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Posts posted by ZipperHead55

  1. I own a PRS SE Custom 24, and a Ibanez Jet King IV. I have owned some crap Aria Strat-copy (my first, which I quickly got rid of for a...), a Epi SG Prophecy GX (which I should have kept, but sold to purchase a...), Samick "jazz box", which I traded for a.... just kidding.... I did sell the Samick to purchase a Digitech iPB-10 multi-FX board (let's not go there..... I didn't have any pedals, so I figured, "What the hell?!?!" since I'm a gadget guy..... Not a smart move, buying something tied to any Apple product.....


    I bought the PRS SE after my wife got back from Afghanistan (she was Canadian military (recently retired) and I am retired from same) as a present to myself for looking after 3 monsters.... er, children.

    I have been looking at the Line6 Variax series, since I normally keep the PRS in standard (or Eb at most, due to floating trem) and the Ibanez (which I have modified a bit, since I got it cheap.... a kill switch hooked to volume, new Tusq nut, used SD JB pick-ups, heavier gauge strings (11 - 56)) I keep in Drop D and bounce around from there (easier to retune due to Bigsby-style trem). But I would like the Variax so I can stay with one string gauge and let the electronics handle tuning changes, so I can use one guitar (yeah, right!!!) to play whatever I want in Rocksmith (I normally play a bunch of songs in one tuning, switch guitars (or tunings) and then play more, and so on.....). The ~$1500 price tag is keeping me from pulling the trigger, but there are scratch and dents available at the bigger online stores, especially in the shredder style (JTV-89) since they added a Floyd Rose trem to that line (JTV-89F).

    I am also in the process of building (from a kit) a ES335 Dave Grohl (Trini Lopez, actually, but DG uses the TL style, making it popular again), but I screwed up a few things (the finish, a mounting hole for bridge) and it's been below freezing since October and my GAFF (give a f&*k factor) dropped (LOTS of sanding killed the passion for a kit) and I will revisit it once mother nature becomes more cooperative. I love the idea of a semi-hollow body (the Samick was too thick (and loud, even unplugged)) since I think they are the "sexiest" of all guitars.


    My "If-I-Win-The-Lottery" guitar is the Gibson Alex Lifeson Axcess (signed of course) and then the PRS Paul's Guitar. Can't see buying anything over $2000 unless I win the lottery, since my playing isn't commensurate with the cost. If I could get a decent made in the USA guitar in the $1500 (Fender, Gibson, PRS), maybe, but I haven't seen too many that are worth the extra money (compared to the off-shore equivalent).







  2. I have been using the Dava picks: link


    I tried the larger ones, but I find the Jazz style (not sure what type I have, since I thought there was only one (when I bought them)) "fits" better. I find that they wear down (the tip, and the rubber part you grip) fairly quickly, so buy a multi pack once you figure out which ones you like.

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