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Everything posted by Angra1982

  1. This is for the last rocksmith update (with Steam). Even on yosemite, if Steam update Rocksmith, then you will need patch it.
  2. your RS patch is not on the default location. search on your system where is located the steamapps folder. then go to common/Rocksmith2014/. copy the full path and then edit the RUN_PATCH_RS.command with textedit. Replace the line "RS_PATH="/Users/$USER/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Rocksmith2014/Rocksmith2014.app/Contents/MacOS" with your correct path. you should change the first part of the path. Then run the RUN_PATCH_RS.command again. should work. First of all, thanks for coming up with a solution, however, I don't really understand this kind of stuff, so if someone would be able to help, I'd appreciate it. I have my Rocksmith on an external hard drive and I think the path is Seagate Replica>MAC>Steam Library>SteamApps>common>Rocksmith2014. How do I copy the path then edit the command in text edit? Sorry, this is like a foreign language to me lol. Again, thanks for the help! Go to applications, open TextEdit application. then open the RUN_PATCH_RS.command file with TextEdit. TextEdit is like the windows notepad, just a text editor. replace /Users/$USER/Library/Application Support/Steam/ to \Volumes\Seagate\ Replica\MAC\Steam\ Library\ Save it. then you need to change permissions. like other posts, open a terminal, go to the patch where RUN_PATCH_RS.command is located. run: chmod 755 RUN_PATCH_RS.command chmod 755 insert_dylib ./RUN_PATCH_RS.command next, open steam and launch RS from steam app.
  3. That´s is important. RSInjector is not needed anymore for launch RS. If you try to launch RSInjector it will fail like before the patch. Just run RS from Steam or from your Applications link (it will open steam).
  4. ok, just a chmod more. type: chmod 755 insert_dylib and now : ./RUN_PATCH_RS.command
  5. first type cd downloads then chmod 755 RUN_PATCH_RS.command ./RUN_PATCH_RS.command
  6. locate your RUN_PATCH_RS.command, after unzip, it should be on Downloads\MAC_Patch. Open a terminal, go to that patch with cd Downloads\MAC_Patch. type ls to show files on the current directory, RUN_PATCH_RS.command must be in there. type: chmod 755 RUN_PATCH_RS.command and then type: ./RUN_PATCH_RS.commmand another way instead of change permission is run bash with: sh RUN_PATCH_RS.command
  7. your RS patch is not on the default location. search on your system where is located the steamapps folder. then go to common/Rocksmith2014/. copy the full path and then edit the RUN_PATCH_RS.command with textedit. Replace the line "RS_PATH="/Users/$USER/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Rocksmith2014/Rocksmith2014.app/Contents/MacOS" with your correct path. you should change the first part of the path. Then run the RUN_PATCH_RS.command again. should work.
  8. Hi! Thanks. I forgot permission change after extract zip file. I notice some important info by reading your posts. first at all, permission 755 is very important. I don´t really know if the RSBypass.dylib must be on your system, I think should not be necessary because it´s inserted inside the patched executable but anyway, Here is my RSBypass.dylib https://drive.google.com/open?id=0By6BGVp__jafdTBaZWYtOUZHRFk My files was compile with OSX 10.11.6 SDK, so I think older osx versions will not work. Unless you download RSInjector code and compile by your own with xcode and your current osx SDK (remember must be i386 architecture). Also the same with insert_dylib. That should be important for guys with older OSX version, like @missis summer. @@firekorn, excellent practical way! I loved!
  9. Hi guys, I found a solution!!! the Steam update modified the rocksmith app to run only by running steam (open steam://run/221680). If you try to launch directly from Steam/steamapps/common/Rocksmith2014/Rocksmith2014.app will get a crash report. Only works from Steam or from your Applications (open steam://run/221680). RSInjector works launching Steam/steamapps/common/Rocksmith2014/Rocksmith2014.app with an environment variable DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES to insert RSBypass.dylib. Beacuse the app can´t be launched from Steam/steamapps/common/Rocksmith2014/Rocksmith2014.app directly, then RSInjector will fail. I patched my Steam/steamapps/common/Rocksmith2014/Rocksmith2014.app to insert the RSBypass.dylib directly to the Rocksmith2014.app. So, now I just run steam and play rocksmith from steam without RSInjector and works with DLCs. I download RSInjector code, compiled RSBypass.dylib with xcode using i386 architecture, this is important because Steam/steamapps/common/Rocksmith2014/Rocksmith2014.app is i386 architecture. I download insert_dylib app from https://github.com/Tyilo/insert_dylib, compiled with xcode. Run insert_dylib RSBypass.dylib Steam/steamapps/common/Rocksmith2014/Rocksmith2014.app/Content/MacOS/Rocksmith2014 Steam/steamapps/common/Rocksmith2014/Rocksmith2014.app/Content/MacOS/Rocksmith2014new. then rename the Steam/steamapps/common/Rocksmith2014/Rocksmith2014.app/Content/MacOS/Rocksmith2014new to Steam/steamapps/common/Rocksmith2014/Rocksmith2014.app/Content/MacOS/Rocksmith2014 then I run Rocksmith from steam without RSInjector and works with DLC because the executable is already patched. Beacuse I know that you may not have xcode I uploaded my patched version, So follow the steps: 1) open finder and go to your Steam folder, Steam/steamapps/common/Rocksmith2014/ 2) rename Rocksmith2014.app to Rocksmith2014.app.old 3) download my patched version from https://drive.google.com/open?id=0By6BGVp__jafUjkxOGlUdGIyUWM 4) unzip and copy my Rocksmith2014.app to Steam/steamapps/common/Rocksmith2014/ you should have two Rocksmith2014 (my Rocksmith2014.app and Rocksmith2014.app.old) 5) double click over Rocksmith2014.app it will alert that it was download from internet bla bla bla, just click open. Then it will crash (because was not lauched by steam), just ignore. 6) Open Steam, clink on "play Rocksmith2014" 7) enjoy your DLCs :) You my also remove the quarantine atribute from Rocksmith2014.app. It should removed with the alert message that said that it was download from internet, but if not you can remove the attribute with: xattr -d com.apple.quarantine Steam/steamapps/common/Rocksmith2014/Rocksmith2014.app Note I always use Steam/steamapps/common/Rocksmith2014/, You shoud look your Steam app folder where steamapps/common/Rocksmith2014 is in there. If Steam update Rocksmith again we will need to do the insert_dylib again.
  10. Hi drakemoore, Did you solve this issue? I got the same behavior.
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