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Hi Guys, Guitar beginner here, can anyone recommend a decent guitar for beginner that compliments well with rockstar 2014 remastered. also what's the best guitar pick to start learning with? On a side note I have been looking at getting a Epiphone Les Paul Studio E1 to start learning with, but I thought id see what the more experienced guitarist can suggest. link here >>> Thanks in advanced GuitarHero2023
Project to gather, organize and standardize, and improve exercise customs Rules recommended 1. Arrangement is in "Lead", and bonus/alternate arrangements 2. Tuning is E-Standard (except for special situations, like 5string Bass) 3. Record page (submitted cDLC) : Artist name "You", Album name "Exercises" (beware of typos) Ignition search "Exercises" order on Artist - should give a most complete list. 4. Exercises should list together in RS14, sorted by Artist "You" display under "Y", not overloaded letter. "You Bass" for Bass only Exercises "You Artist" for Exercises by Artists "You Riff" for practical Exercises 5. Filenames (no space), "YouBass, YouArtist,YouRiff" ....psarc followed main topic exercised, sub-topics (style, root notes), origin, charter. For easy updates, save all exercises in a subdir of DLC (DLC\Exercises) I renamed customs (original name and charter is part of the new name) Download by clicking on "You": (not this :lol:) Or jump to the charters page to use the original custom/name Remove doubles (Same Internal song DLC Keys of 2 versions may hang RS) USE Customsforge Manager An almost complete collection can be downloaded as a zip file (170mb) (this collection has not yet been updated to the remaster version) List of Exercises in RS14 vTS means, I have improved the custom Picking Exercises You : Alternate Picking - Heavy Metal Guitar School part 1 (by DeadlyPower) 5:04, 10 patterns, repeated twiceno guitar track, no beat, patterns easy, except 2) You : Alternate Picking to Solo (by DeadlyPower) 5:04, 14 patterns, 5 solo riffsno guitar track, no beat, 3/4bars, exercises what it claims, shows me how much I suck in this topicexcellent You : Alternate Picking (by blackened) 7:30, 56 patternsguitar track without beat, needs instructions in lyrics, heavy focus on finger/hand position change may loose concentration on alt.picking of other hand)You : Alternate-Picking vTS (by Sharkman828) 6:02, 10 patterns (Frets 9 -12, 9-13)no guitar track, no beat, last sector no notes for 5:00!, start delay too shortunfinished rather uselessCdlc corrected, now 3:28, 3s delay, pattern repeat faster on fret 5, faster above my ability on fret 12, metronome in bonus, get 95% without cheating on alt.picking ^_^ )Arpeggios You : Arpeggios Fingerpicking Basics v1 (by blackened) 4:22, 6 patterns, 4 riffsguitar track without beat, easy patterns for beginners, steep increase in difficulty for riffs, sustains should be removed for readabilityusefulYou : Arpeggios and Sweeps Melodic Metal vTS (by blackened) 0:36, 2 Riffsguitar track with beat, only 2 long sectors, short but usefulI've divided riffs in more sectors, to easier memorize, optimized some fret-hand positions, original arrangement kept in bonus arr.You : Arpeggios and Sweeps Advanced v1 (by blackened) 1:32, 3 patterns, 3 riffsguitar track without beat, easy patterns for beginners, steep increase in difficulty for riffs, sectors too longChords You : Chords Part 1 (by blackened) 3:17, 9 openchords, 6 powerchords, guitar track without beat, 5 increasing speed sectors of simple 4/4 down-strums, very useful for beginners You : Chords Part 2 (by blackened) 6:04, 14 barréchordsguitar track without beat, 5 increasing speed sectors of simple 4/4 down-strums, basic chordsvery usefulYou : Chords Progression 12 Bar Blues v1 (Guitar & Bass) (by iWolf) 2:58, 7 patterns, 3 keys (C E G in difficulty levels)no guitar track with beatbebop & basic jazz blues for advanced usersbarré chords onlyexcellent You : Chords Trainer ADE v1 (by apollo6655) 2:29, 3 open chords A D E (without open string)no guitar track with metronomesimple down-strum 4/4, constant slow speeduseful for beginnersYou : Chords Trainer CGAm (by apollo6655) 2:32, 3 open chords C G Am (with open string)no guitar track with metronomesimple down-strum 4/4, constant slow speeduseful for beginnersYou : Chords Advanced v5 (by darrko1984 ) 9:25, 49 patternsno guitar track with beat, uncommon chords with muted strings, confusing and difficult to register in RSlimited useful for beginnersFinger Exercices You : 4 Fingers Exercises Guy (by pollo_28) 7 customsup to 20:00, probably any possible pattern (704)no guitar track without beat no pauses, no visible sectors, difficult to pick up a set of patternTraining on the 1st 4 Frets only This is HUGE!I added bonus arr. (Root fret on 5, 9, 12) and a beat inserted pauses and visible sectors to better differentiate different patternscurrently for the 1st cDLC only, if you want more me)You : 4Fingers alternate picking and sweep kingkill_33 v1 (by a.peter) 1:10, 5 patternsguitar track no beat, acoustic tone increase/decrease 1st-4th string / or 6th to 3rd with fret increase for each finger, every picknice crossing patternsuggested picking alternate or sweepvery useful to train strings change with each pick You : Finger Independence and Speed v1 (by darrko1984) 2:16, 12 patternsguitar track no beat, distortion tonechromatic patterns, a minor & major scale with hand position shifts, hammer on / pull offssingle string and all strings patternsYou : Finger Independence and Speed v1 (by DeadlyPower) 5:04, 5 patterns (non-linear sequences of major scale G), repeated 3xno guitar track no beat, distortion toneirregular speedsYou : Finger Spider Sequence Pebber Brown vTS (F A C E frets) (by DeadlyPower) I added bonus arr. (F A C E Root fret) You : Finger Warm Up 1 Lesson Guitar vTS (original by Sharkman828) 2:30, 29 patternsYou : Finger Warm Up 2 Lesson Guitar vTS (by Sharkman828) 3:36, 26 patterns2 nice quick exercises to play through or train by sector no guitar track, no beat, ends in long sector with no notes, waiting for the score...I removed the last sectors, add drum & bass tracks,and a bonus metronome arrangement.I corrected sectors to match start/end of a pattern, and start/end of fret hand positions.I suggest this as an exercise template.Rhythm You : Rhythm Metal Riffs low tone (by darrko1984 ) 7:32, 11 exercises/riffs with powerchords and muted open stringsmetal guitar track with no beat, guitar tone is lowuseful, unequal difficulty You : Rhythm Strum patterns in DD Level 120bmp v1 (by iWolf) Scales You : Scales Blues : Lesson Guitar v1 (by DeadlyPower) 5:14, 1 pattern, linear sequence, changing root constantlylyrics indicate root note on low E-Stringspeed may a bit too fast to keep it for 5:00 blues scale is NOT RIGHT, missing 4th note on the G string with other 4 patterns and more sequences in difficulty levels would be a perfect scale exerciseuseful, but unfinished cDLCYou : Scales Natural Fretboard A B C D E F G (Guitar&Bass) (by SA PyroBillie) You : Scales Harmonic Fretboard A B C D E F Ab (Guitar&Bass) (by SA PyroBillie) You : Scales Pentatonic Fretboard A C D E G (Guitar&Bass) (by SA PyroBillie) All 3 customs last 4:00, 17 patterns (single & double picks, up & down the Fret in 2 diff.levels)no guitar track with beat, plays same notes all over the fretboard, excellent ear-to-fretboard notes learning .... if played notes were displayed in lyrics ...You : Scales Runner A vTS(Guitar&Bass) (by PyroBillie) 4:08, 11 scales, 1 position on root A (5th fret), sequences of scales linearno guitar track with beat, scales from RS12 game, double pick, up/down, speed levels in difficulty levels, great idea for extensions.add repetitions where possible, corrected 1st invisible sector, completed lyrics to display scale names longer, add clean tone, original arr. with distortion tone in bonusadd 2 difficulty levels for guitar with non-linear sequence, three notes 123,234,345... and thirds 1-3,2-4,3-5..., up/downwardsPerfect exercise in all aspects, should serve as an exercise templateYou : Scales Runner C vTS (Guitar&Bass) You : Scales Runner Open vTS (Guitar&Bass) 2 identical customs added on root fret C, and open string (root E or F)You : Scales Runner Metal (Guitar&Bass) (by SA PyroBillie) v1 You : Scales Melodic Sequences on Major F A C (by TS2112) 7:07 You : Scales Melodic Sequences on Minor F A C (by TS2112) 7:34 You : Scales Melodic Sequences on Pentatonic Minor F A C (by TS2112) 5:18 You : Scales Melodic Sequences on Pentatonic Major F A C (by TS2112) 5:19 You : Scales Melodic Sequences on Blues Minor F A C (by TS2112) 5:57 You : Scales Melodic Sequences on Blues Major F A C (by TS2112) 6:25 6 sequences non-linear (group of 2,3,4 with interval 1 and 2) (12,23...; 123, 234...; 1234, 2345... and 13,24...;135,246...;1357,2461...)no guitar track with beat, acoustic tonescales on 3 fret positions (F, A, C) info in lyricsYou : Scales Lesson Guitar v1 (by Sharkman828) 10:03, 59 patternsno guitar track, no beat, 3:00 useless silent end sector with no tabs no scale information in lyrics, causes more questions than teachingrather unfinished useless cDLCSpeed You : Speed Exercise Lesson Guitar v1 (by Sharkman828) 3:02, 20 patternsno guitar track, no beat, 2:00 useless silent end sector with no tabs chromatic, pentatonic, major scales, riffs, pull off, slide - no clear topic separation, no understandable rise in difficulty, no lyrics giving inforather unfinished useless cDLC You : Sweep Picking Exercise vTS tuned E & Eb (by Izzy) E-Tuning added, Eb tuning set in bonus arrangementArtists YouArtist : eZUKA from GRANRODEO : Glare Guitar School vol3 guitar inst demo v1 (by th1rtyf0ur) YouArtist : Hizaki : Glare Guitar School v2 (by Tiothae) YouArtist : Paul Gilbert : Intense Rock 1 Sequences and Techniques v1 (by BX5) YouArtist : Paul Gilbert : Intense Rock 2 v1 (by BX5) YouArtist : Steve Vai 30 Hour Workout v1 (by th1rtyf0ur) Bass YouBass : Bass Finger A.Sklarevski Ch.2 v1 (by darrko1984) YouBass : Bass Finger Chromatic James Jamersons (by justgimmethefunk) YouBass : Bass Finger Stretching v1 (by Izzy) YouBass : Bass Rhythm Song-1 (by Vartok)_v1_1 YouBass : Bass Rhythm String Muted A.Sklarevski Ch.1 (by darrko1984) YouBass : Bass Scales C (5 String Bass) v1 (by Tysylio) Riffs YouRiffs : Blues Comping 1 in A major_v2 (by frippchen) YouRiffs : Blues Comping 2 in A major straight 8ths_v2 (by frippchen) YouRiffs : Blues Comping 3 in G major funky (by frippchen)YouRiffs : Blues Comping 4 in E major shuffle (by frippchen)YouRiffs : Blues Comping 5 in E major (by frippchen)YouRiffs : Blues Comping 6 in B major (by frippchen) YouRiffs : Blues - Lonely Man Blues v1.1 (by TS2112) YouRiffs : Country - Licks v1 (by TS2112) YouRiffs : Metal : Rhythm Thrash Guitar & Bass 1st Lesson v1 (by blackened) YouRiffs : Rock : 100 Chicago Music Exchange v1.2.1 (by haarek) Below, I'll link to songs with undeniable learning effect - Minuet : From First To Last (by s37h) (Arpeggio chords finger stretching) (this is my corrected version 1.1. jan.2017) - Blackmore's Night : Memmingen (by SmellyOrc) (finger picking) - Aquarium : Gorod Zolotoy (by Obvilion) (finger picking) Suggestions to add / improve customs / exercises are welcome. Further suggestions : Aim is quality in form and content in the making of exercises. guitar mp3 track only if useful (to rhythm or melody) (no guitar track allows more arrangements in different keys, tunings, root notesdrum/beat track is alive, better then dead boring metronomemetronome bonus arrangement added by checking Metronome in Toolkit/arrangement windownotes must be on beats!no empty last sectorlyrics (long duration) for each sector to recall the topic exercised, player's focusdivide exercises in logical sectors, optimize fret hand positionsconstant increase in difficulty ( not jumping from easy to hard back to easy)don't overload a custom with different topics, tabs or riffs, 4-5 minutes duration optimaluse clean tone (except if Metal...) (... to be continued)
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-= Rodmans Course for Kids and Beginners =- Well... my 6 year old son learns to play the guitar now for about a year, and he does really well. 30 min lession at a professional musician once a week and a bit practice at home. As he knows me shredding some RS CS songs all the time he is very Rocksmith motivated - so to connect his achieved abilities to the game as well as present an easy course to anyone or anyones kids who want to start playing the guitar i decided to chart some of his exercises and songs and some own collected stuff to a growing collection here... P.S: my son uses my fender squier mini strat which works quite fine. The lessions are either Exercises or Songs, categorised by Difficulty Levels 1-5(-10 maybe somewhen) L1 - minimal stringskipping, slow, only open strings or one hand position L2 - max. 2 strings, one hand position, short L3 - one hand position, more strings, faster, longer L4 - more than one hand position or generally harder / faster than L3 L5 - too difficult for L4 / first chords The lessions consist of tabs very well synced to a background metronome track. Tipp: The speed is chosen at the songs to match an comfortale singalong and at the exercises at the speed they are meant to be played - so start off with reduced speed in Riff Repeater and accelerate as you progress!!!! ... starting easy lessons and depending on the response and my sons motivation planning to add a lot more. have fun. Exercises Rock - L1 - Exercise - For the very first tabs Rock - L1 - Exercise - First Finger First Fret Rock - L1 - Exercise - 1/4 Pauses Rock - L2 - Exercise - The 3rd Finger Stringskipper Rock - L4 - Exercise - The Empty String-skipper Rock - L5 - Exercise - The first Blues is the deepest... Songs Rock - L2 - Song - Hänschen klein (little Hans) Rock - L3 - Song - If you´re happy and you know it Rock - L3 - Song - Old MacDonald(had a farm) Rock - L3 - Song - Happy Birthday to You Rock - L4 - Song - In dem Walde (da) steht ein Haus upcoming: more lessons and songs incl. happy birthday to you done so incl. ein vogel wollte hochzeit machen Update 22-07-22 All links fixed and motivated to do more Son is turning 13 next month now
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Hi, I though I would post my progress as I have been a big user of Rocksmith the past few years. I got into a habit of playing a good 20mins a day booting up the PC on the morning and doing one lesson practice track and a run of what ever song I am working on. I have found I flitter between songs often depending on what I am listening too at the time. I got a little down the other day when I realised that I don't feel I am really making the kind of process I need to. I still can't play a full song and and totally messed up when a new chord is shown to me in a song. I decided to try a different approch. I went to and started his beginner course. I have done this before I had Rocksmith, but now find it much easier to get through the practice sessions and the concepts. Seeing how these skills translate into a song makes practicing much easier. I don't think that I would have this appreciation withough seeing a song flow in the rocksmith format. The speed of changes etc is hard to conprehend just by listening to a track. I am finding that in a short time of recording my chord changes in a min and breaking down parts of songs in the "beginner song list" I am remembering major chord names and the sound they make without the backing track that Rocksmith seem to have on all songs and practice tracks. No don't get me wrong I love Rocksmith and it has helped me keep motivated and given me the goal of playing my favorite song on it, but I don't feel that it nurtures the beginner in the right ways. The Major chord scale is the main one for me as soon as I focused on getting these to memory it made me feel like I was progressing. I hope this helps someone that is in the same situation. Cheers
ok, canned heat /on the road again has to be one of the best easiest songs ever its just dum dumda dum all the way you can ace it on hard maybe even master for good score attack. and as a practice song .
Holla at you, first I've got to say this community is one of the best I've seen so far! Everyone of you please feel complimented, you guys are so devoted and so friendly to new and beginner people like me. There should be more people like you in the internet. So, coming to my topic: I'm a bloody beginner, never touched a guitar before Rocksmith2014 but 21 days ago I picked up Rocksmith2014 and have 4 Songs on 70-80%ish. It's Drops of Jupiter, Numb (love both songs), Blitzkrieg Bop and Otherside. Sometimes I just plug my guitar to my amp and repeat those riffs and surprisingly it sounds really good and clean. Also I'm able to play the Smooth Criminal mainriff - more or less. So yesterday I thought let's try Nothing Else Matters, Stairway To Heaven or I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing. But it was really terrible. Are there any songs which you can recommend based on the songs I've played already? I've also took a look into Rocksmith Championship Songs but most of them were too hard for me to play along. I've tried Fly Away, Boomfunk MC's, Game Of Thrones Theme and I couldn't play anything of it. It doesn't matter if it's DLC or CDLC. I really want to improve. Please help me stay motivated. Before I play I'll do a warmup with different scales for like 10-15minutes is there anything I can add to my warmup exercises? Thank you in advance.
Heya all! So i've been into making CDLC for RS14 for quite some time now and I made a few of them by now. But what all of them had in common is the lack of their own tone. I cant seem to be able to find or make a correct custom tone to go with the CDLC that im making, so my songs are usually just sitting in my project folder as im stuck with giving them the correct tone for the song. Sure there is a Tone Request forum section but that hasn't been used in a while with any replies that tell you what tone you're supposed to use. Is there a way most of you amazing CDLC creators use to create the custom tone for the song? Do you somehow find the gear used by the guitarist at the time of the recording? Does it just come down to "have an ear for it"? Because currently I can not tell Overdrive from Distortion etc. Any educational answers would be highly appreciative. <3
Hey there everyone, :) I have picked up Rocksmith 2014 almost two years, and since day one it got me frustrated but i kept myself trying to push to play guitar but it never got along. The problem i see is with the song collection in Rocksmith 2014 it seems that it goes from simple powerchords songs to complex songs in no time. And im still a beginner and dont know how to play guitar. The motivation is there but not the knowlegde. I love to listen to Hard rock and Metal and just want to learn the songs that my favorite bands play. My question is, Is there any like list of songs that start out for beginners and gradully get more complex, like a learning guide ? I fonund a list on Justin, but i wanted to check out if anyone here can give me help. Or am I working the wrong way with Rocksmith 2014? Thank you all for the help already in advanced :(
Songs for beginners that have E and A shape Barre chords
Stereobob posted a question in Rocksmith Remastered
I know most basic chords and now I need to work on Barre chords. From what I have been reading, this is where most people give up on guitar. The problem is when you increase difficulty in songs the chords go by too fast and if you slow it down in riff repeater it doesn't sound like your playing a song anymore. I have tried the You lesson exercises, they are great but it would be nice to play Barre chords in a song at a nice easy pace. Any song suggestions? -
Hi , this is a kind of a workshop , I would say. Where brains gather together and discuss the electric feel of groove , and maybe the groovy soul from the inside. . The purpose is that we together make a whole picture of the feeling of groove. For this task is , to me, extremly hard to do with words. Because words , in my opinion, dont cover the whole picture of what I feel inside when I feel the groove. And therefore the word does not correspond with the my reality (feelings) . So please take part in this discussion and bring to light the complexity of feelings happening when the groove is alive inside. Table of Contents: 1. Rules 2.Background 3. More about the goals 4. A taste of my perspective 5. More on the feeling of groove in my fingers - 6. The list 1.Rules: First of all, and most important, please don't post something that you yourself have not contemplated - dont copy what you have learned from a book. I want this topic to be non-academic, free and open minded disussion between friends. With this basis I hope that you understand that this topic doesn't aim to describe the groove in terms of what is recognised by the Administration of musical theory (I made this one up). The goal is related to the perspective of DIY mentality. In this perspective the groove is to be explained by the lady in the street to the novice bassist. Without learning the novice any belief-system. For music is a language itself. And the this novice doesn't want to learn a language (in this case musical theory) to understand the language of music. Also I would like to ask if we could hold a friendly and compassionate tone towards each and other. Consider all people posting as yourself. And keep in mind, I dont mean any harm. Even when the words I write will strike you as hurtful. This is not about me, or you. This is about Groove. Secondly I advice to be open to the fact that everything you believe is wrong. This way we can become freedom from all belief. And as I also expressed above , a belief-system - paradigm - will often prevent us from seeing the clear picture of reality. But dont let this be a discussion of other then the groove. ''Philosophy is love for true and clear knowledge. Not some ideologies or theorys made by some wise people that we can use to see the world through'' In other words, forget the feeling of embarrasment and dignity here. Because mistakes is only way to learn and nobody should be ashamed of saying something not intellectual. We should all empower each other and water seeds of curiousity. 2. Background for the topic: I would like to learn groovy and soulful baselines. I am a novice. I have played guitar for 6 month before, but I would like to get stronger and flexible fingers. But most important; to learn the right and left hand the feel of groove and soul. I want my fingers to breath and live the groove - naturally and in symbiosis with the complex feeling that stems from the inside. I dont want to learn the book-groove. I want to learn the naturally and clean groove. Therefore I invite you to join, and not some belief-system. That being said, even musical theory is welcome. As long as it brings to light the essence of groove without creating boundaries. 3. More about the goals: The goals for this discussion , workshop, non-academic symposium or whatever it is, is to make it easier for a novice bassist to practice the groove. So I would appreciate if , when you decide to join and post something, that you write in such a way that readers can easily understand. In other words, keep the layout groovy but not spaced-out. I'm just kidding. But really , its much easier to gather all knowledge in one, if you write tidy. But dont stress it , this is not a school. And you are accepted as you are. The atmosphere is set to nurish curiousty and fun learning. Let's bring to light the feeling of groove , from the inside to the outside. 4. A taste of my perspective: I dont know much about genres (also I dont have any knowledge about music theory) , but I know that I would like to learn to play groovy and soulful bass. I am going to write a list with some artist, albums and songs , so that you are closer to understand my idea of the words ''groovy and soulful''. An example of what I consider the feeling of groove: ''You are walking down the street a sunny day and you feel real good. You listen to ''sweet excorsist'' by Curtis Mayfield. At 1:18 he sings ''Sweeeet'' , and your whole body feels it - the groove. You want to dance, but you dont , because you're to shy. But the feel of groove changes the way you are walking, smiling and feeling. Your feet and hands are in different rhythm then they usually are. They got groove. People on the street can recognize when they see you. It's the groove''. I would highly appreciate perspectives from other people, so that my ideas can expand , and I can learn - and you can learn and have fun''. 5. More on the feeling of Groove in my fingers: My idea of Groovy and soulful is usually the total picture of the genre, artist, album or the song - not only the bassline. But it's the bassline groove that I hope to be the result of this learning process. If the opposite seems to be the case - that I want to pinpoint an isolated feel from the music to describe my Idea of groove and soul - I will write this in parenthesis. In other words, the groove is always the total song or album. But when it's not, I will note this. Another example of the groove: ''The rythm of poetry works together with the rythm of the instruments is important to me. For example the Grooveline pt.2 by Schoolboy Q. In this song his rapping is what I want my fingers to dance like''. 6. The list: With Groovy and soulful I mean an intertwined relation between the following structures of rhythm: (About the list: They are ranked from 1-3 , whereas 1 is the closest to my idea of groovy and soulful bass) Rank.1: - Frank Ocean and the different genres that ''Channel Orange'' touches. - Frank Ocean - Lovecrimes - Frank Ocean - Song for women - The weekend - Loft music (the singing is here the important perspective of the groove) - Kanye West' latest album (especially ''Fade'' ) - The internet - Special affair Rank 2: - Schoolboy Q's album Oxymoron and especially the song ''Grooveline pt.2'' - Mobb Deep - Shook ones pt.2 - Jazzmatazz vol.1 - Neo Soul Acid Jazz Collective Rank 3: - Schoolboy Q's album Oxymoron and especially the song ''Grooveline pt.2'' - Bill Withers - Grandmas hands - Curtis Mayfield - Sweet exorcist (the song, but also the feel of the album) - AcidJazz / Neo-soul / Rythm and Poetry You can now see that the list , and my perspective, is coloured by the outside world - the non-free paradigm. But I know that what this outside world is making me feel , is the groove. Therefore the paradigm is not always bad in regards of understanding the groove. But still, it's only some vague keywords of a complex feeling. BTW: I would appreciate if someone could find a cldc on the list - especially rank.1. Further on, if its not to much to ask for - I appreciate any advice and tips from from you all. For example: (i) techniques, (ii) exercises, (iii) and any information that can boost peoples learning curve in regards of inspiration. Like tips on how to listen to music or how you started learning groove.. For instance information about your habits and routine of practicing bass and how this effected your learning curve, I hope you have a beautiful day, thanks for reading . Best regards, your friend.
- 5 replies
- Beginner bassist
- Groove
(and 8 more)
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Anyone able to help me set up my tabs in guitar pro? I have the notes in but I can't get the timings right. I can supply the tabs I used, the MP3, and Guitar pro file. Any help would be great thanks.
Hello fellow music gamers, I just wanted to see if anyone else finds that they suffer from hand fatigue really quickly while playing. I notice it a lot when I am playing songs at full speed and especially down tuned songs. Sometimes, it might happen during my first song, other days I can go for a good 2 hours. This doesn't happen when I'm practising scales or doing slower tab playthroughs. I do try to relax my hand, and use less pressure. I've even lowered the action on my bass so that a gentle touch is all that's needed, but sometimes that just doesn't work for me. Any tips from long-time players