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Posts posted by Denkersis

  1. This is a double question

    First, I want to unpack and fix some ODLC for my personal use (like Pantera's 5 Minutes Alone ending in a fade out, which really bugs me) and the DLC Builder just won't unpack official songs. Is there a way to bypass the "anti-piracy" measure?

    Second, I want to fix the awful CDLC that include tab errors and low quality audio. I figured that, for the tab issue, I could extract the .gp5 using the Rocksmith To Tab tool but this time it's the CDLC that won't pass through the program. Any suggestions aside from getting another tab?

  2. Is there a way to make the game stop trying to make me tune to E standard? I have my guitar in D standard and I can't play the Guitarcade games or Session Mode without doing some annoying workaround because it exclusively expects me to tune to E. And no, uptuning my guitar is not an option for me.

    So, is it possible to change the default tuning?

  3. I can't access the FAQ and I don't know which forum is the adequate for this so I'll ask here. Why can't we have CDLC of songs that are abandonware? There is literally no way to have them unless you make them yourself, which takes a lot of time, or own them beforehand, which is not possible for any newcomer (my case) and is unfair for anyone who didn't have interest in said songs for whatever reason.

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