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Posts posted by andree

  1. On 3/26/2024 at 10:22 PM, Phantatsy said:

    Nothing wrong with starting over. I haven't really watched any videos of how to get it working, so I'm not sure what steps they take. However, this is how I have done it, and how I've had lots of other people do it. I know you've already covered some of these steps, but I'm going to list everything for anyone who might stumble across this thread.

    Starting with a fresh install of Rocksmith and with the latest drivers for your interface installed. Proceed with the following:

    1. Change the sample rate of your interface in the Focusrite (or other manufacturer's) device settings. It should be 48000 Hz. Bit depth can be 16-bit or 24-bit.
    2. Install RSMods.
    3. Install RS_ASIO by dragging the 3 files from the .zip archive into the base Rocksmith folder. (Where the Rocksmith.exe file is)
    4. Run Rocksmith. Ignore any SOUND INITIALIZATION ERRORs. Once the game has loaded; close it.
    5. Open RSMods and navigate to the RS_ASIO Settings tab.
    6. Set your input 1 to your interface (Focusrite USB ASIO).
    7. Change the channel to match the input you're using for your instrument. (Input 1 on an interface = channel 0| Input 2 on an interface = channel 1 - and so on)
    8. Set your output to your interface (Focusrite USB ASIO).
    9. Input 2 and Input Microphone should not have anything selected (unless you plan on playing mutiplayer for some reason).
    10. Set your Buffer Size. "Driver" will use the number your interface is already set to. To use a different value, use "Custom". If using custom, set the value to 192 to start with.
    11.  Navigate to the Rocksmith Settings tab.
    12. "Exclusive Mode" should be enabled.
    13. * OPTIONAL * Check "Real Tone Cable Only"     --- This makes it so Rocksmith doesn't take over your microphone, allowing you to use it in Discord. (It also doesn't change the volume level on the Mic like it normally would)
    14. * OPTIONAL * Uncheck "Enable Microphone"      --- Additional setting to make sure Rocksmith doesn't try to use your mic.
    15. Run Rocksmith.


    If you are using the RealTone Cable but an audio interface for sound output:

    1. Instead of selecting your interface in step 6. leave it blank.
    2. Select "Use WASAPI Input".
      • This will use Windows default audio input (recording device).
      • Make sure it is set to 48000 Hz, 16/24-bit in Windows sound settings.
      • Also make sure Windows allows applications to take exclusive control of this device. (Found in "More sound settings", then the advanced tab of properties)


    If you are using the interface for input, but headphones or speakers connected to your PC using something other than the interface (USB or 3.5mm aux into motherboard):

    1. Instead of selecting your interface in step 8. leave it blank.
    2. Select "Use WASAPI Output".
      • This will use Windows default audio output (playback device).
      • Make sure it is set to 48000 Hz, 16/24-bit in Windows sound settings.
      • Also make sure Windows allows applications to take exclusive control of this device. (Found in "More sound settings", then the advanced tab of properties)


    That should be it for the set up. After you have confirmed input works and you have sound output (even if it's distorted or unusable). Then you can attempt to fix audio quality and latency.

    • Latency Buffer (In Rocksmith Settings, or the Rocksmith.ini file). 4 is default, lowest in-game setting is 2. (The game will say it's 1, but the file will say 2).
    • Buffer Size (set in RS_ASIO and/or your driver settings for the interface.
      • A buffer size of 192 should work without any audio distortion, however you may want to have slightly less latency.
      • A step down from 192 should be 96. A step down from 96 should be 48.
      • You're free to try numbers between 192 and 96, but in my experience; other numbers will cause problems.

    If, when changing buffer sizes, you lose audio in Rocksmith (audio from other sources should still be fine), you will need to:

    1. Change the buffer size back to the previous value that worked before losing audio (or distortion).
    2. Restart your PC. (Unplugging and re-plugging in your interface may also work, but I know restarting works for me)


    Getting a SOUND INITIALIZATION ERROR after following the 14 steps mentioned earlier on should only be because:

    1. The sample rate isn't 16/24-bit 48000 Hz.
    2. Rocksmith can't get exclusive control of your audio device.

    Thank you for posting this. your guide helped me out. I use RSmods and Focusrite Clarett+

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