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Found 2 results

  1. hey guys, I have changed computers and am now using a gigabyte motherboard G.1 assassin. I was hoping to get great sounds from it. But since i have reinstalled rocksmith, nothing seems right anymore. The ingame audio is sounding weird \ weak and the game is muting the cable during songs (usually after 3 to 4 songs). the guitar gets back if unplug and plug the cable but this situation is getting me really frustrated with the game.. i have tried reinstalling the game, recalibrating everything but nothing is working so far... So.. could there be a problem with my cable? or is it maybe the usb Port? I have tried switching ports but the problem persists. Extra: i am also having trouble with my pedal. I am using a boss over drive and the background noise gets unbeareable if i dont reduce the gain to -2.0db, but i feel that i am killing the pedal by doing that. Thanks in advance for any help!
  2. Hello there, i'm hoping you lot can spare some of your knowledge. I'm currently looking for a cheap amp solution (£200< preferably) that'll provide plenty of effects since i like to play a variety of songs. I'm currently leaning towards a Vox vt20+ or vt40+ which weigh in at £140 and £180 respectively. They feel a little overcomplicated to use however. I've also given the Roland Cube a go, it doesn't offer the same number of effects but the loop you can have is a pretty useful feature. I'd love to hear some other suggestions, maybe a cheap pedal and amp combination or something? :) The sort of stuff i'd like to be able to play in a sort of check list. - Decent reverb effect - i play electro acoustic so like a sound a bit like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjAunOUNrGU - The Police - Might learn some of the Smiths in the future - Some rock stuff, ACDC, Queen - Bit of Hendrix - An effect for songs like the XX - Nirvana - Arctic Monkeys
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