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Posts posted by JamesPrestonUK

  1. Hey all, there is a lack of Graham Coxon on here. (Guy who left Blur) Would anyone like to add something from him? Couple suggestions are .. 





    I'm interested in Freakin' Out and Bittersweet Bundle. Let's see what happens at the weekend  ;)

    • Like 1
  2. A video of me getting the error earlier: https://www.dropbox.com/s/25scc0pls0hiwfd/2019-03-05%2007.06.16.mp4?dl=0


    A perfect example of me double clicking the first time when it fails and then single clicking and choosing OK the next time and it works. I feel bad now. I work in IT and have to trouble shoot issues like this almost every day. And I didn't think to look at how I was selecting the files..... d'oh!

    • Like 1
    1. Click Add button to select EOF File
    2. Add Arrangement window opens
    3. Select file
    4. Check "if tone..." option
    5. Click OK
    6. Cllck button to add artwork
    7. Select artwork
    8. Click OK <- at this point, the Song Information fields can be cleared.
    9. Click button to add audio file
    10. Select audio file
    11. Click OK <- at this point, the Song Information fields can be cleared.

    Annoyingly, I've just created a new custom and the fields have not been cleared after selecting audio/artwork. I will monitor the situation and report back if/when it happens again. It was definitely happening yesterday.

  3. @@cozy1 - just tried again. If I add the EOF file using Add (not quick add), the track info - album, date, title etc) are all there. If I then add the Album art without repositioning the dialog box, it blanks the track info fields. If I reselect the EOF file, then add the Album Art and move the dialog box to the right, the track info isn't blanked. Next time  I create one, I'll send you a screenshot.

  4. Thanks @@cozy1, @@iminashi and @@Fedro


    I've replaced my .net with the earlier version and the installation of the latest Toolkit went without any dramas. I've just created a custom though and the fields were blanked out. On my next attempt, I moved the dialog box for selecting the album art to the right, selected the artwork, and it took it without blanking the rest of the fields out. I'll not know whether this is a coincidence until I do my next custom  :D

  5. How do I fix the zip error about sandboxing please? I read somewhere that I need to unblock the zip file, which I did before installing I just did the auto update option to -a61b... and it failed with <ERROR> latestZipUrl AssemblyCaller failure.. An attempt was made to load an assembly.... I'm using .Net 4.7.2, Windows 7 64 bit.


    Also, this might  be related, but when I'm generating a custom in RST, I'll select the bass part, then when I go to choose the album art or music file, it clears all the fields. There's no rhyme or reason to this - if I select the music file first, then the bass part, selecting the album art can still clear everything. Sometimes it works, other times it can take five or six attempts to get everything to stay put.


    Thanks in advance for any advice!


  6. I guess I'd skip Mr. Mister's Broken wings. It's not like there is a shortage of songs on your to do list. Thanks much for the hard work. I am enjoying them. 


    I've had a go - see what you think.

  7. I'm interested in these:

    Bow Wow Wow - I Want Candy done
    Iggy Pop - I'm Bored done
    Mr. Mister - Broken Wings "done"
    Pet Shop Boys - West End Girls  done
    Wang Chung - Dance Hall Days done
    Toto Coelo - I Eat Cannibals done
    Flying Lizards - Money I can't pick enough bass out of this.
    George Michael - I Want Your Sex
    Soul II Soul - Back to Life 
    Bollock Brothers - Harley David
    Romeo Void - Never Say Never
    I've got West End Girls underway now, but if anyone wants to chart any of the others, go for it. I will post back here if/when I start any of the above.
    • Like 1
  8. Ok, I'm clearly mellowing in my old age. You've picked a few which have been on my "hmm, perhaps..." list for a while. I'll dedupe your list later and let you know what I'll have a stab at.




  9. You'll be much more accurate and have a greater sense of satisfaction if you work the notes out yourself. I got tired of correcting tabs from the sites you've already mentioned early on in my custom writing "career" and decided to create the GPro files myself. It might seem daunting at first, but you'll soon pick it up and learn a lot about music on the way. Your Billy Idol track would be a good one to learn with.


    Check the Notation section on talkbass.com. There are some very good transcribers who post there, and you can request tracks too.

    • Like 1
  10. Hey would anyone like to charter this song please. The Bass is really cool and I would like to use it for RS Champs. Cheers! 



    I generally don't do requests, although I'm happy to have a go at this. Bass only though!

    • Like 1
  11. I was working on a bass CDLC for Sunshine With The Shade, but got glitches in the creation software.   Those of you with better computer skills.....check them out and make a CDLC of any song of theirs that you like !!


    Your wish is my command....

    • Like 1


    Requests for bass guitar:


    Stanley Clarke - School Days (the current CDLC is very inaccurate)



    I got the tab for School Days from this book: https://blackwells.co.uk/bookshop/product/9780793544431?gC=5a105e8b&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgsassY-G3gIVzLHtCh2hsgjjEAQYASABEgKwhPD_BwE


    It was very hard to sync it. Others before me had tried and had the same result. What specifically is wrong with it please? As it was a custom I made several years ago, it's probably in need of some TLC so it would be good to knock all the issues on the head in one go.


    Hi there, thank you for actually answering!


    Ultimately, most of the problems have been mentionned already in the comment section of the CDLC:

    - the absence of slap/pop notes (he uses a lot of pops in this one)

    - as said, goes out of sync during the solo

    - it is missing some notes (especially on the after chorus riff)


    Apart from that, it is good. Thank you for doing it and I hope to see an updated version soon!



    Thanks for the feedback. I think I put too much faith in the chart from the book as there appears to be a lot missing. I'm going to release an interim version to check that the syncing is ok (I checked the solo and it's a nightmare to sync!) then once everyone's happy with that, I'll release another version with all the missing notes etc.

  13. Requests for bass guitar:


    Stanley Clarke - School Days (the current CDLC is very inaccurate)



    I got the tab for School Days from this book: https://blackwells.co.uk/bookshop/product/9780793544431?gC=5a105e8b&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgsassY-G3gIVzLHtCh2hsgjjEAQYASABEgKwhPD_BwE


    It was very hard to sync it. Others before me had tried and had the same result. What specifically is wrong with it please? As it was a custom I made several years ago, it's probably in need of some TLC so it would be good to knock all the issues on the head in one go.


    JamesPrestonUK, I summon thee!


    Even though I'm famous for not doing requests, I am quite tempted to have a go at Coming Up....  :D  I'm currently 114 miles away from my bass and Custom Making Equipment but should be back in the sanctuary of my home office on Thursday.

    • Like 1
  15. Am sure this will never happen but if some heroic madman does choose to take on the task I'll be eternally grateful.



    Strangely enough, I was only thinking about this one last week. I hope you have the correct number of strings on your weapon of choice?

  16. Try downloading the song again - make sure you overwrite the copy you have currently. Let me know if that doesn't fix it.


    Usually this problem is because the song has the same DLC Key/Song Key as an existing song. This happened to me with some new ODLC recently which I'd got as CDLC. A friend pointed out that the DLC key could be the same, so once I'd changed those in the Toolkit, everything was fine and dandy again. As CDLC now has a pretty unique DLC key, I'm surprised that you're having this issue but let's see what the new version I generated with a different DLC key does for you.

  17. Is anyone going to do anything about this issue? I nearly gave up posting a custom just now  because the screen kept jumping about all over the place. Typing this now, I'm in the middle of a battle between the adverts at the top wanting focus and the adverts at the bottom wanting focus. It's not just me having this issue - I know of several others who find the site pretty much unusable. Until it's fixed I'm not going to bother posting any more customs.

    • Like 1
  18. I fully understand why the use of ad blockers on this site has been implemented, but can some work be done to stop them forcing the page being edited to keep jumping to the bottom to focus on the adverts please? I've just added a new custom and to have the page keep changing position as I'm try to fill in the fields is somewhat annoying (I'm English, so being polite).

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