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  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer
Posted (edited)

welcome to the CF Rocksmith 2014 Championship

-= Week 184 =-


READ THIS FIRST =>> How and Why to Join the Championships

Read this second =>> Rocksmith 2014 Championship Rules


Last weeks winners:

  • Lead:

Beginner:      @@mackaybre

Intermediate:  @@MellonFarmer
Advanced :   @MaZtoR
MasterClass:  @@shaggy_malagy


  • Rhythm:

Beginner:       @@finni_mcfinger

Intermediate:   N/A
Advanced:      @@Mortalo
Masterclass:   @@domsch1988

  • Bass

Beginner:          @@Tonedef

Intermediate:     @Telboy

Advanced:       @@Fraggle Baggle

Masterclass:    @sushicat2112




Congrats to all winners. Well done!



This week songs are


Lead Path:

Beginner:       Metric - IOU           (3) chosen by @@Mortalo

Intermediate:   Ghost - Ritual      (5) chosen by @@papillon

Advanced:       NoMeansNo - Now      (6-7) chosen by frippus

MasterClass:   Machinehead - Old        (8-9)  chosen by @@Nacholede


God of Guitar / week 2:  Guns n' Roses - Paradise City    (Eb) (10) chosen by @Mortalo


Rhythm Path:

Beginner:          N/A 

Intermediate    Ghost - Ritual     (4)

Advanced:        NoMeansNo - Now    (6)

Masterclass:     Machinehead - Old    (8)


Bass Path:
Metric - IOU      (2)

Intermediate :    Ghost - Ritual     (3-4)

Advanced:        NoMeansNo - Now   (5)

Masterclass :     Machinehead - Old      (6)


Share with us your opinion on this weeks songs difficulty scores (1-10).


Time to add a new all time challenge 

 new Exercise : Blues Comping 5 (more challenging lead guitar (adv), rhythm and bass more intermediate with a real audio track (no GP RSA converted)

Exercise Challenges:

1st Exercise: Blues Comping 1 in A major shuffle
2nd Exercise: Blues Comping 2 in A major - straight 8ths
3rd Exercise: Blues Comping 3 in G major (funky)
4rd Exercise: Blues Comping 4 in E major (shuffle)

5th Exercise: Blues Comping 5 in E major (dirty Texas Blues style, shuffle)

Everyone can bring up new scores that will be added to the  exercises scoreboards
Honorable list Diehard Member:



Classless, Fearless FreeBird Members in their endless battle with the fb police:

Edited by fripponomic
Winner correction
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Captain-Sparton-weiss minimini.png

  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

this weeks selection with

  • Metric in beg Lead and beg Bass, sadly the only beginner song in the SSL, so a very good chance to get selected ,and guess what RNG have chosen  :lol:  The charts are a bit wrong at some spots, but we had no choice.... beginner songs are very needed
  • Ghost is a very fun Intermediate song in all paths, and the cdlc is well made. Thanks @@papillon for that great choice
  • NoMeansNo - thanks to RNG for choosing that, most fun part is the picked bass.... and let's get started.....now
  • Machine Head - Harder than necessary because that slow scroll speed, hard to read without getting headache, but charting is ok, both guitars are a bit overloaded in my opinion, MC for all paths
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 YouTube                                                           The Phantastic 3                                                       Facebook

Captain-Sparton-weiss minimini.png

  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

and scores from testing

and then I had to stop, couldn't play those "old" guitars at that scroll speed


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 YouTube                                                           The Phantastic 3                                                       Facebook

Captain-Sparton-weiss minimini.png


oo nice, some Ghost! im not familiar with Machinehead, gonna be interesting I bet 

  • Like 1

Bassist, currently learning guitar.
Big fan of 70's Hardrock, 80's heavymetal and cheesy hairmetal



Metric's always good for a hundred! :D




I always love playing Ghost when they come up in the championship yet for some reason I never play them any other time. 




I feel like I might have got lucky through some sections :lol:



Yeah, this one kicked my arse.  :D


  • Like 9

*Mics up cazoo. Scores a trillion in MCbass*


I hope to have more time this week.


Here's my start


Metric on bass = 99.7%


NoMeansNo on bass = 98.8%

  • Like 7

"Like a bird on the wire, Like a drunk in a midnight choir, I have tried in my own way to be free" Leonard Cohen - RIP

Peek inside 2groggy's basement FreeBird Laboratory (not for the faint of heart)

Tobias Bass VI      SG shaped Bass VI     Hollow Acoustic Thunderbird 5     Hollow Archtop Bass VI

Harlequin Hollow Archtop Bass     Hollow Toby Bass VI     Starcaster Bass     A trio of hollow archtops (new)


Advanced song is too hard for me, so I did this one instead. Could have gotten 99% if the 1-4 pattern would register properly for me.http://image.prntscr.com/image/ad4ec49b0b094164aa3414a25dfb8968.png

And since I'm probably in intermediate class, I have to submit a score for Ghost: 

Shoutout to Telboy for that cheeky kashmir entry last competition

  • Like 8

~~~~~~~{ayy lmao}~~~~~~~~


Man, i feel like Machine Head is soo tough  :( I'm really not good at those fast chord changes... Half way through the song my left hands cramps  :wacko:  None the less some scores, so i've got something in...




I'll do the rythm part when my left hand is back to state where i can even hold my guitar  :rolleyes: But, i won't be bracking records on this song  :lol:

  • Like 7

Let's put that subwoofer to work.




So this is has been my favourite Ghost song since forever. I've even recorded a video already! Kind of want to rerecord with my new soloing abilities, but this isn't too shabby for year-ago Gamut.





And Machine Head that I've never heard before! LOVE this song.  :metal: >< :metal:  Gonna feel good to put a lot of effort into it. This is my kind of playstyle, too - gonna try for high 90s.

  • Like 9

Gamut now active again on Youtube!

Gamut on Twitch

Gamut on Twitter

Gamut Customs


Come join us in the Rocksmith Championship!


Since we're having a long weekend in Germany, i'm trying to be a bit productive  :D  Not really Championship related, but i thought you might appreciate some insight  ^_^  Nothing major or well produced, but that's what i'm up to atm:




Solid stuff man. Really enjoy Dawn. Keep it coming! :fist: 

  • Like 2

Gamut now active again on Youtube!

Gamut on Twitch

Gamut on Twitter

Gamut Customs


Come join us in the Rocksmith Championship!


here is my first scores of the week, 




not sure if i'll get the 100% on this but I will be trying.......@   :P




this was a struggle, first finish without the RED XXX




also a struggle....played this more than twice as well....




as the bass was all warmed up I had a little go at this 




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  • Rocksmith Championship Organizer

let's play some Blues  :D

Lead is easier and rhythm harder than expectet, but great fun, groovy

unfortunately my main user profile is gone, and I'm sure I didn't delete it by myself :angry: .... last action in RS was testing the customs for this week and everything was all right. I hope it's not caused by one of them, let's see
(I testet Metric, Ghost and Machinehead only)
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 YouTube                                                           The Phantastic 3                                                       Facebook

Captain-Sparton-weiss minimini.png


Not getting nearly enough time to play my bass so these are my firsts and possibly lasts for the week, but we'll see... I'm currently working 3 jobs since my partners contract ended with Sony, he's applying for everything but no luck yet... so stuff is a bit shit atm, I'm tired, moody, not well and waiting for physio and an op' but everything keeps getting cancelled, put back and it's all massively stressful (I'm not dying or anything, just have a rather inconvenient health issue that basically ruins anything physical I want/need to do.) I'm also losing faith in my playing, I seem to have forgotten how to play. meh  :mellow:


Master: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=917358446


Adv: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=917358366


Int: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=917358294


Beg: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=917358201

  • Like 8

 Mortalo, on 11 Feb 2015 - 11:36 AM, said:

Ok, because of poor results and overall lack of skill @NoonyDeloony gets downgraded to Advanced. She would be forever remembered as shameful person... and then she'll make another charming video and we'll forget about that.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/NoonyDeloony/videos

Twitching bass unskillfully, here: https://www.twitch.tv/noonydeloony



Not getting nearly enough time to play my bass so these are my firsts and possibly lasts for the week, but we'll see... I'm currently working 3 jobs since my partners contract ended with Sony, he's applying for everything but no luck yet... so stuff is a bit shit atm, I'm tired, moody, not well and waiting for physio and an op' but everything keeps getting cancelled, put back and it's all massively stressful (I'm not dying or anything, just have a rather inconvenient health issue that basically ruins anything physical I want/need to do.) I'm also losing faith in my playing, I seem to have forgotten how to play. meh  :mellow:


Awww Noony!! :( All that first stuff can totally lead to the last thing. I find to really play my best, I have to be in a good state of mind with no distractions, otherwise my brain will just meander off mid song. My problems absolutely distract me and make me play worse. And likewise, it's only when things are going REALLY good, when I am loving life, that I can perform my best.


Chin up, eh? We'll make it! <3

  • Like 6

Gamut now active again on Youtube!

Gamut on Twitch

Gamut on Twitter

Gamut Customs


Come join us in the Rocksmith Championship!


aye @@Gamut , I don't mean to be a downer, generally have a very sunny disposition on everything. I'm enjoying work at least (especially one of my jobs that is creative and fun and in no way boring.) It's just a bit sad here. I'm having some time gaming atm with my Squig herder and poking dwarves in the eye and practicing Ghost riffs between kills so there's a little fun happening :) and having some relative success with a widdley bit in square hammer that I'm trying to improve my efficiency and accuracy fingering. But fanks for the comforting advice and support, it's appreciated greatly :) x

  • Like 3

 Mortalo, on 11 Feb 2015 - 11:36 AM, said:

Ok, because of poor results and overall lack of skill @NoonyDeloony gets downgraded to Advanced. She would be forever remembered as shameful person... and then she'll make another charming video and we'll forget about that.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/NoonyDeloony/videos

Twitching bass unskillfully, here: https://www.twitch.tv/noonydeloony



It's a Ghost week!


Early results (won't get much better probably):







  • Like 7

Since it's my 3rd anniverssary of being part of Championship, we once again celebrate with a Metric tune. It's probably my least favorite from all Metric customs, but, well, it's true.


Here goes my score:


  • Like 7

Master of Rocksmith Championship
For Whom the Leaderboard Tolls
...And Song Selection List For All
Seek and Championship Class Lists

On 2/11/2015 at 3:42 PM, NoonyDeloony said:

@@Mortalo don't worry, you're a nice douche 🙂

T-Rex Interactive


Happy 3rd anniversary @@Mortalo... I think nickel is the gift for 3 years... some nickel plated strings perhaps? :)

  • Like 3

 Mortalo, on 11 Feb 2015 - 11:36 AM, said:

Ok, because of poor results and overall lack of skill @NoonyDeloony gets downgraded to Advanced. She would be forever remembered as shameful person... and then she'll make another charming video and we'll forget about that.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/NoonyDeloony/videos

Twitching bass unskillfully, here: https://www.twitch.tv/noonydeloony



I am mistaken... it's leather for 3 years :) ...new guitar strap.... gimp mask...? :D

  • Like 6

 Mortalo, on 11 Feb 2015 - 11:36 AM, said:

Ok, because of poor results and overall lack of skill @NoonyDeloony gets downgraded to Advanced. She would be forever remembered as shameful person... and then she'll make another charming video and we'll forget about that.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/NoonyDeloony/videos

Twitching bass unskillfully, here: https://www.twitch.tv/noonydeloony



@@fripponomic my profile was corrupted last year (around the same time) - it's annoying to start all from scratch then you play songs you've skipped always again and after a while you don't care about the stats :)


The adv is a nice song, excellent custom (good job on it) - and it's challenging. Struggled through score attack and avoided the 2 other strikes with some deep purple bars ;)


Awesome Metric score @@Mortalo - I reached only a 96 with much shorter streak




My Ghost score - played it a while ago


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