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Buzzing sound when I touch strings



So whenever I touch the strings I hear a horrible buzzing sound and it doesn't matter where on the strings I touch, I've calibrated and it does nothing. The game used to run fine and one day I just turn it on and I get annoying buzzing sound. All my knobs are maxed which was never a problem, now I have to lower the volume a little and it goes away, however the notes sound terrible when I play and then note detection fails at times when I lower the volume. This is all when I'm in Treble, which again was never a problem, when I switch to Rhythm it goes away...even at max volume but the sound is pretty bad. My rocksmith configuration file is default I've changed nothing, it's what the game came with. My graphics are set to custom with almost everything off. My strings are brand new straight from the shop, for I thought it was the strings that were causing the problem but obviously not.


Could you please shed some light...



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There has been very similar problems solved on here.  I honestly cannot remember how, but you'd do worse than reading through a few pages of the Help forum to find it.


I think it's to do with cable gain but I'm not 100%, I am 100% that someone has solved this exact problem previously.


I know using the search function can be frustrating sometimes, but persevere man you will get there :D

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@@TheBoo my 5 cents would be:
1 check grounding
2 avoid current and EM noise google how
3 set lover RT cable gain
4 shield your guitar (better ask pros to do so)
5 sometimes it's just bad cable\connectors, but not this time, right?

plug your pc and speakers\amp in one surge protector to  avoid negative effect from grounding loops
there exist special noise cutters which able to filter your AC power source ;)

use this tool to see if you have 50hz buzz or other noise (http://www.tobias-erichsen.de/software/graphicalanalyzer.html)

do the black magic ritual if nothing helps

Edited by Alex360
added tool
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