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Posts posted by instantdeath999

  1. I'm a massive fan of the music of Steven Wilson, so I would absolutely love to see any and all music by him, as well as Porcupine Tree, added to Rocksmith. He always has really interesting guitar tracks, and a true wealth of songs to choose from

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  2. I've been playing Rocksmith 2014 for awhile, but have only recently been hit with a really strange problem: namely, that it won't read the 9th fret of my high e string. Very specific problem, I know.


    Now, I've done some research, and I've covered most of the typical problems. I've turned the microphone setting in Rocksmith up. I've turned my guitar's volume all the way up. Aside from all that, the most obvious culprit would probably be the guitar's intonation is wrong. And while that probably is the case- I've had the guitar for nearly ten years- I've also tried it on another electric guitar, and an acoustic electric. They won't register the 9th fret of the high E string either. Finally, I tried buying another Rocksmith cable. Same issue.


    It's really odd, as just the other day it was working. I'm playing "Life in Technicolor", and 99% it just a few days ago. I try it now, and there's an entire section I miss notes constantly because it uses that C# note frequently.


    I don't know. Any ideas?

  3. I just started playing Rocksmith customs, and was hooked from my very first song (in my case, Day Tripper by The Beatles). What was already one of the biggest time sinks I know of just became infinite, and I'm gonna have to be very careful from here on out not to fall into that hole.


    All that said, one of my favorite things to do is discovering new music. There's so much music out there that your favorite song could be just right around the corner. As far as Rocksmith customs go, everyone knows about Stairway to Heaven, or Smells Like Teen Spirit, or any number of other enormously popular songs. What I'm curious about, however, are the songs that don't get thousands of downloads. What songs have you played that you think might be under appreciated? Whether it's because it's such a fun song to play, or it simply has a beautifully composed guitar track. Could be a song from a band that doesn't get as much attention as others, or could be a less popular song from a huge artist. If you had to name just a few Rocksmith customs that more people should check out- or perhaps a few bands that you wish more people would check out- what would they be?


    This topic is partly self serving, as I'm looking for some interesting songs to play myself, aside from the super obvious, but still great ones that are legally required to play. I haven't had a chance to play them yet, but I really love playing Smiths songs in real life, and can only imagine they'll be incredibly fun in Rocksmith. Same for The Stone Roses.

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