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Posts posted by shrubbery

  1. See? You have no idea what I'm saying, I use EOF only for GP to XML conversion. You can only make something that is on par with EOF at best and I don't need another tool to do that, sorry. It has no potential of advancement, only workarounds for RS features stuffed into text markers, no thanks.

  2. I never said there is not enough info, it just wouldn't be any better that what there already is, actually probably worse since you can't leverage advanced EOF features even if you wanted to.


    Well, I mentioned quite a few already. Of the top of my head: per-arrangement tone switching, phrases and sections,

    chord fingering, arpeggio outlines or hand positions if you want to. There is no place for any of these in GP format. And I'm sure somebody who edits charts in EoF manually could come up with more examples of stuff that can't be put into tab.


    Maybe you should just spend some time charting before you waste your time on this. You do what you want but it would be useless for me.

  3. It won't be easier than what is available now, I can just as well create empty EOF project and import GPA & GP, this part doesn't bother me. What bothers me is that I need separate tabs and projects for all arrangements which just keep diverging when I fix them, it bothers me that there are RS features and techniques which are not supported in GP tab, it bothers me that I lose chord fingering with every import (also something that you'll lose without EOF). Having to reimport notes into project is just a minor nuissance, I can do that with a few keypresses, but your version isn't going to help much with anything else. All this additional information need to be added to the tab and there is no place in GP format other than stuffing everything in the text markers, not nice (I don't even know what is the limit for these, probably 255 characters).

  4. If you mean measure markers that is pretty limiting to timing and is shared by all tracks so again you need to copy and edit file for each arrangement. I know this really well, plain GP file is really limited, it's a pain in the ass...

  5. What do you mean belong to XML? Tone definition source format is always JSON.


    As for the switching definition, I agree, I even want to define switches right in the tab (another unsupported feature).


    I am currently trying tone autoloading in toolkit with my scripts for updating XML for the first time. It took me hours to narrow it down, it seems that using exact measure boundary time causes it to freeze on load (actually in this case it happens only if I add more than 2 tone switches). When I subtract 1ms it works. RS engine probably doesn't like events scheduled at exactly the same time.

  6. I don't know if there is a limit to how many switches per arrangement can be made but you can only load 4 different tones per arrangement.

    Data can take either approx. 2 or 4 billion switches, not sure where RS limits are.
  7. Care to share the knowledge regarding how/what to install for Wwise on OSX?

    You will need Wine and download Wwise installers, look for 2013.2.4 download links in here (install with "wine msiexec /i" or "wine start") and then use wav2wem script. Mac and PC WEM files are identical.

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  8. That's actually what I have in mind. It would need to be an extension to tab format (probably TG native) to hold extra RS information (techniques, per track phrases and sections, tone switching) and GPA sync would be only applied on export.


    Basically reimplementation of tab to RS XML conversion is the huge part of what would be necessary to have it working. I don't care about manually created DD either but it wouldn't be impossible.


    BTW I know how to extract sync points from GPA database.

  9. @@th1rtyf0urYou should install dotnet35sp1 to get-post processing working I've no idea why it hangs up though.

    I think it hangs because of the wrong Wwise version, 2013.1.3 failed spectacularly, 2013.2.2 probably thought is compatible. Here are the links:https://www.audiokinetic.com/files/?get=2013.2.4_4836/Authoring_Win32.msihttps://www.audiokinetic.com/files/?get=2013.2.4_4836/Authoring_Data.msiI have only dotnet40 for toolkit. A dialog babbling something about unknown runtime pops up (missing dotnet35 apparently) and then it ends with "Process completed with warning(s)." message but WEM is there. 
    [SoundBank Log Info] Name: RS_SOUNDBANK Platform: Windows« | Language: SFX  | Created:Yes | Status: Successful[Running Post-generation step: Copy Streamed Files...] Executing command: "C:Program FilesAudiokineticWwise v2013.2.4 build 4836AuthoringWin32ReleasebintoolsAkCopyStreamedFiles.exe" -info "Z:homexTemplateGeneratedSoundBanksWindowsSoundbanksInfo.xml" -outputpath "Z:homexTemplateGeneratedSoundBanksWindows" -banks "RS_SOUNDBANK Init" -languages "English(US)"Warning	29	Custom pre-generation or post-generation executable returned a non-zero value: '"C:Program FilesAudiokineticWwise v2013.2.4 build 4836AuthoringWin32ReleasebintoolsAkCopyStreamedFiles.exe" -info "Z:homexTemplateGeneratedSoundBanksWindowsSoundbanksInfo.xml" -outputpath "Z:homexTemplateGeneratedSoundBanksWindows" -banks "RS_SOUNDBANK Init" -languages "English(US)"', error id: '-2146232576'	Windows«Process completed with warning(s).
  10. Also I downloaded tuxguitar, so thats like Guitar Pro I take it. But it wont read the .gpx files either

    Actually it can, but not with the version that is available for download.There's http://sourceforge.net/projects/tuxguitar-fork/ which has gpx plugin for download, not sure if it works.I'll try to compile whole TuxGuitar for Windows but I don't promise anything.edit: Here you go https://www.dropbox.com/s/zcwzmptqxgrp9om/tuxguitar-1.3-SNAPSHOT-windows-x86.r1104.zip but it apparently requires Java to be installed
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