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READ THIS FIRST =>> Rocksmith 2014 Championship Rules


Last weeks winners:

Beginner: @@acorlett2005
Intermediate: @@SfcoAwol
Masterclass: @@firekorn

Beginner: @@acorlett2005
Masterclass: n/a

Beginner: @
Intermediate: @@Azrael
Masterclass: @@Thrallsa

The songs for this week are:


Beginner: Muse - Supremacy


Intermediate: Amorphis - Silver Bride


Masterclass: Black Sabbath - War Pigs


Congrats to all the winners and again you Bass players are tearing it up. I will be adding all the names of the people who scored 100% to the Honorable Mentions list. Keep it up guys and where are all my MC class guitarists? Intermediate class I hope you guys are having fun. Great scores from Everyone as everyone was able to score over 90% which is awesome great job everyone.


Honorable list Diehard men, playing in their class 5 weeks in row without pass:


P.s. Please, see changes in Championship Class Lists!


First score for INT I actually like this song and I know I can do better than this score but my fingers aren't agreeing with me right now. 




Lead MC this song is not as easy as it looks. 


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Muse - Supremacy is going to be tough to tune into for guitar dudes ... AADGBE.  That's like a 7-string in Drop A, and then leaving out the low E.  For a normal 6-string guitar, I doubt you can get a string gauge meant for E to tune down to A before it gets really floppy...


Looks like standard tuning for bass though, so that'll work OK.


Downloading all the songs and will try them out soon!  Only one I know is War Pigs, but all sound good.  Just a guess, but I'm thinking that War Pigs will be a lot easier for bass MC this week than the last couple have been.  Which isn't a complaint, the songs have been kicking my butt recently... :)  Maybe I'm underestimating it also.  Guess I'll find out shortly!



Posted Image

This one was pretty forgiving.  I honestly think I missed a few notes, but if Rocksmith wants to give me the 100% I guess I won't argue.  Nice song, but I'll probably concentrate on improving my accuracy on the INT and MC songs this week.


Posted Image

Had a few detection issues in D standard, but still managed a pretty decent accuracy for a 1st try.  I think that if I can stabilize out the tuning and detection, a 100% accuracy is well within the range of possibility.


Posted ImageYeah, I forgot about the non-easy parts of War Pigs.  Gonna be another stretch of capabilities for me, but I'll get better than this first trial run anyway.  :)

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Milkman Dan

My YouTube channel  (bass playthrough videos)

My Customs Download Folder  (my customs)


WOW that War Pigs is crazy on bass.


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Lead - i've got the main riff down at 100% speed but the subtle change mid riff including the high e note has me screwed over at the moment. The same riff shifted down the neck towards the end is also a little tougher due to the extra reach required.

So far:




Rhythm - power chord city!




Love Sabbath and have been trying to play this for a while. Still needs a lot of work.....



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I love the Amorphis song. Never heard of it before. I got some more time, so ill try to play more this week.

Also thanks for choosing another of my songs. Supremacy is fun :)


| The MUSE Project | BABYMETAL DiscographyMY Customs | Rocksmith for 15£ 


"Please, always leave feedback, it helps me to create better customs !

Don't forget to write down your comment and push the thanks button !" 


Played it a few times in 70 and 80% speed, then used tabexplorer to learn the riff outside RS and came back and tried RR at full speed a few times.  I must say it payed of a lot.  Im still fumbling around some but i should be able to fix most of that in the next week.






Edit: It seems that i cant keep my hand away from the guitars today.  Picked up my acoustic and practiced the riff for a bit.  And then i wanted to see how much that helped.  So here is the new results.




I have to say i am quite happy with going from 61% to 94% in just one afternoon.  :grin:

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You may post whatever screenshot you like. Unless there was a huge change in the custom the version shouldn't matter. 


there wasnt. The version with the E standard tuning is old though. 

I used octaver for the riff part. You'd had to check the update notes to see whether there are any major updates. 

There shouldnt be.

| The MUSE Project | BABYMETAL DiscographyMY Customs | Rocksmith for 15£ 


"Please, always leave feedback, it helps me to create better customs !

Don't forget to write down your comment and push the thanks button !" 


lol.. One play with Sabbath (no RiffRepeater, I went in cold) and 55%..

It'll need a lot of RR..  :D


It's the only song I'm interested in, so might give it a go.. Not sure yet - there are some others I want to try out..  :)

Good luck all..


You may post whatever screenshot you like. Unless there was a huge change in the custom the version shouldn't matter. 

Ah awesome. Yeah I checked the CDLC just before I asked, and the only change (listed) was like.. tone and the tuning, I think. So I didn't think it'd be a big deal, but wanted to check nonetheless.




Played it a few times in 70 and 80% speed, then used tabexplorer to learn the riff outside RS and came back and tried RR at full speed a few times.  I must say it payed of a lot.  Im still fumbling around some but i should be able to fix most of that in the next week.

What is this tabexplorer you speak of?


Hiyas. New to forums, couldn't resist some finnish metal.








Black sabbath has recognition issues for me too, makes it boring to practise the harder bits when it doesn't recognize the easy riffs.



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Played it a few times in 70 and 80% speed, then used tabexplorer to learn the riff outside RS and came back and tried RR at full speed a few times.  I must say it payed of a lot.  Im still fumbling around some but i should be able to fix most of that in the next week.

What is this tabexplorer you speak of?


I assume MaZtoR is referring to this program here: https://github.com/andulv/RSTabExplorer


It's pretty damn handy.


@natasftw  Hovenbet is right. There is a thread on tabexplorer here on the forum.  http://customsforge.com/topic/5420-rocksmith-tab-explorer/?hl=explorer



Played Silver bridge a few times in score attack today.  It really stresses me out.  its to many notes in to short time.  I really need to learn how to relax. But i got a god score and manage to get myself another platinum.



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