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Posts posted by M3llow

  1. Because people don't rate the CDLC quality but the song itself most of the time which would make the rating useless.


    Having an unreliable rating would make things unpractical. We do have plans to offer something similar to a rating but there's a lot of consideration and it requires a lot of work.

    Hm, that sounds unlikely to me but you probably know better than I do. It does seem to work on ultimate guitar though.


    I'm curious to what kind of rating that would be and I would warmly welcome any kind of rating system.

    Thanks for taking the time to reply btw! :)

  2. Check out Jeff Healey - While my guitar gently weeps.  It's badass!

    That's way too difficult for a beginner.


    I would recommend 'BB King - Thrill is gone'. It's an official DLC for Rocksmith actually.

    Also 'Albert King with Stevie Ray Vaughan - Born under a bad sign' is a really good song to work your way up to. Solo is not too difficult to master by slowing down with the riff repeater. Also an official DLC. 


    I would say just buy the song if it's available as official DLC instead of downloading it as a custom DLC. If the song I want to play is available as official DLC I buy the DLC. If not, I download the CDLC.

    • Like 2
  3. Hello,


    I'm not sure if I'm supposed to send suggetions here, but I couldnt find the right place for it. 

    Anyways, my suggestion is to add a rating of 5 stars between the 'Add' option and 'Artist' name in the ignition search engine. That way it would be easier to pick out the high quality CDLC's from in some cases 5 duplicates of a song. Example: There are 3 CDLC's from the song AC/DC - Highway to Hell. One of the three has a rating of 2.4/5.0 because it isn't always correct or has bad tuning etc. The other one has 4.3/5.0 because it's spot on but there's no option for dynamic difficulty. The last one has 4.8/5 because it's pretty much perfect.


    Maybe this rating system is already Work in progress? If so, please let me know. I hope I explained my suggestion well enough. If not, please let me know and I will try to elaborate further.
    What do you guys think of this idea? Let me know in comment section below!


  4. AC/DC - C.O.D. 
    Someone please make this song. It's a great AC/DC song, not too difficult to play either. Would be great for me as a lot of AC/DC songs are slightly too difficult for me. This song being relatively easy, I assume it wouldn't be too difficult to create as CDLC for Rocksmith. 

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