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Found 2 results

  1. Something about a Green Day song with lyrics railing against consumerism being censored in order to make it a more marketable microtransaction in a video game just feels incredibly wrong to me... not only does it lessen the enjoyment of playing the song, it just leaves me feeling empty and depressed in general. I was thinking I was going to figure out how to unpack it, put in the original audio and lyrics, and repack it up. (And any other censored songs I come across..) Would I be allowed to post patches? Only people that already had the DLC would be able to use it, it would just modify the files in place, so it wouldn't enable piracy or any of that.
  2. Hello everyone. I'm sure you are all aware of not being able to play rocksmith after the new patch that came out recently... One particular error I've seen and what I'm getting myself is - Error Sound Initialization. I have been able to get it to work ONLY in exclusive mode... and here are my rocksmith.ini settings for you all. [Audio] EnableMicrophone=1 ExclusiveMode=1 LatencyBuffer=4 ForceDefaultPlaybackDevice= ForceWDM=0 ForceDirectXSink=0 DumpAudioLog=0 MaxOutputBufferSize=0 Win32UltraLowLatencyMode=1 [Renderer.Win32] ShowGamepadUI=0 ScreenWidth=0 ScreenHeight=0 Fullscreen=0 VisualQuality=1 RenderingWidth=0 RenderingHeight=0 EnablePostEffects=1 EnableShadows=1 EnableHighResScope=1 EnableDepthOfField=1 EnablePerPixelLighting=1 MsaaSamples=4 DisableBrowser=0 [Net] UseProxy=1 and this is also with all my Recording Devices disabled apart from the Rocksmith USB Guitar Adapter. - This is most likely going to work for all of you who don't mind not talking or watching youtube etc in the background of the game but for me (Who would like to stream the game) is an issue... I am yet to figure out a fix to being able to run the game in non-exclusive mode whilst being able to stream etc too... I've also reinstalled the game and it hasn't changed anything... If anyone knows a fix so I can start streaming that would be helpful but it really is annoying :/
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