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Song starts playing before the notes



I was testing a CDLC I made, but when I loaded it up the song started playing as soon as it loaded, so the notes on the highway (when the song should have started) ended up being a few seconds behind.


It's all synced perfectly in EOF, I'm using the latest version of EOF and the toolkit. Why is this happening?

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I guess my question would be if you're sure the audio file that you used for making the .wem and such was the same audio file that you used for the EOF file. If you added leading silence after converting or had two .wav files (original and plus leading silence) for some reason and chose the wrong one it might lead to the problem you're talking about. I've definitely done this myself, so now I tend to a) make sure I'm using the right file by listening to a bit and b) make the .wem as the last step in my process before generating the psarc file.

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I guess my question would be if you're sure the audio file that you used for making the .wem and such was the same audio file that you used for the EOF file. If you added leading silence after converting or had two .wav files (original and plus leading silence) for some reason and chose the wrong one it might lead to the problem you're talking about. I've definitely done this myself, so now I tend to a) make sure I'm using the right file by listening to a bit and B) make the .wem as the last step in my process before generating the psarc file.


I double checked, definitely the same file used in making it and used in the .wem.

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@@ObsidianEagle, as albatross213 said you need to remove wem file and encode\choose correct one, i jus import it to the EOF and got sound w\o silence at the beginning 


You're right, I didn't even realise I was working with two different versions of the same song. Maybe next time I'll clean up my folder structure so I don't make such a mess :P


Thank you both for finding the problem!

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