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Posts posted by dalenichol

  1. @@The Troglodyte , thanks buddy...what a gentleman :)


    This next video is a repost from my days over a Smithy's Anvil and was very important in me building my initial understanding of music theory. The woman in the video, Karen Ramirez, manages to explain everything so effectively and succinctly that it's all so easily understandable. I'd highly recommend checking out her other videos on the subject too.


    It's actually taught in relation to piano playing, but obviously it all makes sense when applied to guitar to.


    (Credit to CF user JA37 for being the one who introduced me to these videos.)


    • Like 3
  2. Just a brief stop by for me today, I'm not long in from work and I have a new guitar to play about with. Trying to teach myself how this floyd rose nonsense works and how I can stop it :p


    Something I've always loved is the exotic scales, something that just sounds a little bit different.

    Here's Joe Satriani's take on it! 



    Hopefully some of you can take a little bit of inspiration from this

    • Like 1
  3. http://i.gyazo.com/1a1998e2689d4b06bfe9d8517a9ab208.png


    Got this today from a colleague at work.


    It's a Gear4Music.com own brand, budget guitar but it does look pretty cool and cost me all of £0!


    I'm gonna fix a few dents and breaks (which aren't seen in the picture), respray it (same or maybe different colour) and put in some decent new pups and we should be good to go :D

    • Like 1
  4. I got a new guitar from a colleague today. It has a floyd rose and the first thing I'm doing is blocking it.


    Doesn't really seem to have any real use for me, and the uses it does have seem to be far too much faffing about for a little payoff

  5. Aaaaaand we're back in the room.


    So Mr.Sklonick's power chord lesson seemed to go down pretty well, which is great. Building on that, or at least in a similar vein, I'm going to introduce another concept. 


    7th chords in a metal setting...




    And, you know, because I'm a nice guy and I missed a video out yesterday, here's a little bonus video for you all. One of my favourite guitarists playing one of my favourite songs. Brant Bjork takes you through the groovy, stoner rock tune "Doctor Special"


  6. Sorry guys, the daily grind has gotten the better of me today and between work and everything, I've just not had time to find a decent video. I'd rather watch a load and pick a good one than just post the first one that comes to me.


    I'll find a good one for tomorrow to make it all up to you!

  7. Me again. 


    Good old games (gog.com) are having a big spring sale.


    Constant games on sale, up to 90% off. Limited stock. 

    When the game is sold, another takes its place. Keep an eye out :)

  8. Welcome aboard Tris and I (and I'm sure I speak for everybody here) hope you enjoy your time here.


    Hopefully you'll get settled in well and there's years worth of content on the board here for you to sink your teeth into when you get started playing.


    As well as the cdlc content, we also have some nice off topic discussion, gear guides and an area for people looking to learn and improve. If you have any questions, all you need to do is ask!

    • Like 1
  9. I'm glad you liked it mate.


    I'm just hoping that with this thread we can start to engage a bit more, get some of the beginners to come and talk with us, and hopefully give a creative spark to more advanced players too. 


    It's such an awesome community so it'd be good to get people more active in discussions

  10. Hey guys. Hopefully yesterdays video proved to be useful to some of you :)


    Today's video is all about Power Chords.


    Watch here as Testament's Alex Skolnick teaches you how to build your own Heavy Metal power chord based riffs.




    I'm open to suggestions if people want the videos to focus on specific genre's or techniques in the future. Just drop me a line in here or through PM.

    • Like 5
  11. Hey guys.


    So I had an idea. This is one of the quieter areas of the forum at the moment and that's a shame. There's potential here for a whole community within a community of people looking to learn the guitar or bass (or maybe even some other instruments?!) 


    So to get us moving down the right road, I had an idea. A new instructional video every day, something to keep things fresh, give you some new ideas or maybe that creative breakthrough you've been looking for. I'll trawl the interwebs to see what I can find. 


    It wont all be beginner stuff, by any means, some of it even quite advanced, but I will take requests if there's anything people are finding particularly difficult or would need further explained.


    Also, I probably should have asked a mod about this first. Hopefully it's not a problem :)


    So, without further ado...



    Todays lesson comes courtesy of Blues legend, BB King who discusses the chords and voicings he uses in his music. Whilst not laid out in a traditional 'lesson' fashion, it's great just to listen to the mind of such a great man



    • Like 6
  12. The thing for me is, whilst Rocksmith is largely a single player "game", it's not really a game at all.


    It's a learning tool meant to help you progress and learn songs as they are arranged. When you want to learn a song by a band like Megadeth, who have two incredible guitarists, it's only natural that you'll have solo's in both the rhythm and lead arrangements.


    I know it's maybe not as fun or whatever, but such is life. If I turn up at a band practice one day and the guys want to play a run through of Hangar 18, I wouldn't want to be the rhythm guitarist who never bothered to learn his solo.

    • Like 1
  13. Welcome Ben. Nice to have another Scot on board too, always a nice addition.


    The community here is great and the custom content work is top notch, hopefully you find it welcoming and get yourself in amongst it.


    Dinnae be a bawbag, mind ;)

  14. I also recommend just slowing it down in riff repeater. 


    You'll make more progress playing all the notes, slowly, than you will learning it incorrectly at a faster speed. That's my opinion anyway :)

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