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Posts posted by theellimist

  1. I have a lot of dlc and standard rocksmith songs that I never play and I want to remove them. So I marked them all as favorite (ironically) so that I could find them in CFSM and remove them but I can't figure out how to see which songs are favorited. Is it possible?

    The alternative to me is that i'll have to cross reference manually to find the files and remove them >.<

  2. 11 minutes ago, Pegla said:

    Maybe it's not meant to be used in such a way? Otherwise, you could just copy/paste a list of names and get the server CPU usage to the roof, or something. But, I'm still curious, if you put galneryus in the default search field, like in this screenshot, you don't see these results? (Galneryus, GALNERYUS, Syu From Galneryus) I mean, in your usage case you wouldn't need to search for different variations of one name if they all show up regardless of the capitalization, right?


    That's not the filter search. I would just let the devs read the bug reports and decide what to do. They don't need random people trying to justify why a bug exists but thanks for trying.

  3. 53 minutes ago, Pegla said:

    As much as I saw, no need for different capitalization, if you type all with small letters, the capital ones will also show. Why would you even think that it's case sensitive?
    So in your case, I only typed "galner", and I could see all those variations where "galner" was mentioned, capital or small.

    Kind of irrelevant. The bug is that putting multiple artists in the filter artist bar only shows the first artist and not all of them. The capitalization is just something I noticed and yes you would need to put all 4 different capitalizations in the search bar to see them all, if it worked to begin with.

  4. Hey I got to the part of building my collection where i'm searching individual artists that had too many songs to look through in my wider search and I noticed a new bug. When I search multiple artists names it only shows the first artist name out of the ones I search. For example I search "Galneryus" and then "Syu from Galneryus" and then that 3 more times cuz I guess the song creators couldn't agree on a capitalization. Anyways it shows only Galneryus. Then when i'm done I delete Galneryus and it shows the first "Syu from Galneryus" and then I delete the next top one and it shows the next one and so on.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Unleashed2k said:

    Glad it works, added a few more options 🙂

    Ohh cool. Not gonna lie I don't know what "Alt" means. I assume it's like the Rhythm is actually a 2nd lead or the lead is a 2nd Rhythm. I'm sure people looking for that option will appreciate it though.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Unleashed2k said:

    I applied a fix, how is it now? 

    Ohh wow that was fast dude. Instantly from 2300 pages down to 2000 and I don't see any bass only charts. I would say it's a success. Thanks!


    Btw is there a way to filter for "Lead or Rhythm" or will it do "Must be Lead and Rhythm"? or like filter "-Bass". If not that's cool i'm being nitpicky at this point. Doubt there's many tracks with Rhythm but no Lead.

  7. 1 minute ago, Unleashed2k said:

    Ahh there we go, 🙂 It's hard to replicate it without more info like this, I see it now. Hopefully can get a fix to you soon, I'll let you know. 

    Alright thanks dude. I'm only on the letter P of my multi month collection journey so I look forward to it 😛

  8. 6 minutes ago, Unleashed2k said:

    Your results look different than mine right? Can you try another browser real quick or incognito in your current one? How many pages does it say for you? image.png

    Doesn't work in incognito so I installed firefox. Doesn't work in firefox either. I sorted by artist name if that matters cuz the filter did appear to be working for a second but I guess it's just a coincidence there's no bass charts on the first page with default sorting.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Unleashed2k said:


    It should look like this, unless you have a very old cached filters.js

    I had done a hard refresh before and I just cleared my browser cache data but it's still the same. Not sure where specifically that filter.js is to delete it?


    Weird part is if I select Lead and Rhythm it filters out some random songs. Truly random because I still have songs with Lead, Rhythm and Bass only.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Unleashed2k said:

    Can you provide any more info? I just checked your filters and I don't see this happening

    I select "Lead" under "Search arrangements". Nothing happens, songs with only bass are still there. Maybe i'm misunderstanding but I believe that should mean the song must have a lead arrangement or be filtered out.

  11. I tried using this and the lowest dynamic difficulty will have like 4 chords show up in an entire song which is so low that there's no chance for the player to ever level up and they just stare blankly as the song plays and no notes show up. Is there any way to edit how it adds dynamic difficulty so theres more notes at the lower difficulty. I feel it should match up more with how the base game tracks are.

  12. I'm not sure if it improved but back when the game came out I noticed the tuner wasn't very accurate to start with so i'd just tune the guitar with a head tuner and then just finger pick the in game tuner until it accepted that it's in tune.


    I've also read that if I was missing notes in game a lot it would be because I was using 0.8 strings and the game works best with 0.10 or 0.11

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