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So I have a few questions to check if I'm not missing something


Are these things possible to author in EOF / supported by RS? 


  • Staccato: This doesn't matter too much and most likely isn't supported by RS, but I was wondering if there is something possible to add visually to see if a chord or note is played staccato. Maybe with the crazy note status? Don't have much experience with 'crazy' so maybe I overlooked something.


  • Rake: I guess this can be authored by just having the notes very close together. Just wondering if there is any special feature for it to make it more visible since all notes are very close together. Or is there a special standard to be used for this? To make it consistent. (not that I seem to had issues with hitting a rake in RS but haven't tested it specifically so far)


  • Strum (up/down): I'm guessing this isn't supported in RS? Or maybe I'm doing something wrong but I wasn't seeing it in RS last time I tested a song
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@@ikwtif -


Staccato - I don't think there's anything really to indicate this, though I'd expect most players to get it before too long.


Rake - in official DLC (e.g. Trust, watch the rhythm in the top right shortly after the linked time) it seems they just use a handshape and space out the notes as appropriate. Sometimes arpeggios might make more sense, but the chord pane can block the view of the actual notes.


Strum direction - not supported. It gets imported into EoF if it's indicated in a GP file, but Rocksmith doesn't have anything to indicate strum direction.

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Thanks! didn't think of using arpeggio for a rake. Might try it out if there's a section that benefits from it but I agree it can block out some view, but just putting the notes very close together isn't that great either so I'll have to test it.


And shame other ones aren't supported, altough I guess for a strum direction, if slow enough, you can just use an arpeggio too or a small distance between the notes but that might make things a bit too confusing

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For stacatto, one "standard" you can see often in DLC is using the accent notation but your ear is always your best ally as a player.


Rake are better with handshape than arpeggios notation since the arpeggios notation tend to hide the note behind it if they are really close (which is supposedly the case with a rake).

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When going with the handshape method, you could optionally also use the "crazy" status to allow the notes to overlap each other if they are played in a way that rings out:



This kind of notation may be less common in Rocksmith so it could get the player's attention.

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Rake are better with handshape than arpeggios notation since the arpeggios notation tend to hide the note behind it if they are really close (which is supposedly the case with a rake).


I see, I'll have to look into handshapes then, don't think I ever used those before. Thanks for the suggestion

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I couldn't immediately find any formal tutorials on them, but basically it's a way for you to indicate that a series of notes/chords are all meant to played with a single positioning of the fretting hand (ie. hand shape as in open G shape, etc). You can select several notes and use Note>Rocksmith>Handshape>Mark (or the CTRL+SHIFT+H keyboard shortcut) and EOF will draw a blue background for the notes, and form a chord at the beginning of the new "handshape phrase" reflecting the notes used in the phrase. You can edit the fret numbering, fingering, etc. for that first chord (what I typically refer to as the phrase's "base chord") to affect how it will display in-game. The notes of that chord that are in parentheses are authored in EOF as "ghost" notes, they indicate the notes that are present in the shape but are played further into the handshape phrase instead of at the absolute beginning of the phrase. If you open EOF's pro guitar tutorial (in the help menu), this authoring feature is pretty similar to the arpeggio feature described for use in Rock Band 3.

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