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Posts posted by bluelava

  1. Also, the Agile guitars are from Korea, but with Rondo as the retailer he is able to buy in bulk and have the guitars meet a certain specification in terms of quailty and craftsmanship. Now these other China Les Pauls, your buying from tradetang, alibaba, or dhgate. You will come across 20 or more "guitar factories" on these sites all selling the exact same thing using the exact same pictures, other than their own watermark stamp on the images. You will be rolling the dice as far as what you get in terms of quality and craftsmanship, as these guys barely speak english, and you just hope for the best. You will however, not get the same exact guitar as shown in the picture, no matter how much the China guy says you will. By far mine is not total crap but it does need some work do be decent. Youtube PixxyLixxx and you will see a great success with a China copy, hunt around some more and you can find some horror stories.

  2. I have a China Les Paul as well as an Agile 3010 from Rondo. Priced similar but with some huge differences. The China Les Paul looks beautiful from a distance, but once in your hands its a completely defferent story. The guitar looks impressive hanging on the wall for eye candy with its brand name and everything looking nearly perfect. Now as far as playing it, your pretty much guarenteed to have atleast one string out of tune by the end of a song due to some real crappy tuners, the pickups are nothing special and are quite muddy sounding. The feel of the guitar is pretty darn good though and with a little time and money to change the electronics and tuners, could be quite a nice guitar.


    The Agile 3010, now thats a different story all together. Bought it new from Rondo, this beauty arrives in near perfect tune! The finish is great, the inlays are stunning, ebony fretboard, alnico pickups, the tuners are smooth and tight and stay put. Absolutely beautiful guitar in looks, sound, and playability. Yeah, its missing the Gibson name, but it took only a very short amount of time to not even care about that anymore. Would gladly give away the China copy for another one of these beauties, or even the 2000 model without thinking twice. I have a Jackson and an Ibanez here as well, both of which I have only good things to say about, but in all honesty I like the Agile even better.

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