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Posts posted by LeWildBob

  1. Well in WWise the "Seek table granularity" parameter was already set to 16384, and regarding the directly referencing the wav, it keeps saying that I have no compatible version of WWise installed on the computer / my version of WWise isn't complete whenever I try to generate the package (the error it says is according to the path I set WWise to be in the toolkit's configuration menu, "version of WWise isn't complete" in the Drive:\Documents\WWise path, and "no compatible version of WWise installed on the computer" on Drive:\Documents\WWise\Authoring\x64\Release\bin

    ​Well it seems like my version of WWise is the 2016 version, is it possible that this is what caused the problem?

  2. Welp I spent 4 hours on fixing notes for (found only one GP5 and it sucked so had to fix it) and making the CDLC of Red Hot Chili Pepper's Hump De Bump yet when I try to play it ingame it freezes for a few seconds (with my ability to use the menu and etc though, only the song freezes) and then it exists the song on its own if I don't do anything. If I try to move through the song via the rift repeater it doesn't show any tabs (still on menu) but if I press continue song I do see the tabs but once again, stuck.
     I saw there's a possible fix in the forum possible fixes yet did not understand what should I repack.
    ​Thanks ahead for any answers

    ​When I save in EOF it says something about the lack of a COUNT phrase

    ​EDIT: Tried playing another cdlc, the others work, only problem is the specific one I made

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