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Creating Packs or Torrents of CDLC?



Is there any rules about this? I'd like to share my massive collection of CDLC, but I fear the ire of the community.


Would it be frowned upon if I created packs of songs by artists and uploaded them to my own mediafire? 


For example, I own every MCR song released for CDLC, would it be okay if I shared the CDLC in a pack as long as I don't take credit for making the songs? 


Thanks guys :) 

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You'll have to wait for a mod to answer this.

If a custom is availabe on this site I don't see why you would want to share it anywhere else , this is not an underground site. If it's not availabe on this site then the issue would be with the original creator so as long as you don't make money you won't be be breaking any forum rules ( i think ) but you might be making enemies.

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@@Dalton - I imagine that sharing DLC packs would be forbidden for the same reason as sharing complete DLC download folders. At the time of sharing none of the songs may be official, but (for many bands) you can't guarantee that they'll never become official, and as soon as they do become official, we can't share it (which is especially important for MCR as they've just had a second pack). The last thing that we want to do on here is seriously piss Ubi off.

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The first question would be, why would you even want to do this?

You're basically encouraging people to get CDLCs from a torrent, rather than become a member here. Not to mention that everything you'd be sharing is already HERE.

Assuming I have a choice (which I don't), I wouldn't want my customs to be part of a collection like that. The more people that come here, the more likely it is that we gain more quality charters and engaged members of the community. I want to give as much, if not more than I take, while giving people every opportunity to do the same.

Clearly, not everyone thinks that way.

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I want to give as much, if not more than I take, while giving people every opportunity to do the same.


Clearly, not everyone thinks that way.



Don't really want to hijack this thread but that's an interesting ethos , I would also lke to give as much as I take but was wondering if you see it as upload 1 = download 1 or maybe uploading a track is worth more downloading a track. If it's a 1 for 1 basis , I've only got about 9000 odd songs to go before I break even :(

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I want to give as much, if not more than I take, while giving people every opportunity to do the same.


Clearly, not everyone thinks that way.



Don't really want to hijack this thread but that's an interesting ethos , I would also lke to give as much as I take but was wondering if you see it as upload 1 = download 1 or maybe uploading a track is worth more downloading a track. If it's a 1 for 1 basis , I've only got about 9000 odd songs to go before I break even :(


By that math, I'd be in the same boat as you! IMO it doesn't have to be a 1 to 1 ratio. I'd like to imagine that each person that downloads one of my customs is happy that I took the time to make it - just as I am when I download one that someone else has made.


People contribute in other ways too. Whether it's answering questions in the help section, the friendly competition of the Championships, or even simple conversations. You can't really measure the ways that human interaction affects people.

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The Led Zeppelin Discography thread

learning to chart > asking someone else to do it

"The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool." - Lester Bangs

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I planned to post the packs here. I don't know how torrents work really, so that's not the first choice for me. 


Personally, I think bulk downloading from ignition is really tedious and annoying. Especially when everyone uses a different hosting site. 


I feel that song packs could just be in the ignition list, and you could sort by packs?


Plus, if people don't want the whole pack, they'll seek out the single tracks they want. 



I just am seeking to alleviate the need to click through all these file hosting sites. If I could create an autohotkey to quickly download all DLCs, I would, but the variance in hosting sites makes this extremely difficult. 

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is there any rules about this? Well yes and no depending if you are creating a cdlc page linking to the pack or not


Would it be frowned upon if I created packs of songs by artists and uploaded them to my own mediafire?  Yes


For example, I own every MCR song released for CDLC, would it be okay if I shared the CDLC in a pack as long as I don't take credit for making the songs? Not it won't be okay.


There's a lot of reason for this.


First, we do have a rule against song pack because we've found that some still contained CDLC that became official DLC. Managing this would overly complicated the moderation team work and could potentially cause us a lot of trouble.


Secondly, you would have to get the authorization of every single author that created those CDLC for us to tolerate that kind of pack and provide those authorization to us if we ask.


I can probably find other reason why we won't tolerate this but even the first one is the most important one here.

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@@Punisherdaslaya We don't deny it has its purposes but it doesn't allow us to do what we absolutely need to regarding record on the database. Unless we can find a system that allow us to do that without overly complicating our work, it simply won't happen.

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