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Oceans Of Slumber



My Rating :star: :star: :star: :star:
What I Like Great riffing, incredible vocalist, great atmosphere, local band
Genre Progressive metal (early) Progressive Metal with doom influences (later)
Record Label Century Media
Band Members Cammie Gilbert - Vocals Dobber Beverly - Drums Sean Gary - Guitar / Vocals Anthony Contreras - Guitar Keegan Kelly - Bass / Vocals Uaeb Yelsaeb - Synth


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Oceans of Slumber are a progressive metal band with doom influences from Houston, Texas, USA, formed in 2011. They have 2 Full-length albums and 1 EP. It's hard to say what the genre is, but most people call them doom influenced progressive metal.



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Aetherial is Oceans of Slumber's debut studio album, released independently in 2013.


1. God In Skin 5:05

2. Coffins Like Kites 7:22

3. Memoriam 5:28

4. Remedy 4:47

5. Only A Corpse 5:42

6. Aetherial 7:49

7. Primodial 6:36

8. Blackest Cloud 6:44

9. Great Divide 9:15


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Blue is Oceans of Slumber's first EP, released in 2015, originally Self released but soon re-released by Century Media Records.


1. Solitude (A Candlemass Cover) 06:21

2. Kashmir (A Led Zeppelin Cover)

3. Turpentine (Reprise) 04:36

4. The Wanderer (An Emperor Cover) 06:04

5. Memoriam (Blue Studio Edition) 01:54

6. On The Turning Away (A Pink Floyd Cover) 05:37


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Winter is Oceans Of Slumber's second and latest studio album, released in 2016 through Century Media Records.


1. Winter 7:58

2. Devout 5:08

3. Nights In White Satin 5:45

4. Lullaby 1:46

5. Laid To Rest 1:41

6. Suffer The Last Bridge 5:01

7. Good Life 2:08

8. Sunlight 5:34

9. Turpentine 5:32

10. Apologue 6:55

11. How Tall The Trees 1:33

12. ...This Road 7:44

13. Grace 3:21

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