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I've been using Rocksmith 2014 CDLC for about a year now and this has never happened to me before. Just the other day all of CDLC disappeared. I have already bought Cherub Rock on steam, downloaded D3Dx_42.dll, and downloaded the mod installer, but the CDLC still will not appear. I have also tried unblocking a couple of the songs through files, and redownloaded a few of them but that didn't work either. All of my CDLC are still in DLC folder on the Rocksmith2014 file on my computer as well, as well as Cherub Rock. I'm not sure if this has happened to anyone else, but it's pretty annoying, considering it has wiped out 3/4 of my songs on Rocksmith 2014.
Hi Everyone I hope i have posted this in the correct forum I want to create some CDLC but i am really struggling to find accurate tabs on which to base the CDLC on, also the more obscure bands that i want to create the CDLC from there just doesn't seem to be a lot of accurate tabs around, i might be able to find tabs occasionally but when i load then into Eof they just wont fit with the actual Music. so my probably quite Nooby question is-is there any auto tab writing software available where i can play the track i want to create the CDLC on and the prog will write the TAB for me ? I have wondered for a while where some of you guys who create CDLC for less mainstream bands actually get your tabs from or do you create them yourselves ? I am primarily interested in creating the Bass lines because its the bass lines that i want to play and there are so many brilliant bass lines out there that have never been turned into CDLC and i would like to add something more to the Community by creating CDLC myself but it is so far proving to be far more difficult and time consuming than i had previously imagined primarily due to the lack of accurate TABs Thanks in advance for your assistance
I just re-installed all of the CDLC for Rocksmith 2014 Remastered and tried it out. Problem is, none of the CDLC songs will load past the tuner. I even downloaded the D3DX9_42.dll file and placed it into the Rocksmith 2014 Remastered root folder in my Steam library, and it STILL won't get past the tuner screen. I also have "Cherub Rock" by Smashing Pumpkins purchased too. I'm also running the game on my 5tb Wstern Digital P10 external hard drive. What am I missing?
Just wondering what the process is. or if one exists, to request an author to make changes to CDLC. I have downloaded some great songs but really screws with you when the wrong fret is indicated. (I play Bass mostly). For example, How hard is it to edit just 1 wrong fret that recurs in several different bars of a song? The one I'm thinking of is a Tom Petty song, I think "Don't do me like that". Wrong fret indicated in several bars - eventually the right fret is used later in the song. Keep Rockin'!
Hello My CDLC will show in the menu along w/ the art, I can select to play the song and tune to it but when I continue to play it nothing happens, just a screen w/ amps and no text. I have Rocksmith 2014 on PC win10 I would greatly appreciate any help. Thank you -------------- I figured it out, you have to select the song option boxes.
quick question how do i get the notes to start at a certain time im importing it from a guitar pro file
So far I've authored 2 different CDLC and they both seem to keep crashing after i Pause and then go to Resume song. One of them is pretty bare bones (no dynamic difficulty, no phases/sections). The other I took all weekend putting in vocals, DD, RR, the works. (First time making CDLC). Both songs work perfectly in almost every other aspect but the Pause/Resume problem. Riff Repeater works perfectly except when exiting back to the pause menu and trying to resume song. But if i choose resume song from the bottom of the riff repeater menu it seems to work half the time. Been stuck trying to figure this out since late Saturday night early Sunday to no avail.. PLZ HELP