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Posts posted by genobadass



    @@albatross213 you know as well as I do that I haven't even played it yet(assuming you look at the score attack leaderboards for me)


    Doubt I'll get a good run in this week


    So, no underhanded last minute surprises this week?  :ph34r:


    @@fiddlesticks - I'm trying to understand why I score so much better than you on songs that we 100%. You clearly have pretty good technique based on how many songs you're able to hit 100% on on guitar, and I imagine that also means your timing is pretty good (and what Rocksmith detects definitely isn't perfect for me, particularly for runs of repeated notes). Could it have something to do with the short scale bass leading to notes not being registered immediately, or something? Could the audio and visual stuff not be calibrated perfectly?



    Don't forget that a slow computer makes the game stutter and throw the timing off.  I had that problem until a week ago.


    I have that issue. It has taught me to hit notes early to be honest. Going to have to switch to the kids computer I think. I built him a nice one. Mine is OLD!

    • Like 1
  2. @@Vodka In fact 2 weeks without a song in a class should not happen, but we really lack songs in beginner class.

    Song Selection Class commands you to post your selections (difficulty ratings are really useful, so put them there even when you're not sure).



    I don't want to be smashed by fellow Organizer, but damn! Mustaine sounds so awful that I rather listen to some Sylosis growl's. But at least it's not pop-fest Super Collider.

    I honestly do not know any easy guitar songs yet. When I find some though, I will be sure to post

    • Like 1
  3. I had a very nice Christmas this year. The missus did well. http://www.schecterguitars.com/international/images/stories/virtuemart/product/omen-extreme-bch-2012-downshot-highres-copy.jpg




    The challenge is real! My hand hurts like I just started. The muscles used are different than the bass it appears. got the claw hand going.

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    @@Gamut - Nooooooo! No chance of a well timed Christmas present?


    None. :( My parents told me upfront that as much as they'd like to, they can't afford to get me a computer. 


    Finding myself not even knowing what to do with my spare time now. Acoustic and old 360 games can only entertain me for so long. Gonna need a new hobby to keep myself sane... :sob:


    You could build a computer for around $300 US that would play this game just fine.... If you had any budget whatsoever

    • Like 2
  5. Adv bass:




    I can do so much better, there are so many hits on the E, A and D strings during those straight runs on the 1st, 3rd, 8th and 10th  frets that I'm hitting but not accurately enough, get one perfect in every 10 notes or so on those parts... not sure if there is a subtle sync issue or if there is a very slight rhythm pattern... I personally would like a "bewm budum bewm budum bewm budum bewm budum" rhythm as opposed to the "buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh" I'm reading :( but that's just me. :)

    That might be all you need as I don't really love this song. I started a new job with tons of hours and time is limited. I will focus on Zebra, but I might give this one a few more runs if time permits. I work Saturdays now too, so probably not.

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