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GPA Auto Sync help


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After a bit of reading I decided to buy a copy of Go PlayAlong 4, as it could take me upwards of 1-2 hours to correctly sync some of my songs the EOF way (odd time sigs, groove metal etc) when I would rather spend that time transcribing the correct notes in GP6, and working on tones, quality testing the tab etc.


I have so far tried to sync 6 songs in GPA, and all of them are never correctly synced in GPA, they are either starting too early or too late or in one instance, started way before the first beat of the song. Once I import into EOF I cannot simply shift the entire grid (from the first measure) to the right a little bit, because it now has a plethora of beat anchors, so the grid gets crushed in between measures after it (hope that makes sense?)....[is there a way to move the entire grid whilst keeping the anchors at their respective distances?...kind of like a "keep aspect ratio" type of thing when resizing a window]


I did finish those 6 songs by syncing manually, and it was a big PITA due to all the BPM/sig changes (that's Lamb of God for you!) but I am looking to continue pushing forward and pumping out quality charts. I'm not convinced that GPA could be this bad.


Do you all use Auto Sync, or do you use Manual Sync?



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If you click and drag the first beat marker (or change the "Delay" value in Song>Properties and accept the prompt to adjust the notes), all beat markers are moved accordingly and keep their positions relative to each other.


Thanks I'll give that a try now

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Not the exact same thing, but if you seek to a beat (use Pg Up and Pg Dn) and make sure it's an anchor (click on the --> or tempo displayed above one of the beat lines and press the A key if there isn't already a red arrow pointing down at the line), you can press the - and + keys (next to the backspace key, the ones on the numberpad change the zoom level) to decrease or increase the beat's tempo. This has the effect of moving all content after the beat earlier or later, and anchors/tempo changes further into the chart don't prevent this because anchors only prevent the beats from being moved from clicking and dragging beat markers.

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