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  1. Hi all, So despite having read music theory books and thoroughly appreciated them I found that there were three things that bothered me not knowing about and I grow tired of ignorance. :) So I've gone ahead and explored the following: 1. CAGED System 2. Circle of Fifths and Fourths 3. Modes One problem I have with reading theory is that once I read a music theory lesson I don't make much use of it as I am playing guitar because the info is not at my fingertips. I am a fan of 1 double-sided page crib sheets that contain all the condensed details of the theory and having it on my music stand for use on-the-fly between playing Rocksmith songs. I also like to make my crib sheets such that it can be read from beginning to end like a detailed lesson. The CAGED system and Circle of Fifths/Fourths crib sheets are more casual hand-written notes however the Modes crib sheet is a ode to nerds as it is a very detailed yet very demystifying lesson. My goal is not just to summarize but to organize the mind with ALL the info found in these references but all viewable at a glance. I believe you'll get the most out of these crib sheets if you actually view/read the references I link to since a crib sheet makes the most sense to the reader when he/she already understands the info contained in it. The references linked take you through the material at a more leisurely pace whereas the crib sheet is all business and intense. One day when I have time I'll type up the hand-written crib sheets, so thanks for tolerating my lefty penmanship. DISCLAIMER: All of the following are merely representations of the content in the links I provide and, though logical, have not yet been fully verified by myself since I am new learning this. This assumes the Reference links are providing correct content. CRIB SHEET 1 - CAGED SYSTEM References: Pentatonic Minor Scale Pentatonic Minor 5 patterns CAGED System Just to understand how to derive what we see in the Rocksmith Guitarcade game, Scale Racers, here is my derivation of the 5 patterns of a the A Minor Penatatonic scale with annotations showing positions within the framework of the CAGED system. http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad41/Berneer/CustomRockStuff/A%20Pentatonic%20Minor/IMG_1563_zpsru6lbo26.jpg http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad41/Berneer/CustomRockStuff/A%20Pentatonic%20Minor/IMG_1562_zpszrtzjkeg.jpg Note how the image below shows the CAGED system (or rather EDCAG) chord shapes which I label. http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad41/Berneer/CustomRockStuff/A%20Pentatonic%20Minor/IMG_1564_zpssw41tzua.jpg Pattern 1 -> contains a G-shape amidst all the scales notes Pattern 2 -> contains a E-shape amidst all the scales notes Pattern 3 -> contains a D-shape amidst all the scales notes Pattern 4 -> contains a C-shape amidst all the scales notes Pattern 5 -> contains a A-shape amidst all the scales notes However Pattern 1 is actually called the E-shape, Pattern 2 the D-shape, Pattern 3 the C-shape, Pattern 4 the A-shape and Pattern 5 the G-shape. So what are we missing here? In short: The names of the patterns annotated on the above image are correct. What was missing was that E-shape for a Minor scale such as the Minor Penatonic scale is actually referring to the Eminor-chord-shape. My earlier expectation was that I thought they were referring to EMAJOR-chord-shapes. Substantiation: Hmm, very interesting that despite the Major chord shapes apparent in the Pentanic Minor patterns, that within those same patterns ALSO exist Minor chord shapes. Below, I've updated my drawing of the patterns shown above to add SQUARES around notes that belong to MINOR chord shapes. So I changed my labels to say Pattern 1: Em-Shape instead of Pattern 1: E-Shape. http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad41/Berneer/CustomRockStuff/A%20Pentatonic%20Minor/Deriving%20A%20Pentatonic%20Minor%20-%205%20patterns%20-%20skewed%20CAGED%20patterns%20I%20noticed%20-%20REVISED%20WITH%20MINOR%20SHAPES_zpsavtwgymx.jpg References: 1. Googling Minor Pentatonic CAGED system was my first step. It confirmed that CAGED system applies not only to MAJOR scales but also MINOR, PENTATONIC MAJOR, PENTATONIC MINOR scales, and I guess all scales too. So I realized that the chord shapes for a minor scale are minor chord shapes!! 2. I then verified correctness and landed upon the confirmation in a very nice tutorial. 3. I also landed upon a nice diagram on this Rockprodigy website This image from that Rockprodigy website has a great summary diagram to show derivation of chord shape names for the Minor Pentatonic. http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad41/Berneer/CustomRockStuff/A%20Pentatonic%20Minor/Minor%20scales%20summary%20Rockprodigy.com_zpsubysoeey.png Salient Features of this image: 1. Bottom row of chord boxes shows Natural Minor scales in all 5 patterns, in which red dots show notes that disappear from the Natural Minor when moving to the Minor Pentatonic scale. That is because, Pentatonic Minor formula relative to the Major scale is: 1 b3 4 5 b7 1, or relative to the Natural Minor scale is 1 3 4 5 7 1 which shows that the 2nd and 6th degree notes of the Natural Minor scale don't appear in the Pentatonic minor scale. 2. The 2nd row of chord boxes show the Pentatonic Minor scales in all 5 CAGED patterns and dotted lines show the actual Minor chord shapes. The red dots in those 2nd row boxes, when removed, leave behind the notes of the Minor chord shown in the first row. 3. So similar to the MAJOR scale the Pentatonic Minor uses the same names and retains the name CAGED which actually should be called EDCAG but CAGED is more memorable.: Pattern 1 - E shape Pattern 2 - D shape Pattern 3 - C shape Pattern 4 - A shape Pattern 5 - G shape (well a permutation of the standard chord shape is shown in the image). 4. Major pentatonic scale formula relative to the Major scale is 1 2 3 5 6 1 (Take away 4th and 7th note from Major scale, or can be seen as adding a 2nd and 6th note from the typically 1-3-5 MAJOR triad) 5. Point 4 and the above points show that Pentatonic Major and Pentatonic Minor scales are simply traditional MAJOR and Minor scales with notes omitted. 6. In passing I read and only briefly confirmed with spot-checks a very important point: that Minor and Major scales have the same patterns. Here are 2 examples out of 10 that apply to MAJOR, Minor, MAJOR Pentatonic and Minor Pentatonic: Example 1: MAJOR D shape pattern is identical to the Minor C shape pattern except with different root notes. Example 2: PENTATONIC MAJOR D shape is identical to the Pentatonic Minor C shape pattern except with different root notes.So memorizing a minor shape implies memorizing a MAJOR shape. Cool! You may want to confirm point 6 above by inspecting the same image as above but summarizing the MAJOR scales. http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad41/Berneer/CustomRockStuff/A%20Pentatonic%20Minor/MAJOR%20scales%20summary%20Rockprodigy.com_zpsaighvsoq.png My favorite part of learning is that "Eureka!" moment. Nerd bliss! CRIB SHEET 2 - CIRCLE OF FIFTHS/FOURTHS http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad41/Berneer/CustomRockStuff/Circle%20of%205ths%20and%204ths/Music%20Circle%20Circle%20of%205ths%20and%204ths%20-%20Page%201_zpsryqr7kor.jpg http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad41/Berneer/CustomRockStuff/Circle%20of%205ths%20and%204ths/Music%20Circle%20Circle%20of%205ths%20and%204ths%20-%20Page%202%20-%20Take2_zps5qpygmfp.jpgTwo days after I posted this Karen Ramirez released a digitized circle which looks nicer than my handwritten one. She posted it on her web site and she introduces and explains it in this YouTube video. Here is a link to her PDF of the image below. This circle below is identical to the above but instead of having to look at 9 o'clock for the relative minor, she now added relative minors (minor scales that have the same key signature (same sharps and flats on the musical staff) as their related MAJORS) on the inner circle and explains it a bit in the linked Youtube video. For example: the relative minor of the C MAJOR scale is the A minor scale (who both share notes C,D,E,F,G,A,B with no sharps or flats). Note: whereas the MAJOR scale has equation T-T-S-T-T-T-S, the natural minor has the equation T-S-T-T-S-T-T. Also on the outside of the circle she added the individual notes of the MAJOR chord, ex: C MAJ contains notes G, C,E; A chord contains A, C#, E. http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad41/Berneer/CustomRockStuff/Circle%20of%205ths%20and%204ths/KarenRamirez-NewChordCircleJuly2015_zps3isrfwii.png CRIB SHEET 3 - MODES Reference to 16 part-lesson http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad41/Berneer/CustomRockStuff/Modes%20Crib%20sheet/Modes%20Crib%20Sheet%20Page%201%20Image%2020July2015Berneer_zps6rf7rbek.png http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad41/Berneer/CustomRockStuff/Modes%20Crib%20sheet/Modes%20Crib%20Sheet%20Page%202%20Image%2020July2015Berneer_zpsycszcolt.png I am sure there is more information out there and that I could have done things differently but this suits me as a solid introduction and I thought I'd share. Now I think I can understand Rocksmith Session Mode much better! Woo!!! Here is a PDF version of the images above (if you print this please do so in legal and landscape settings, and preferably print in colour and double-sided for best effect.) In case you wish to make changes tailored to your taste or wish to inform me of any mistakes or improvements, here is a Word 2010 version. I suspect the PDF and Word versions will offer you better resolution that the images posted. Spent many hours learning this reading things over and over again until it sank in. I hope this helps you learn a bit faster and that like me who always felt like, "yeah, fine so solos are scales", that this now gives you the same satisfaction I got in dymystifying how solos work. So cool this stuff!!! Enjoy.... is this a new record length post for Berneer... :)
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