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Locked RCST not happy with my vocals .xml

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RCST generates an error while building a package with the following vocal .xml: https://www.mediafire.com/?f03atkcd3ejwt34. Translated the error is something like the following: 'The XML document (11,61) contains an error '. Do you know what's wrong? Could RCST maybe give a more informative warning? :)

All 'my' CDLC's are free to be improved upon and re-released by anybody. Constructive comments are welcome as well :)

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Usually this would be something like an invalid character in the lyric's text. You can track down the problem by opening the XML file (ie. in a text editor) and going to the specified text coordinate (#, #) where the first number is the line number, and the second number is the column. In Windows Notepad, you can enable the status bar so it will show the line number and column at which the cursor is, but only if word wrap is disabled. In this case, as Alex mentioned, there doesn't seem to be an invalid character there and this XML file. It may have already been corrected or the error was in a different file.

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Oops. wrong file uploaded :D It was indeed an invalid character. I would've expected EoF to throw an error since it warns me about other mistakes/faults. Thanks for clearing it up!

All 'my' CDLC's are free to be improved upon and re-released by anybody. Constructive comments are welcome as well :)

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@@raynebc, Toolkit accepts utf-8 for lyrics, so any utf-8 character is valid in vocals(but not all glyphs present in Rocksmith, I already done ru-RU locale but can't test it :( ) just FYI. :)

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