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Moving beatmarker without adjusting notes


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Is this possible? I opened a song I was working on and for some reason some beat markers are off from the notes. Is it possible to drag the beatmarkers to the notes (who are on the beat) without adjusting notes? I know you can lock the beat markers but I can't find anything just for locking notes.

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  • Administrator

Well there's no reason to move beat marker without the note or that means that the guitar pro file isn't good in the first place which is quite concerning and way more important to look at.


If ever, you could always just move the mouse back inside the lanes to stop the note from moving when draging beat but it's not something that you should ever do in a standard situation.

Firekorn's workshop
In Flames Discography


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Yeah I'm not even sure how it happened or if I just missed it while making the cdlc. I know some parts are probably because I copied a section, but there seem to be way more parts off from the beat map. It's tedious, but probably wouldn't be that much different, but at the moment I'm just using the "highlight non grid snapped notes" to see wich ones are off and snap them back to the grid. Just not sure how all these notes shifted this much since I imported them from a gpro file. Guess I did something wrong somewhere a while back because I have the same problem in a few songs

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  • Administrator

Once the beat map is synced with the audio the note will fall in line when imported from GP. Note that get slightly off the grid can happen because of rounding error but then, with a small grid, select all note and use the resnap function.

Firekorn's workshop
In Flames Discography


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You can disable the note auto-adjust logic in File>Preferences. Or if the preference is enabled, you can hold SHIFT while clicking, dragging and releasing a beat marker and it will skip adjusting the notes from that beat move. That said, no Guitar Pro import should be trusted as being in sync unless you have synced beat markers as well. Go PlayAlong is an exception because that type of project already defines sync for the measures/beats.

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