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Welcome to the CF Rocksmith 2014 Championship!

-= Week 588 =-

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Previous' week Winners are:
- Beginner: @lowender (95)
- Beginner Bonus: LOST TROPHY
- Intermediate: @Satinuke (96)
- Advanced: @Mikson (94.86)
- Masterclass: @RaZrShReD (95.77)

- Beginner: @drand (97)
- Beginner Bonus: @drand (99)
- Intermediate: @Vodka (98.13)
- Advanced: @craxed (99)
- Masterclass: @RaZrShReD (97.4)

- Beginner: LOST TROPHY
- Beginner Bonus: LOST TROPHY
- Intermediate: @loudly (97)
- Advanced: @Hyphema (98.52)
- Masterclass: @pedropmf (95)
Congrats to all winners. Well done!
This week's songs are:

Lead Path:
Beginner: Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit (4^) (E Standard) selected by cacahuate51
Beginner Bonus: Arctic Monkeys - R U Mine? (3*) (E Standard) selected by cacahuate51 [ capo 327]
Intermediate: Slipknot - Before I Forget (5*) (C# Drop B) selected by cacahuate51
Intermediate Bonus: Foo Fighters - Everlong (4.5) (Drop D) selected by cacahuate51
Advanced: The Sword - Freya (6.5) (C Standard) selected by cacahuate51
Advanced Bonus: Tool - Schism (6) (Drop D) selected by cacahuate51 [capo week 348]
Masterclass: An Endless Sporadic - Impulse (E Standard Version) (9*) (E Standard) selected by cacahuate51
God of Guitar: Freezepop - Less Talk More Rokk (9.5) (E Standard) selected by cacahuate51 [Week 1 of 2] [1]

Rhythm Path:
Beginner: Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit (3.5^) (E Standard) selected by caca
Beginner Bonus: Arctic Monkeys - R U Mine? (3*) (E Standard) selected by cacahuate41 [moved to bonus cause doesnt appear in new 2014 learn and play, capo week 254 and 327]
Intermediate: Slipknot - Before I Forget (5*) (C# Drop B) selected by cacahuate41
Intermediate Bonus: Foo Fighters - Everlong (4.5) (Drop D) selected by cacahuate41
Advanced: Tool - Schism (6) (Drop D) selected by cacahuate41
Advanced Bonus: The Sword - Freya (6.5) (C Standard) selected by cacahuate41
Masterclass: An Endless Sporadic - Impulse (E Standard Version) (9*) (E Standard) selected by cacahuate41 (ALT LEAD PATH!!!)

Bass Path:
NEW Beginner: Feel Good Inc. - Gorillaz (3*) (E Standard) selected by cacahuate41 [capo 504 added since everlong is not playable for everyone]
Beginner Bonus: Foo Fighters - Everlong(3*) (E Standard) selected by cacahuate51
Intermediate: Slipknot - Before I Forget (5*) (C# Drop B) selected by cacahuate41
Intermediate Bonus:Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit (4) (E Standard) selected by cacahuate41
Advanced: Tool - Schism (7*) (Drop D) selected by cacahuate41
Advanced Bonus: The Sword - Freya (6) (C Standard) selected by cacahuate41
Masterclass: An Endless Sporadic - Impulse (E Standard Version) (9*) (Drop D) selected by cacahuate41
God of Bass: Freezepop - Less Talk More Rokk (8.5) (E Standard) selected by cacahuate51 [Week 1 of 2] [1]

(N) - difficulty rating
(N*) - highest difficulty rating for the class (promotion to higher class possible)
(N^) - difficulty rating higher than the highest for the class (promotion possible)

Check current week Rocksmith Championship Leaderboard

You can submit your song suggestions for the championship here
NEW! - easly add songs even on your mobile!:
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Song Suggestions List available to view here: Google Sheets Spreadsheet

Share with us your opinion on this weeks songs difficulty scores (1-10).

Do you want to host a week? Join the Championship organizing team!!!
The process is smooth and there is a tutorial as well. If you are interested, send a personal message to Rodman.
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/m/   Genre Custom dlc Playlists  + Weekly Rocksmith championship on Spotify @midi ogre
(you can use Scowalts app to download your liked spotify songs)


NEW: Drop D Version : Before I Forget - Slipknot

NEW : E Standard Version of Freya The Sword

If you are an intermediate/beginner player leave a comment on how far you can detune before it starts to get slopy cause I'm curious 🤔

With me I only have this guitar-> special II le (seems like it was discontinued but it was entry guitar/came with the small amp lol)

the strings that came with the guitar by default used to let me detune all the way to A#

I switeched them to I believe regular slinky guitar strings  and can detune to a#

my bad its not regular slinky.  I found a regular slinky package with the remaining strings when i broke my thinnest e a long time ago. So i just compared the 46 (was still in packet) with my thickest and yea my thickest is a bit bigger.

It might be skinnytop heavy bottom (hence why i bought a regular since it also has a 10 bottom) or a beefy slinky and i just got a thinner replacement for some reason.

i know its not "not even slinky" cause those strings were THICK and the thin strings were really uncomfortable to play. I was also scared to tune up to e Standard cause i thought itd break my neck. Only get these if you are staying in low detunings wouldnt recommend going up normal tunnings (it might be just superstition tho).

Sorry if this is more confusng than helpfull xD  If you have doubts im sure the guitar stores will hook you up with the right package. i havent replaced all my strings in a long time probably should.

I havent used my drop pedal in like a year but it was usefull to not detune all the time (although i just bite the bullet).

If you get one i think the normal one is better cause with the ricochet i always had to do some math and put a capo on. (it does it by odd intervals instead of -1 all the way to -12). Bought it cause it was half the price of the og one lol but yea it wouldve been better to save up.

That being said theres cheaper drop pedals out there (no idea of the quality)

And i know some guitar effect processors also have the detune option and some are cheaper than the original digitech drop pedal so that might be an option +itd give you other fx aswell.

or someone on here also had mentioned you can route your guitar to a virtual free drop pedal on the computer but i dont remember who or how (still thought i should mention it, maybe theyll comment again or maybe they are on discord)

OK i found the guide (click guide) The vst i was looking for is called pitchproof (its a virtual drop pedal free). However the way the guide has it is you have to use reaper (60$ or you can download the trial and i think itll work). I'm guessing there must be a way to avoid using reaper and just using virtual cables buuut i havent figured that out yet and the guide says no so 🤷‍♂️.


 i can see maybe the issue being for bass as there my strings do get sloppy earlier like c but still curious

old info:
um yea the script is a bit slow ill post the winners soon.
EDIT: I believe those are the winners but i'll double check.


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/m/   Genre Custom dlc Playlists  + Weekly Rocksmith championship on Spotify @midi ogre
(you can use Scowalts app to download your liked spotify songs)


In honor of just breaking the 2000 different songs  hosted in the championship (atleast the ones that are on the spotify ) I decided to pick songs that were featured in a popular game franchise of the 2000s called: Guitar Hero . They were the og music game which probably inspired the creators of rocksmith to create their own game with real guitars. Basically, it was rocksmith just with a plastic guitar that had 5 buttons (then they added the open note which i never liked that much). The games were really fun and competitive/ theres still people streaming the games on yt.

The Rocksmith team did a good job in making most of the songs official dlc so unforutnatley I could not select alot of them nor my favorite song from gh 3 - Fall of troy-  fcpremix

Since there's a lot of songs I recomend just playing the ones in your level instead of all of them. 

If there's two different songs in a level its because the paths were very similar so i switched to keep it interesting. (this now only applies for advanced class)
Rocksmith learn and play no longer comes with disc 2014 songs. (thx maltasoron)
Therefore, I have moved disc songs to bonus songs  and just left the cdlc as the main path.

I was gonna suggest to divide this week into 2 weeks but if people cant play them due to buying the newer version of rocksmith then I think having them all on this week is the only option.

(also this way maybe In the future I could make another bunch of different songs if people enjoy this week.)

I have a feeling im gonna be told off by the other organizers xD

lots of thanks to @ palms46  @ Djpavs  and @ Emmy-Dell for helping out with the selection 

info about the songs
 Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit  was featured in gh5. I will say this one is pretty challenging to get a good score just pay attention to the sus chords and practice the riff. I personally cant get a good score but I might be just a noob. overall theres only like 3 sections. It is also kind of a capo week song? and it was rated 3s for rhythm back then. 

R u mine- arctic monkeys- was in guitar hero live the last iteration of gh. I added this cause like i said nirvana is kinda hard to get a good score and i used the capo rating (i was gonna rate it a 4  due to all the fretboard jumping and hamerons but surprisingly it was a 3 in previous championships so i left it)

Feel good- Gorrillaz- gh 5 or smash hits - with the disc songs not being available to all players i had to re organize the bass paths which resulted in not having a playable begginer bass. I have now added feel good to fill in the need. upon heignsight i probably shouldve just replaced smells like teenspirit witha 3 blink 182 song to avoid sucha messy week but owell

 Foo Fighters - Everlong was feature in gh world tour. Dave grohl the singer of foofighters was one of the drummers of nirvana  Its in the base game of rocksmith 2014

Slipknot - Before I Forget  gh3. Fun song to play wasnt aware it was a cdlc till today that i spoke with dell

The Sword - Freya- Gh2- Fun heavy riff aswell

Tool - Schism - Gh world tour. This one honestly seems tabbed harder than it should be in certain areas. but who knows, maybe they play it that way ...although seems very inneficient

An Endless Sporadic - Impulse (E Standard Version) - gh3 was one of the songs you could buy in the game with the money you earned at events-.. not sure if its actually harder than freeze pop so those who can play this and freeze pop let me know

Freezepop - Less Talk More Rokk Gh2- its a synth song but its in the game lol


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/m/   Genre Custom dlc Playlists  + Weekly Rocksmith championship on Spotify @midi ogre
(you can use Scowalts app to download your liked spotify songs)

  • cacahuate51 changed the title to Rocksmith 2014 Championship Week 588 Guitar Hero

Thanks for making the thread again! I've been busy, but I'll try to get around to it this week.


By the way, Foo Fighters - Everlong is not included in Rocksmith 2014 Remastered Learn & Play, so maybe it's better to switch it around with Before I Forget.

4 minutes ago, MaltaSoron said:

Thanks for making the thread again! I've been busy, but I'll try to get around to it this week.

By the way, Foo Fighters - Everlong is not included in Rocksmith 2014 Remastered Learn & Play, so maybe it's better to switch it around with Before I Forget.

Huh odd, so the learn and play has different songs/ they couldn't license all of them again? 🤔
I cant find the learn and play version setlist only 2014 

/m/   Genre Custom dlc Playlists  + Weekly Rocksmith championship on Spotify @midi ogre
(you can use Scowalts app to download your liked spotify songs)

7 minutes ago, cacahuate51 said:

Huh odd, so the learn and play has different songs/ they couldn't license all of them again? 🤔
I cant find the learn and play version setlist only 2014 

They didn't include any of the licensed songs, only these packs (from the Steam Store page  )

- Bachsmith and Bachsmith II

- Classic Melody Song Pack

- Rocksmith Easy Exercises, Vol. 1 & 2

- Rocksmith Intermediate Exercises, Vol. 1 & 2

- Rocksmith Advanced Exercises, Vol. 1 & 2


All official DLCs released over ten years ago have already been delisted, so I guess the licenses for these songs have also expired. 

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@ cacahuate51  i bet there is plenty of songs in gh warriors of rock, metallica and the battles that are on ignition you could use for gh week 2 🙂

are you still playing the game? my xbox 360 version is in the attick, together with Guitar Hero band drums kit.

it was really fun to play at the time, but after Rocksmith came out I almost didn't touch it 🙂

if you do, maybe we can meet on some online multiplayer game...


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@ cacahuate51  

Thanks for saving the week! So many songs again, you can't stop yourself from adding bonuses 😆

A little note: I don't know if the Slipknot song with C# Drop B tuning is a good suggestion for intermediate players, because I think not every player in the lower classes has a guitar adapted to play in low tunings. Alternatively, you can add a pitch shift version as @ aNDESmASAMUNE did recently in the weeks he hosted.

Edit. GoG songs should be at least 2 weeks long I think 🤔

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Great week with great songs. I had already played some of them 🙂



One of the first songs that I played in the game. And I think the only one that I got > 100% 🤣


I think that I used this song to "tune" my bass on the 5th and 7th fret so that it got recognized in drop D tuning



A good excuse to use the 5 strings



My nemesis the pick 😅 I don't know if I can do it at full speed... Have an entire week to pracice it🤷‍♂️🎸



  • Like 6

I actually almost don't play games besides Rocksmith, so I didn't know at all how big  Guitar Hero and Rock Band were and that there were many releases (too many, apparently). 

I had seen this animation from Beatles Rock Band before in Youtube... it's really amazing. 


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YEAAHH!!! 🤟🤩🎶✌️😎🎶🤟🤩🎶✌️😎🎶

Thank you @ cacahuate51  for hosting two weeks in a row and all the dedication!!!!!


I am a very big Tool fan!!!

This song is not too difficult, but I am happy I finally reached more than 80% in the very first sightread in advanced... I did the Rhythm first, but the lead sounded like  playing almost the same thing again... ( I am not confident, but I would have rated both paths 6 )

Even if it is not so difficult, I get tired fisically and mentally to play a 7 minutes long song... One challenge is to learn all the small variations in the main riffs.

Anyway, having fun!!!! 🎸🎶






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Have a nice musweek everyone!

Had to play it standing. It's harder than sitting I must say.

Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit. Main rhythm is hard for beginners. Solo is easy.

nicWQya.jpeg IBiSd9z.jpeg

Arctic Monkeys - R U Mine?. One of the most played songs. Hammers parts and solo are hard for beginners. But the song is fun to play.

gSUuxNs.jpeg fGODgEu.jpeg

Slipknot - Before I Forget. I was never a Slipknot fan. Nothing good wasn't happened here.

VyLcHvp.jpeg DPrwz64.jpeg

Foo Fighters - Everlong. Some parts might be tricky.

odIYG2i.jpeg XzNiKgL.jpeg

The Sword - Freya. I tried.

i2FKCNN.jpeg ZCQet3k.jpeg

Tool - Schism. I played old version from the week 237. Didn't notice that this was a different version.

The song beginning makes me scared. On the week 237 I played it much better. But this time it was terrible.



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On 8/8/2024 at 10:09 AM, Rodman said:

Give your heart and your soul.....
        ....... for that damn Rock´n´Roll!

I'm not a native English speaker. Sorry for mistakes.


Did it with 2 guitars this week @ cacahuate51  used my Epiphone 59 LP for all the alt tunings, since it is fixed bridge and then my PRS S2 Standard 24 that was pictured last week, cause it is in the honeymoon phase having just picked it up last Saturday.



Epiphone 59 Les Paul with 9 to 46 gets crazy slinky at this tuning.





The section where it changes the main pattern to B,A,C instead of C,B,D throws me off like my brain get disconnected from my hands for 30 seconds.


I don't know why, but I struggle with the timing on this, constantly breaking my streak.



  • Like 8

This song seems to be a little easier than Slipknot, other than it goes on forever.  With a little practice, this could be a good beginner song with lots of single-note repetitive riffs.   It is a little tricky to get the triplet hammer on to sound clean.     I learned this song several years ago but have long forgotten how to play it.  


 So many great songs this week.  Unfortunately, I have a super busy week and some work travel so hopefully I can get some more time in. 



  • Like 10
16 hours ago, aNDESmASAMUNE said:


YEAAHH!!! 🤟🤩🎶✌️😎🎶🤟🤩🎶✌️😎🎶

Thank you @ cacahuate51  for hosting two weeks in a row and all the dedication!!!!!

( I am not confident, but I would have rated both paths 6 )


Thanks for sharing the video man! I had watched it awhile back and forgot about it. He did a solid essay about it / glad you reshared it!

It was definatley an expensive hobby back then with all the peripherals costing almost as much as the real thing. I mostly either rented the games and tried to beat them in a weekend or waited untill someone would sell it to blockbuster (rip) and buy it for almost nothing .  There was definately years where too many would come out and even I who was a fan didnt know about them cause there was no promotion/ thought they were knock offs like Band Hero / smash hits (those i remember staying up late at night finishing the "campaign" while renting it hehe).

Feel like the video kinda dissed warriors of rock a bit too much. It was honestly pretty great for multiplayer as it could have almost all the songs from previous games with drums (not gh3 or gh2 iircc) I just think it didnt get much love cause a lot of the fanbase most likely had to go to college by then/ so they didnt play it.

Then gh live was a mess with the new controller, no drums or bass charts (so a huge downgrade) and kinda odd campaign (the live crowd was a bit over the top but kinda funny to do poorly on songs to see them have signs saying "you suck" or  giving stench faces).  The multiplayer though was pretty sick, kinda wish rocksmith + would do something similar to it. It was basicly like mtv (played the official music video in the background while you played the chart) and it would have a new setlist every hour (nonstop) where you would play with everyone around the world and compete to be "top player" 

Also thanks for pointing out the 6s I initially had it that way but when i switched the songs around for the bonus i mustve messed it up. Either ways ratings usually change on my weeks as im never too certain about them. I know it was featured in a capo week and the ratings were pretty absurdly high imo but yea it doesnt seem to be that hard.


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/m/   Genre Custom dlc Playlists  + Weekly Rocksmith championship on Spotify @midi ogre
(you can use Scowalts app to download your liked spotify songs)

20 hours ago, kayteck said:

@ cacahuate51  i bet there is plenty of songs in gh warriors of rock, metallica and the battles that are on ignition you could use for gh week 2 🙂

are you still playing the game? my xbox 360 version is in the attick, together with Guitar Hero band drums kit.

it was really fun to play at the time, but after Rocksmith came out I almost didn't touch it 🙂

if you do, maybe we can meet on some online multiplayer game...

Sweet! i didnt know about the battles im gonna check them out now! There is definatley potential for other weeks since theres a ton of songs from those games. i know djpavs is supposedly updating some of his charts so It could be a thing, just probably not this next week on my end.

Nope, Its also collecting dust at my parents. Last time I played for some reason my paid dlc wasnt working so that kinda discouraged me. The drums were my favorite by far !! (still hoping rocksmith will do a version with them although i understand its a waay smaller niche than the keyboards which they added) 

I tried downloading clone hero (free pc version of guitar hero with an active comunity like cf) a while back and i got it to work with my xbox controllers however i do feel guilty when playing it. I'm like i should be playing rocksmith instead. It's still a neat option though.


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/m/   Genre Custom dlc Playlists  + Weekly Rocksmith championship on Spotify @midi ogre
(you can use Scowalts app to download your liked spotify songs)

1 hour ago, cacahuate51 said:

I tried downloading clone hero (free pc version of guitar hero with an active comunity like cf) a while back and i got it to work with my xbox controllers however i do feel guilty when playing it. I'm like i should be playing rocksmith instead. It's still a neat option though.

wow... didn't even know such thing exists. i must check that out. we definitely should try online battle! that is so cool 🙂


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