming the file D3DX9_42.dll file and removing the (1) uploaded again to the RS 14 root folder, reloaded steam and all working fine just need to be able to play the guitar now. Thanks team
  6. Hi guys hopefully someone can just point me to what I'm doing wrong, I have viewed some of the video tutorials on how to install CDLC into RS-14, so here's exactly what I have done. Firstly I made a donation to Custom Forge because I think its great cause and I dont mind throwing in a few quid now and then. anyway! I then paid for and installed the Cherub Rock dlc from steam, that's all installed nicely. 2nd I then download the DL file D3DX9_42 and installed that into the directory Rocksmith14 directory. 3rd. I then downloaded from CDLC Search link and searched for the song I wanted (muse - Sphyco) great its there so I downloaded the PC version and installed that into the DLC directory..again all fine. 4th I then loaded up steam to play RS14 and all looked fine as the Muse Sphyco song was in my "Learn A song" list wow! that was simple...well I thought so! so then I plugged in the guitar and started to load Muse Sphyco..and yes it loaded and I was able to tune to Drop D as it told me to do so, now I have sound guys but no graphics/ strings /tutorial just a blank screen with the two speakers on the side...hopefully I have explained that bit ok. Am I missing another thing to download and install to make the instructions appear and be able to play, I nearly there I think but this is just strange to me I must be missing something guys any help would be great. Mervyn
  7. Many thanks KingCobra, I haven't tried that setup yet but I will on your advise and let you know how it works. Many thanks
  8. Guys some great help on this topic as I was struggling to find a solution to play RS-14 through my Marshall core 25 amp, Donator your a star mate I have bought the Y-cable (UK) Amazon works fine I have a little humming noise but I can live with that, it's worse though when I have some of the effects/amp setting on the Core 24 module amp so have to play around a little with some of the settings. Question is not too sue if I can do this but could I have it run through my Boss RC30 looper. Anyway I can live with playing with the Y-cable if I cant. Thanks again guys
  9. Many thanks Firekorn for the fast reply, yes I own a full licensed RS 14 and just loving the learning process of plying my Les Paul Epiphone, at the moment I'm learning how to play running through the tutorials step by step but hopefully at some point soon (lol) I wish to get some great songs by Dire Straights, Guns N Roses and many others. On a personal choice I haven't found some of the default songs with RS to be to my taste but as time moves on I wish to learn how to play the above songs.... I hope! Thanks for your time, great forum by the way and hope to donate at some point. Kindest regards Mervyn
  10. Many thanks for the link, A little complicated but will give it a go, nice and clear instructions on the installation...so one last question, I have a full licensed version of RS 14 remaster which I bought through Steam for the PC now it may sound a stupid question will I be breaking any rules just need to be clear on this if you can advise... as I say I'm very new to RS. Best regards Mervyn
  11. Hi All just a quick question as I'm a very new player to an electric guitar and to Rocksmith which I must say is a huge massive help and just love it. My question is guys I want to really learn how to play Dire Straights stuff but my registered version of Rocksmith 14 Remastered don't have these Dire Straights songs in their listing and cannot find it under DLC, so this brought me to you guys as I found out its a Custom DLC (as you can tell I'm new). So how do I install this custom song or any CDLC into my new Rocksmith 14, by the way I'm running on a PC. Any help would be great guys. Regards Mervyn
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