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Posts posted by Joey

  1. Updated scores


    @@MaZtoR the beginning intro is a bit tough since its supposed to be arpeggios and its just done as single note but it is learnable. Just wish I knew what chords it wanted so I could position my hand accordingly but I will keep at it and try to get a better score and you are correct the rest is not that difficult its just that beginning section thats a bit of a pain. 





  2. It would be difficult to enforce something of that nature as even the Intermediate and MC songs tend to happen the same way. I hate having to retune my guitars but its something that we all have to do and its an important part of learning to play the guitar. I know tuning is boring but its also something that must be learned. In time it will be easier to retune the guitar and will take all of 30 seconds to do once you have it down. I wish we could cater to everyones specific needs but alas we have to take everyone into account and tuning is the first thing you should learn before even learning your first chord. Drop tunings are something you will find in all music and just be happy you don't have to tune your guitar after every play as is what we had to do with the original Rocksmith. That is what made me stop playing the original Rocksmith as I couldn't stand it, it was so bad that they made a hack for it to force Rocksmith to do it after a few plays instead of after every one and even that didn't help me stick to it. The loading times were just too much so imagine if you had to retune your guitar every time you wanted to play a different E standard song. You had to wait for all the loading screens then wait for the tuning then you were able to finally play the song. Was such a pain in the ass. 

  3. @@Collision glad to see you not giving up and great score man. In a few weeks i see you competing with the guys in Intermediate without too much of a problem. Just take your time and don't let the first impression of a song intimidate you as most of the time seeing a song for the first time on Rocksmith while trying to play it can be very intimidating even for me. Just take it slow and ease into the new songs and I am sure that after a few attempts it will sink in and become easier and easier as the days go by. Always remember to take breaks and play other things too or rest as the mind needs to soak in what its learning. Every person is different and learns at different paces so don't feel discouraged or intimidated if you don't pick something up fairly quickly as that is normal. Some people need to practice a song for days to get it right while others may only need a few hours. Just depends on the individual and it has nothing to do with people being better or worse than others. Some just learn things differently and at a faster or slower pace. 


    Try and take some time and really go over the lessons in Rocksmith until you can get at least over 90% on them before you move on to the next lesson. Believe me the lessons in Rocksmith will have a tremendous impact on your playing. Even the minigames that most people ignore are fun and challenging and will help develop your skills. 

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    I fancied trying this this week but Sinners doesn't show up in game for me :(


    I'll re-download now and see if that helps





    Nope no show 


    I repacked for you, try this ! :)https://www.dropbox.com/sh/p8dm22c7fpt5ll3/AAAeXE-wkeUhrpDL-sFh0HZla



    Please check to see also if you have any songs that are named the same as this may interfere with you seeing the song. Also if you have more than 1 of the same custom in your collection this may cause problems as well. 

  5. Please take note of a new addition to the spreadsheet


    Championship Class Lists


    This will have where each person who enters into the competition should be. This spreadsheet will be updated every week to reflect any new changes for each class. If you would like to be listed in a certain difficulty to start you may request this for your first entry, you will then have to follow the class you are listed in. I will be following the scores and will try to keep this updated every week but in the event that I miss a week please take note of the rules and try to follow them. As always you may play all songs and all arrangements but only the scores for the class you are listed in will be added to the spreadsheet. If you guys have any questions or suggestions please feel free to list them here and I will reply to them all. 

  6. Please note the update to the %'s which move you into the next tear. As some beginner songs some people may reach 98% too easily as pointed out by @ I am increasing this to 99% which may not seem like a big difference but I assure you all that that 1% sometimes is very difficult to obtain and will avoid people being pushed into the next level. I am also increasing the 95% to 97% 3 weeks in a row as this will help those who don't want to be put into the next class too quickly be able to stay in their respective classes longer. 

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  7. Da Rules

    (Credit to the Ubi Forums for some Ideas!):Items in bold are updates to the rules.

    1. Anyone may join the contest as long as he's a forum member.

    2. You can play "Score Attack" On Hard or "Learn a Song" with all sections mastered (all purple): You may also play a song which does not have DD on Score Attack easy if you cannot get through it on hard as all the notes will still show up on easy but it won't X you out as easily.

    3. There are four classes: Beginner(BEG), Intermediate(INT), Advanced(ADV) and Masterclass(MC). If you enter to the contest the first time, you can choose your class for every path separate or become FreeBird Member.
    Classes difficulties standards are BEG: 1-3 INT: 4,5 ADV: 6,7 MC: 8,9 (guitar)

    Bass: Beg 1-4, Int 5-6, Adv 7-8, Mc 8-9, Gog 10 (updated May 2021)



    3.1 FreeBird member is a participant who does not belong to any class, thus can't win at the end of the week, but can be rewarded with FBA (FreeBird Award) after playing 2 weeks in a row (one pass allowed).

    3.2 UP/DOWNLEVELING (Update by Rodman)


    Everyone can choose his class he wants to participate when he starts to play.

    Lead/Rhy and Bass are independent so a player can choose different classes in the different paths.


    You level up

    -----   if you achieve 99%+ (bass 99.5%+) on a classes top difficulty song (3 for beg / 5 for int / 7 for adv) - unless you vote against! (your classmates and the orgas will have to let you stay (to avoid players of higher classes to rule a lower league)

    -----   whenever you feel ready - just make a post (and pm any orga so you make sure its not overlooked) and you level up.


    You level down

    ----- whenever you feel you are in a class too high (your new classmates and the orgas will have to let you stay (to avoid players of higher classes to rule a lower league)


    GoG is an extra competition for everyone - MC stays masterclass and does never level up.


    You are then leveled automatically as follows:

    • Guitar (lead or rhythm) - If you score same or more than 99% on song of upper difficulty,
    • Bass - If you score same or more than 99.5% on song of upper difficulty.

    If you score <=79% on a level two weeks in a row you are leveled down one class. If you do not participate for 3 weeks in a row your name is removed from the lists but you may return and choose what class you want to be in when you return (you can drop by maximum one class).

    "Pour Some Sugar On Me rule" is rule made after ratings were done, it based on situation where easy songs are in higher class, Pour Some Sugar On Me bass is perfect example of beginner bass song, still it leveled up some bass players to MasterClass. With that rule particpant is not going to be leveled up on songs easier then his class, unless he wants to level up.


    3.3 Organizers may decide not to level up a participant if it seems fair for competition.


    4. Both instruments are leveled separately.

    5. You may only enter in one class per arrangement. (Bass, Rhythm, Lead) but you may participate in all available arrangements. Your highest level difficulty entry will be chosen as your entrant if you participate in all arrangements. For example if you play all 3 classes on BASS your MC BASS Score will be your entry for that week. Same goes for Lead and Rhythm classes. This will make it fair for the people who can't play the higher level songs and hopefully stop discouraging them from posting their scores because the other advanced players are posting theirs. 

    6. One Song is chosen for all Instruments and classes


    6.1. For each instrument songs are sorted by theirs difficulty (from easiest to thoughest).

    7. Every Saturday new songs are chosen. From all participants of a class, one is chosen at random by Motive, Mortalo.

    8. Every member should add his/her name and song he/she would like chosen to the Song Selection List which has been made editable by all for this purpose

    9. Only 1 song per class will be selected and only custom DLC's with at least 1 arrangement for guitar and 1 arrangement for bass are allowed (ideally they should have Lead/Rhythm/Bass arrangements and have a custom tone with Riff Repeater but Rhythm arrangements and custom tones are optional).

    Also Originally included Rocksmith 2014 songs may be selected as well. NO OFFICIALLY RELEASED DLC is supported at this time and ALL customs must be available on Customsforge.com to qualify. 


    9a. All songs must have riff repeater in order to qualify for the championship. Songs without riff repeater may be replaced if they are chosen accidentally unless everyone states they want to keep it. 

    10. You only need to change the song in the list if your song is selected. If not, you can keep the same choice, or choose another, it's up to each one of you.

    11. On Saturday, if your name is chosen and you didn't enter any song in the Song Selection List, another member will be chosen.

    12. Starting with the publication of the songs, you may enter your score.

    13. The scores are entered in the corresponding google doc: Leaderboard Motive, frippchen, Rodman and Mortalo  take care of entering the scores if there is any discrepancy please let one of these people know.

    14. You must post a screenshot with your score showing the Accuracy % and streak and all songs must be played @ 100% (ALL PURPLE BARS) or the score will not count. You may use whatever image hosting site you would like to post your screenshots. 

    15. Ranking is done by percentage first, then by Longest Streak and in the case of a tie the tiebreaker will be the actual score in Score Attack (so if you played LAS and got 100% but then someone plays Score Attack and gets 100% the winner will be the one who played Score Attack).

    16. If you play LAS (Learn a Song), you percentage will be always, xx.00%(example %99.00), if you prefer SA (Score Attack), your percentage will always be xx.xx%(example 99.02%). 

    17. Every song is up for discussion until Sunday around 08:00PM EST(Eastern Standard Time). If you think a song is too hard for Intermediate or Beginner or if a Custom is not made well (Horrible Tone or not synced or just a bad tab), please let us know in the thread, so we may discuss it.

    18. After Sunday 08:00pm EST the songs are set and will only be changed if the organizers have not been able to respond earlier and there is a problem with the custom.

    19. The contest closes the next Saturday around 07:00pm CEST. Rules update (02/22): Entered scores are valid until 7pm CET of the running week or until new week start, whatever happens later.

    20. The winners are announced in the OP of the corresponding week's thread.

    21. Rules may change without notice. So watch out.


    Last but not least:


    Members who play in the competition are free to play any song selected for the competition and we encourage newer members to always try all class songs, but if you are a normal MC/INT player or have been put in the MC/INT brackets because of your previous scores, any scores posted for a lower level than what your current class is will not be counted or added to the Leaderboard. This is to encourage the newer members to play these songs without feeling like they are in the bottom every week. I will be trying to keep track of the scores that are posted each week and will automatically move players to their correct difficulty levels. Starting this week I will be paying more attention to the previous weeks scores and will be adding a page to the spreadsheet that shows where each player is supposed to be for the current week. Thank you all for your participation and remember we are all here to learn and have fun. Please feel free to add suggestions to this thread or any comments as I will be following this thread and appreciate all suggestions. 


    FreeBird Member Special Rules:


    0. FreeBird can`t to get any victories, crown trophies (Rodman' Ranking) and DHM (Die Hard Member)

    1. Newcomer get's FBA (FreeBird Award) after participating 2 weeks in a row, if he/she did not choosed the class.
    2. FBA is taken away if participant fails to post score two weeks in a row.

    3. Regular participants are allowed to leave class and become FreeBird at any time.
    3a. All awards are taken away.
    3b. Name is moved to list "Free bird" under own class (same column, CCL)
    4. Participant is allowed to return to his class (or higher) at any time.
    5. Every Freebirds score is placed in class list as "0" (in separated rows), and if he/she return to their class, then marks are moved as well with name and "->>" symbol, to give auto DHM (score is 4 weeks in row, one miss allowed)
    6. In leaderboard FreeBirds names are marked grey and ~




    -= 10weeks leaderboard (Rodman´s Ranking) ruling =-


    running 10 weeks score. In other words: last 10 completed weeks are scored as follows:


    1st place: 10 pts

    2nd place 5 pts

    3rd place 3 pts

    4th place 1 pt


    100%score: + 1pt

    MM score (score not worse than players highscore -2%): +1pt


    players score in their classes and above.

    that is all.

    The weekly leaderboard update is made by me, Rodman on weekstarts and the needed change of leader award is done right then.



    latest update Aug,31 2015 R.

    latest update Feb,17 2019 R.

    latest update Jun,2 2021 R.

    latest update Feb,6 2022 R.

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